What have you been up to in the zone recently, fellow stalkers?
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Nah, it's been a while.
Last time I tried little of CoC, only to realize it's technically just a new The Faction War.
I guess I can leave this rookie guide picture here, in case there's newcomers lurking this thread, thinking of starting the series.
Play in release order, without big overhaul mods at first (fixes & graphics are OK), always on Master difficulty, crosshair off, and take things slow. Starting gear suck, and the games have bullet physics.
pls tell me bandits also have buggys
>AI controlled vehicles in stalker
I don't think even the soup cooks are such madmen to implement this.
I played SoC half a year ago, finished it vanila then with some graphics and combat mods, the game look and weapons feel beuatiful and everything, but the ingame world gameplaywise sucked dicks, so I didn't finish it for the second time.
I was planning on installing CoP but I'm too big of a afaggot to get all the mods working again and I don't feel like playing vanilla.
CoC would be GOAT if the factions had some kind of grand questline, something that has more story to it than "go kill some mutants or something"
Thinking about starting SoC. can you visit Pripyat too like in CoP?
yes, during one of the quests
probably not during freeroam
Why no overhauls?
Why master difficulty?
Are overhauls unbalancing?
Are the AI dumb shits who can't aim except on master?
I bought the bundle during the sale, can I play SoC blind or do I need an external patch?
See second post.
Autumn Aurora
>Why no overhauls?
Because their quality vary a great deal, can give you more trouble than by default, plus how are you going to tell what parts were in the core game and what's added, if you don't play vanilla first?
>Why master difficulty?
Higher the difficulty, the more damage everything inflicts. To both ways. So you die faster, but so do your enemies. Thus, easy modo almost makes your life tougher.
>Are overhauls unbalancing?
>Are the AI dumb shits who can't aim except on master?
No. They just have this weird hit % feature, a hit probability value that determines if their shots will inflict damage on you, that is very low on lower difficulties, and only ~50% even on Master.
The AI also re-learns to use some more advanced tricks on higher difficulties.
like said earlier, not necessarily.
the Steam versions are auto-patched to latest, that is the minimum requirement.
Is that the HL2 car?
>What have you been up to in the zone recently, fellow stalkers?
I don't play much as of late.
But I did have a session some weeks ago, just being poor ass loner in the DMMAE (or whatever it was called) which turned out pretty silly since I got seva and abakan in the first fucking stash I found in garbage.
>Is that the HL2 car?
I'm pretty sure that at least one of the leaked betas had AI that was able to use vehicles.
CoP is the only one that works pretty well without needing bug fixes or balance mods if that's what's keeping you from playing vanilla.
>playing STALKER games out of the release order
why do people do this exactly?
>inb4 "someone said it's the best gaem!"
Vanilla SoC is the most stable and gameplay-wise expanded game of the trio. No reason to be afraid of playing vanilla.
I'd only recommend applying Absolute Nature + AtmosFear visual mods on it, to make those outdoor graphics less bland. Obviously FOV Switcher is very handy too.
>that pic
I've never seemed inclined to go the 3A route, whatever that entails aside from using an exosuit. It just seems like a waste to sacrifice sprinting for more armor when a headshot will still drop you regardless.
>that pic
I'll probably make a Zone Creepy Story general later but there is something incredibly frightening that happened to me in my last playthrough of SoC (with the mod Autumn Aurora) :
>After the first fight with the bandits at the Garbage, with Bes and several stalkers that survived
>Night is totally dark, cant see a thing more than 20 feets away with the flashlight
>Total silence, no bandits, no mutants, just me, Bes, 3-4 stalkers at the campfire
>I put the gear I took on the bandits corpse in the crate near the gate and go look for a light I've seen a bit farther away (it was an anomaly)
>Total silence, no firefights, no dialogues, nothing
>Get back to the camp
>Look around
>Everyone is dead
>Quickly search the area for mutants or bandits, find nothing
>Take Bes's tactical AK74U and GTFO of this place
I still dont know what happened. This is the only time I've seen something like that. Nothing is referencing such a thing in AA documentation. I dont know if I will ever find out
is that mod available for SoC?
someone post .webms of Zone shit
It's a standalone SoC mod.
