New rewards today

>New rewards today

>Pointless digital coupons
>Most games are stuff "loyal" fans have already
>No new games for platinum points
>Only Zelda Picross

What the fuck is this shit, Nintendo?

No new games for platinum points, just more fucking stupid coupons that don't even make the digital game cheaper than it is on fucking Amazon? Cool, guess my 2500+ points will just expire because these rewards won't get swapped out again before all my shit goes poof because coins only last fucking six months. I'm not babysitting Miitomo forever to get points when the rewards fucking suck and I can't even save up points for something I actually want.

Who at Nintendo do I have to harass repeatedly to express my dissatisfaction with this bullshit "loyalty" program?

They want you to install a CFW on your 3DS.

I probably will when their next platform comes out. In the mean time I'd rather they get to fixing this """loyalty""" program because it fucking sucks. The 15% off coupons are pointless, if I'm paying anywhere close to full price for retail games that won't fit in my Wii U anyway, I'm buying a physical copy. The pricing structure on coins is still fucked. 140 gold coins for the MK8 DLC? That's over $150 in digital shit to get $7 DLC for a game you need to have spent upward of $40 on already to even use.

you should join the real winners club, and download freeshop

This company is so frustrating, why do they think they can get away with this? I'd pirate if I didn't have all the games I wanted already, except Sun/Moon. I hope that's the last major title on 3DS, because I'm done with this company until they get their shut together.

>I'd pirate if I didn't have all the games I wanted already
literally impossible, unless you have the tastes of small child

IT doesn't even surprise me, but they actually made something WORSE than the US Club Nintendo

I'd gladly take that over this bullshit, I always preferred just getting games to physical items and they swapped them out every month. All my points are going to expire before October.

You cant do that if your 3ds is updated to the most recent update right?

>why do they think they can get away with this?
Bruh they got away in the 90s by forcing certain stores to not have games from other companies which led to some of them going bankrupt. They've always been worse than EA mainly thanks to Yamauchi.

Club Nintendo got progressively shittier and now it's completely dead with My Nintendo. I just don't even bother with it now.

>unless you have the tastes of small child
>A child has high standards

>Nothing good you can get for Wii U with Platinum points


>Expecting to get good things from doing nothing and """playing""" Miitomo

right If your confident with a soldering iron though, there are alternate methods

It was all just a ruse to sign up for Nintendo mobile BETA

I think the worst part is that Zelda Picross is 1000 fucking Platinum coins.

>why do they think they can get away with this?
Because it's a free service that they don't have to provide?

>upgrade my 3ds to A9LH+LUMA masterrace
>Skies the limit, you can dude tickets for games and download them right from Nintendo's Eshop

My dick can only get so hard.

>actually using that shit instead of installing .cias

I wish I could play Miitomo. But it's not available in my region. And I couldn't afford the MyNintendo rewards because of it and now they're gone.
Fuck this shit. If you aren't going to make Miitomo available in my region, at the very least make the MyNintendo rewards cheaper and or available for longer in my region.

Is Nintendo the biggest joke of the industry? I used to fucking love their stuff but now it's all just horrible bare bones least amount of effort possible shit. I put them below companies like Activision at this point because Nintendo used to make quality products, but now they just piss on their fans and give them nothing they actually give a shit about. Activision may be cancerous, but they at least give people what they want. It may be yearly releases of shooting games, but if that's what their playerbase wants.

If you happen to have loved a franchise Nintendo owns there's no winning. Unless it's a very small select few, it's dead or given not a single fuck when a game is made for it. They may never die but at this point I wouldn't care if they did because they can fuck right off with all the garbage they've thrown around. Tossing lies, contradictions, or just flat out blaming what few fans they have left is all they can do to save face anymore. Fuck 'em.

>15% off on games
Are they for real? This is most delusional, stuck up, out of touch company I've ever fucking known. Every single old piece of shit in that company that keeps making terrible decisions needs to fucking go.

That pikmin 3 DLC offer weirds me out.
I don't want to pay for it but there only 1 out of 3 on my nintendo, and I have no idea if they will release the others.

Miitomo is shit anyway m8.

If it could have given me coins for the rewards before they expired I would have gladly wasted some time with it anyway.

I only ever get the themes. Coupons and games aren't very good

>mfw can pirate any 3DS or Wii U game I want anyway

It just kills my battery plus I have no gaming friends, so unless I want to add Sup Forums anons, it's useless to me.

Just use your family.

>gold coins needed for coupons
>only way to obtain said coins to to buy said games you get coupons for
>most games already owned one way or another on a 3DS, Wii, or Wii U
>most were previous rewards from Club Nintendo

Just give me fucking codes to use on Badge Arcade already.

>Zelda Picross is 1000 points

Did they just raise the price or was it always like that?

It was always 1000 points.

>Loyalty program is garbage
>No cross-buy on VC
>Barely any third party support on their home console
>Digital games still pseudo-linked to the system
>eShop sales are shit, not even close to Steam or PSN Flash Sales
>Not even a charger included on their handheld. WTF What other electronic appliance does this kind of shit?
>"Upgraded" handheld has literally 3 exclusive games and a bunch of SNES ports.
>Home console comes with a whopping 32 GB flash memory. They STILL PUSH digital. What retarded logic.
>Put aside the remakes and ports and 50% of 1st party games are low effort cash-ins sold at a premium $49.99

>redownload Miitomo
>do the drop for the Zelda BotW E3 stuff
>change mii a bit
>literally nothing else to do
When I first downloaded it I thought you'd be able to talk in "circles" and see random people's content like in Miiverse, but this is just shit.

Why the hell doesn't DLC give you coins? Theres 50+ dollars worth of Smash DLC, and I can't get a single coin out of buying it.

They don't even put DLC on sale ever. Nintendo's idea of DLC is really fucked up.

The company is managed by 60-70 old Japanese businessman

That says a lot.