Did Overwatch predict the future?

Did Overwatch predict the future?

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did they forget the part where robots don't make money?

lol women. not even once, then they'll complain the robot is a pushover because it does everything they say

I want a sexbot(male)


Owmen will get buttblasted that men aren't noticing them and instead fucking their waifubots.

First they take our jobs.

Now they take our women.

How long until they just round us up into camps?

>women trying to spin it as if they'll have the upper hand in the sexbot race

I think it's men who will do.
Fucking robots in only 10 years will be seen like masturbating yourself with an elaborate $400 fucking machine.

when will people realize that women are the problem here?

>mfw poorfags have to buy a used fuckbot

what constitutes "robot" here

because you know vibrators do exist

>implying I would hesitate one second to buy an android/robot waifu
Women are shit anyway, how soon will take?

Vibrators don't replace relationships.

So we can all be happy?

No bullshit about needing an emotional partner or having a partner who has to work for you.

They'll try to get sexbots banned because they won't have any way to control men otherwise.

what is the feminist shit?

women don't have a constant need for sex like men

can I get in on the being fucked too?

>sleeping with robots will be as common for women as watching porn is today
But women don't watch porn nearly as often as men do...?



Translation: I can't attract a real woman so I channel my frustration into misogyny

Sexbots don't earn money for the woman.

They will never replace men.

female sexbots.

Dildo is fine. fleshlight? Ewwww.

Pretty sure sexbots are already banned in Canada.

A robot can't do that either

Maybe the opposite will be true

>Everyone bitching that women will havw sexbots too

You guys are as bad as the anti waifubot feninists. Robolove for all.

What a loss

>>Translation: I can't attract a rich alpha man with a 10 inch dick, so I channel my frustration into misandry


That's what they'll think before they realize those 10 inch metal dicks cost money.

>Humanity dies out because men get perfect robo pussy and women get hydraulic cocks
Time to go out with a bang


Hell, why don't we all become perfect cyborgs so we can BE the waifubots?

What's wrong with that?

we aren't bitching

we just know male sexbots won't replace the parts of men that women actually care about


Nice try sluts.

This. Men need sex more than women. We'll be making 2D tier Miku sexbots before the whales even slap a dildo on a mannequin.

>Everyone bitching that women will havw sexbots too
Who is this everyone nigger?

a whimper as well, probably

Okay fair enough you're probably right about that other user, but what about those of us who can and have attracted/bedded women but still think the prospect of realistic sexbots is more appealing than having to deal with the real thing



if i have the opportunity why not?
One sexy robot and, when i find a girl, fuck both.
IF robots one day reach the point of being the same as a girl (even without voice, or AI), good lord women are screwed.

Good for them i guess?

But that picture is actually pretty good. It's going "you don't have to like it". Which is fine. I won't like it. But don't cry that I don't like it.

That's true, but the article seems to be spinning it like it's not. Same deal with fembots for men. They won't be a replacement for an actual relationship because the delusion required to believe that is a lot more than the general public is willing to go through.

Take a step outside.

Look around you, take in everything that your eye can see and ask yourself: how much of any of this do you think was built or invented by women?

Got your answer? Good. Now, who do you think gets to enjoy all the benefits of this society without putting in any of the work? If you think this article was any sort of shock to me then boy, you're in for a surprise when the rest of life hits you in the face with the realization that women are entitled little cunts who think they deserve everything but work for nothing.

Can you cheat on a robot? Because what's stopping a woman going out with a human meatbag and going out with one of us?

I'm all for it. I strap my wife face down on the sybian and fuck her ass while she has a seizure on the fucking thing.

I can only imagine robots will make things more interesting.


Behind every successful man, there was a nagging woman he wanted to get away from, user.

We should thank them for that.

So it has begun. The great battle of sexes of our time. Who will make the best functional sexbot?

>she's obese

I don't know how your wife gets off with a vibrator on her face, user. She's into some weird shit I guess?

I'd rather fuck a robot than a woman desu.

Literally failed sci-fi writers

>knowing its better not to have kids because its only going to get worse

can't wait to kill male sexbots on the streets and then have sex with my gynoid slave waifu that i keep locked up in my house

>Everyone bitching that women will havw sexbots too
>will have

but they already do, just google "fucking machine" and you'll find millions of porn vids by women getting fucked by sexbots

Good goy,never reproduce.

Yes? And? Curves is the PR friendly term for being a fucking whales, but she at least ended with going "you don't have to like it". Thanks, I won't, fatty. Though I will admit, being able to bribe fatties with chips, chocolate, cake and fries would be neat.

>trying to get men angry at robots with lies

Not gonna work fampai, men have 10x more sexual desire than women


anyone who says misogyny unironically should be sent to the gulags


I remember some '''''''''''''journalist'''''''''''''' who writes articles for some gaming website advertises themselves as a 'writer'. A sci-fi writer. Who is looking to publish their first story.

The fact they HAVEN'T gotten a sci-fi story published makes me think it's so unbelievably bad that the easiest genre to get published in rejecting her might have some standards after all.

>being this much of a pol fag


It's funny when women try to compete with men in anything.

It's comforting to believe that, but I wonder if it's true. If women need men to make money, well, there'll be little point in getting a flesh and blood man for that soon enough. Robots are replacing men in the factories nowadays, and that trend seems to be picking up. Unless someone starts handing out unemployment bennies to men and only men women won't care that much about losing you.

Canada becoming Independent from Britbong was a mistake. At least they have some people in their country trying to fix shit.

What's the context of this webm


Triggered the genetic dead-ends

What happens when the perfect husband robot and the perfect wife robot find out they could just be with each other instead of us?

Thing is, do robots require pay?

Humanity is doomed, basically.

They require electric, so, you have to pay for that. So, yes?


They don't have free will. I'll program mine to be my dick obsessed cumdump.

>having all this cuck women hate shit ready to-go
>genetic dead-ends

We'll see if they ever form robot unions.

jesus christ, if I was the dad I'd just end myself

Aren't they already doing that to a degree. The same way that most fap more than have sex. Women just fap with vibrators because it's harder by hand than man.

when a mommy bot and a daddy bot like each other.
they go build their own utopia and kill humans

By that time we'll have go go gadget robo extendo dicks.

The better question is; what happens when a robot husband finds out about anime/2D?

I expected no less.

what the fuck, is canada just as cucked as sweden?

But they already use their battery operated battons more than they have sex with men?



Canada is trying to be so, yes.

Not wanting to bring another person into this terrible world despite your primitive inclination to reproduce is a noble and selfless thing.

women needs thrill in a relationship, some of them even abusive one.
A male passive robot? not a good boyfriend, maybe for some women.
A female passive robot? well, we know the difference

a gamergator killing an innocent woman

Then he shitposts like the rest of us. A shitposting machine. Unfeeling, uncaring, forever.

The question is, where does legality lie with 'underage' robots? I mean, they're not human, right? It's the same as dolls, right?

I feel so sorry for the law makers when they're mainstream.

Not that user but this world has never been better. You spoiled little plebbit tier edgy kid.

what movie is this from?

Video games and journalism.

>hormone blocker to delay female puberty
Sounds like a pedo's dream.

They are getting pretty close

I sure as shit didn't want to be here, and now I'm forced to participate in society. Why would I condemn another living being to this life.