Well i can't use that since i'm using the Complete mod. is there any standalone vehicle mod that's not too buggy and hopefully that's available in all areas of the map?
>i'm using the Complete mod
Why, what is wrong with you?
>It just seems like a waste to sacrifice sprinting for more armor when a headshot will still drop you regardless.
Not a problem in CoP (and CS if I recall right).
On my first playthrough, I got Freedom's Exoskeleton, which has superior environmental protection, upgraded it to allow sprinting, and used some anti-grav anomalies to allow me to carry whooping 120+ kilograms of shit!
Being a literal walking battle tank felt fucking awesome. Dem Monolith scum had hard time gunning me down with anything outside explosives.
>Well i can't use that since i'm using the Complete mod.
Why in the living fuck would you do that to yourself??
It's fucking obsolete, casual as hell, and only introduces MORE bugs than it claims to fix.
Jesus, 6 years of warning people, down to sewers in seconds.
I'm not very familiar with the STALKER modding scene and didn't know which overhaul to choose. Complete Mod seemed like a sensible choice since it's been around for years and it doesn't change much in terms of the actual gameplay. Also it had alot of good reviews and people were recommending it, so..
>Using complete mod
You deserve getting nothing but mockery for being a retarded nigger for choosing to install that piece of shit.
>shooting controller
>tfw he was friend
Such is life in zone.
Ah you know just hanging around Yanov, making Zone a safer place one mutant at a time.
controllers are NOT friendly
he controlled you into think he was your friend
>not having a controller bro to hang out with
Not quite as chilling as much of an "oh fug" adrenaline rush moment, but the other day -
>CoP, heading towards the northwest corner of Zaton after midnight for a stash
>pass a group of 4-5 friendly stalkers in the middle of the swamp, a couple of them appear to be looking for anomalies
>approach the outskirts of the swamp, the minimap doesn't show terrain at all and is useless at this point
>see a chimera in my light, silently walking towards me
>o no
>fire a few shots at it before retreating to the group of stalkers
>it doesn't appear to have followed me back, everything is quiet for a moment
>chimera leaps from the swamp, pouncing directly from one stalker to the next before they can react, killing them instantly
>it pauses to finish one guy that it incapacitated, still standing on his body
>only the leader of their group in an exosuit remains to help me finish it off
>grab my stash that wasn't worth the trip
>feel bad for getting this guy's whole unit killed, pay him to lead us back
So is life in the zone
what mods?
Reminder that CoP is retarded
>bandits sharing a hideout with honest stalkers
what the fuck was that
The ones listed here under call of pripyat
Here, educate yourself, everything you need to know is in OP and second post.
>try to find mods
>dead links everywhere
>can't download a single one
Nice guide.
remastered version for ps4 when?
that is fucking terrifying
>Well i can't use that since i'm using
You can, OGSE no longer requires the base game, its completely standalone.
>using complete
It's a fuckin' pipedream but I'd kill to have a sizeable questline for each faction
What mod?
Everything is in the general, MEGA folders with every mod you want.
dude, thanks you so much for posting this. I haven't felt spooked by vidya, let alone watching a gif a long time. What mod is it? I need to download it and show it to my ukrainian girlfriend
>the creator of this was so butthurt about complete he refused to include it
>mfw call of chernobyl
>Anomaly that morphs statues of characters form childrens shows into living creatures
The soviet, rusty statues.
The horror. The horror.
Neat chart. I think i'm gonna check Autumn Aurora 2. Thanks user.
I don't think this was ever released to public sadly.
Same, although i didn't manage to visit every region yet.
Makes the zone pretty dangerous but a bit overpopulated i tink.
Only Russians can do that.
Is it common to find incapacitated npcs in skadovsk? I always give them medkits in return for the laugh. Alcohol poisoning?
>but a bit overpopulated
>he doesn't know
They're faking.
Faggots want free drugs.
is there a mega link to download the games or what?
