>Bad guy
What did they mean by this?
>Bad guy
What did they mean by this?
>not the bad guy
Found the corporate cocksucker.
you don't have to be a corporate cocksucker to realize that communism is one of histories biggest jokes
That he's a bad guy does not mean he's a bad guy you know. He's a nice guy, one of the nicest guys in the roster honestly.
Except he isn't and has never been a villain
Except he isn't a communist, he's just a patriot. He remains loyal to his homeland even after the fall of the iron curtain.
He's not a bad guy, he's not a good guy
Zangief has never been an antagonist in any SF game, they may as well have put Ken instead of him and it would have made as much sense.
Found you.
He's THE guy
I just care about consumer rights to be honest, famalamousine.
He can rape me anytime
>What did they mean by this?
IDK, everytime anyone sees Gief in a tournament the crowd roots for him
So he moves the goalposts rather than admitting he's wrong.
That's it. Sup Forums is Zangief.
The director/writer/whatever of the movie always hated him because when he was a kid he always got his ass kicked by the CPU when he would play SF, so he considered Zangief to be a "bad guy"
Google it. It's stupid as shit but that's pretty much the reason.
That's hilarious, it would've been better if he was the guy who complained at arcades about it.
>Don't grab it's OP
I call bullshit, I think he just didn't know shit about SF and thought Gief was a bad guy because Russian, then when questioned about it had to come up with an excuse. If he wanted an SF villain he could have so easily just had one of the Shadaloo guys.
Looks like you don't know what being a patriot means, burgerbro.
>wreck it ralph 2
>ralph discovers a city inside the internet's sewers named 3tan
>a couple of frogs float by and scream at him
He's not a bad guy, he's just there for moral support. Does that work for you?
Is a doctor there handing out green and purple pills?
He's in a back alley clinic with scuttlebug roaches on the floors
Why is Bowser so cute?
>doctor Pol handing out anything but red pills
>Everyone is equal!
>Except me and other founders, our families, our friends. We deserve better
>yfw the next movie will about the fucking internet instead of consoles
That was literally my childhood lol there was an alpha 2 cab at this Chinese takeout place a block away from where I lived, and whenever I went there to play, the first match was always against either zangief or birdie and I could never win.
How many memes do you think there'll be
>straying from communist doctrine somehow represents communism
how shit you have to be at vidya to be defeated by CPU zangief? All you have to do is neutral jump kicks.
Probably quite a few
Internet bullshit is the newest movie fad it seems
There's that Emoji movie Sony is making, and now Wreck-It Ralph 2
>That's not real communism
But reality is what matters.
Indeed communism is IN THEORY the better system, but it doesn't work. it NEVER WORKS, it NEVER. HAS. WORKED. IT. NEVER. WILL. WORK.
It's just against the human nature apparently.
>they said they were gonna figure out what to do so Mario could appear in the sequel and not have it be retarded
>the sequel is about the internet
In an in-universe sense, it's likely that, like many Street Fighter players in real life, nearly all of the arcade's players ignore Zangief in favor of Ryu, Ken, maybe Guile, possibly Chun-Li. A big muscular guy with chest hair is generally less attractive to a lot of potential players than the aforementioned characters, and doubly so when he doesn't have projectile attacks. This might cause players, and eventually the other characters after seeing him as an obstacle or even as the end of their tournament so many times, to treat him as if he's a villain, even if in the official storyline he's not. Remember, characters do tend to invest some effort into the gameplay: while Vanellope is possibly a stand-out in this regard because of her unfortunate circumstances, there's still the Nicelanders, there's still the soldier who got PTSD from Hero's Duty, and Bad-user in general had to be helping bad guys recover from some social stigma attached to being the enemy. If you're the guy usually followed by the game over screen, chances are you're not very well-liked, and Zangief, who by virtue of being treated like the bad guy even though he's not actually evil probably suffers more than a prouder villain would from his status, might well need the mutual support provided by Bad-user.
And corporate cocksuckers are the ideal representatives of capitalism. There is no ideology that survives once actual people get their hands on it.
You can grouse all you want about how the things people criticize about communist societies aren't "truly" communism, but that doesn't avoid the fact that every time it pops up as the aim of a society, the same fucking shit keeps happening. Again, like capitalism. The only time something even remotely resembling a not terrible communist society pops up, it's a mild form of socialism that's not the fundamental structure of the society. The same way corporations don't completely shut all competition out only when there's some Teddy Roosevelt tapping a bat behind them.
Dumb trilbyposter.
Funny how no one has ever seemed to get real communism right huh? I bet you shit on capitalism too, despite the introduction of socialist elements to capitalist economies.
>Emoji movie
>Googles it
>it's cunt fuckingly real