London holds live WW1 remembrance performance

What's this about Battlefield 1 being inaccurate?

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that black guy looks board out of his wits.

>it's another Sup Forums bait thread

400+ replies incoming, good thing the disgustingly ignorant shit spewed in here doesn't fly in any civilised environment anymore.


> historical revisionism on a soviet scale
> not ignorant

Honestly I'm more upset about Canada not being in.

>you will never storm a trench full of black germans as a trained white male

Im sure a boxing trudeau will be selectable as a multiplayer hero

It was probably too hard to find enough white people in London.

At least the Americans will have muslim king obongo.

Im sure if i moved to the czech republic and was asked to represent the battles of people i have no links to and aren't my history or ancestors i would be bored too.

Being a cunt like you on today of all days.
May you die from cancer of the scrotom.

> scrotom

What did he mean by this?

He meant sage but forgot to type it in the post field and the options field.

Now this thread gets to live longer!

Leftists do always totally fail at what they intend to do in fairness

Jeez I hope this is his job. There's no other reason to be in public/in a city.

Why do blacks have their lips always so inflated?

Do they add implants like insecure women?

It's like cosplaying.

pretty sure that's manchester station m8

and righties just veto everything and wonder why life is shit.

But the British DID use black people in it's armed forces. It covered 1/3rd of the fucking planet. They'd have been retarded NOT too.


I miss when Sup Forums was a repository for weeb and nerd culture, not pissy alt-right EUPHORICS and their "enlightened" views on minorities and equality

lmao reddit is way more racist than Sup Forums

it has the largest racist community next to stormfront

That picture is of Manchester Piccadilly.

Did Britain had black soldiers?
I know they had some in africa, like everyone else, and that they had like a million of indians too
But black soldiers?

I miss when you could make a shitpost on Sup Forums without faggots getting all up in arms about stupid niggers being insulted.

They had very few black soldiers during WW1,forces from the Raj and the rest of the Empire were far more numerous,same thing with WW2.

Reddit is much bigger than Sup Forums but the largest subs are dominated by PC herd culture.

I would be ashamed to wear that uniform if I was a nigger. Fucking ashamed.