I don't feel like paying steam when the money won't be going to the original devs
Download "read me plz" first
thanks again for posting, this is really fucked up
i see dreams of being in stalker world too much
based, ty
>for ps4
Never fucking ever, thank fucking god, because GSC is long gone, you couldn't even do half the requires actions on a gamepad, and slavs HATE consoles.
Any good weapon texture mods for SoC?
>GSC is long gone
Stalker team yes, but the company is anything but gone since they work on Cossacks 3 right now.
just play autumn aurora
I got absolute structures + nature, ZRP and SWO. Just need some weapon textures and I'm good to go.
yeah, fucking nothing in other words.
you could rip AMK's weapon textures, I guess.
They were looking into making a console port for the 360 back when they were working on STALKER 2. Can't imagine how the controls would work though.
>yeah, fucking nothing in other words.
Cossacks series is pretty great though.
>driving around pripyat
>not 1. getting blown up by anomalies
>not 2. getting blown up by monolith fanatics
This webm triggers me
That's not pripyat though.
You're right.
Still triggers me. Using a car in the Zone should be a quick way to kill yourself, though.
that dark ambient folder
p good taste
>tfw had to cheat once I got to the Power Plant because it was 2hard4me
It actually is if you don't watch out.
you just need to git gud user
i was out of fucking health kits when i reached NPP
you don't know hell
Why is Misery so hard? Enemies literally see you all across the map? Why is everyone saying I should play it on Easy, because that's the way to apparently play it. Sounds like faggotry to me (source:moddb comment section)
This is the main reason I love this game series more than any other, the shit like this makes it so fucking immersive.
I remember finding the grenade launcher in the abandonded village my first playthrough, only to be ambushed by a bloodsucker the second I get up the ladder. Almost literally shat my pants. That moment sealed my love for the series.
Why is hobo-phase the best?
>Why is Misery so hard?
-it's made to be like that
-you are just bad
-Enemies literally see you all across the map?
if you can see them, they can see you. Simple.
>Why is everyone saying I should play it on Easy, because that's the way to apparently play it.
They're casual faggots.
I started 2.11 with both Black Road and Dark Mode, and after mere few in-game days I was rocking a kickass exoskeleton in Yanov.
>tfw when Azov was accepted foreigners you debated joining up for IRL STALKAN and you know someone with Ukrainian family who shoots AKs and Galils in the forest near his house for fun
Azov battalion is getting its ass kicked though
Tell me more, especially when and where.
It's not accepting foreigners anymore either, I know someone in Pravyi Sektor and someone in Novorussiya. I just want to go full STALKER but I think I'll stick to buying Gorkas and eating canned food.
Because after playing the games for so long, it's the only way the game is really challenging anymore. Unless you impose some stupid challenge or condition for yourself, like only using 9x18 rounds.
Anyone have the /vg/ stalker challenges image? Need some ideas for a fresh playthrough.
If you were to recommend one stalker game to someone which would it be?
I remember trying to play the first one years ago and it not exactly setting my world on fire. Are any of the sequels worth playing on their own?
Sawn-off shotgun only?
I really should have bought this damnit, why did I let "friends" fool me into buying Payday 2.
>yeah, fucking nothing in other words.
I've always interpreted them working on Cossacks 3 meaning that Sergei/his brother are treading the waters with a new dev team first tackling on an older IP before working on STALKER 2, know knowing how the team works together a bit better and having more funds (from selling Cossacks 3) to keep production going on longer.
Yes, especially Call of Pripyat. But for the love of the zone, play Shadow of Chernobyl first, it's the best one.
Tbh I don't really know, he's pretty secretive about his Ukrainian family but I've seen videos of him shooting AKs and Galils.
Alright i'll give the first game a go again.
OGSE is free and includes the whole vanilla game and more ontop, fully legal too I don't even know how they did this.
So just download and play.
I'd rather do that than the 9x18 challenge honestly, at least mutants would go down relatively easily.
Good luck out there, stalker. Also, check the guides for the games posted in this thread, if you haven't already.
I always like shotguns and slugs. I used to have great fun loading slug+buck+buck+slug in the pump action shotgun you get.