Steam Summer Sale Gem

Fuck man. A cyberpunk Diablo called 'Kill to Collect'

Had this on the wishlist since it came out & saw it was -75%. Best game I've bought during this sale & it's depressing that it is so unknown.

Seriously, get it you faggots. It's fucken good esp. co-op.

Bumping because this game needs exposure.

fuck off no one wants to buy your game you same faggin shitty dev pls fuk off git gud lamo

Not a dev, but I'd gladly fuck your mom in the ass & leave a sloppy creampie.

P.S: thanks for bumping, faggot.

>Hahaha i said ill fuck his mother mom!
no one givs a fuck about ur shitty game u nigger im going to literally down vote it as we speak ahhahahahaah

> no one wants to buy your game
just to spite you I'll buy it
>inb4 "you are wasting money to spite me?"
Worst case scenario I'll refund it

Keep bampin bitch.
I like you. I still fucked your mom and you got angry about it.

>implying you aren't OP shilling your shit game while having a feezer dream faggot

yes user, which is why there's 3 IP's in this thread

>implying people get angry in 2016
"You're a cuck just like your father" - OP's mom

> Sup Forums is so full of itself, it thinks devs come here to shill

Who the fuck would shill to Sup Forums?
Sup Forums is full of faggots & neets with no money.
Nothing is gained shilling here.

I posted this shit because I was so impressed with a $5 game that had no exposure + I want more people to co-op with. Hoping some of you faggots would take a break from Overfaggot & Dick Souls 3 to play a cool low-budget.

>just to spite you I'll buy it

Kek, you're so pathetic.

>being this mad in 2016

I haven't been angry on the internet since '99, but you bumped this thread because you got mildly annoyed that I promo'd a game I like.

Here, have a frog, because I know you'll like it.

Having trouble interpreting emotion through text? New to the internet, are we? :o)

>implying people get mildly annoyed in 2016
>drake pepe
you and your wifes bf can leave now

Looks like boring shit. I'll stick with Forced

Kill yourself OP

You do realize its possible to comment and sage, right?

I'm going to at least have a look at a trailer, since you seem to give a fuck so much.

Wonder if it'll be a good replacement for Forced Showdown after I burnout on it.

>cyberpunk diablo
Work on your marketing skills OP. You almost got me to check your steam page, but here's a (You).

It's more BoI with persistent unlocks tho. Also when I tried it about a month ago co-op was all fucked up with crashes and desyncs.

Proper Alien Swarm sequel fucking never.

went u didnt even sell one copy but u had 2sell like 30 LMAO OP IS A FAGGOT JEKKEKE gIt gUd

>using "gitgud" in the game's subtitle
I was interested in it until I saw this. It's just Dark Souls "SOO HAAARDD XD GIT GUD XDDD NOOB XD GIT GUD" pandering
I hate people who use those words, DS isn't even that hard, just punishing with how boring it is to die, the game literally lacks a fail-state, you simply cannot lose at all, you always ressurect.
I'm not going to buy your game


Wat? I am and I pirated this piece of shit. Friends-only co-op works with some cracks.

What's the cheapest thing to buy?

Something with Steam Cards is preferable so that more can be recouped.

Git gud and die trying.
OP fuck off.

Hero Siege is actually fun.

Kivi Toilet Shotgun is part of ridiculously cheap bundle where all games have cards.

proof or same faggin

FORCED: Slightly Better Edition?

>free virus

Proof that I did not own this sluggish unresponsive shit a month ago or what?

giv proof or same faggin


hOw dOeS me know if u hav it u stupid

It's app, not browser. It requires login to work. If I had it there would be "in library" icon.

>game designed around controllers

this shit needs to die

If you're going to be cancer about this just go somewhere else, You're just too cringey.

>nothing is gained shilling here
>still makes a thread supposedly to gain more people to co-op with
Uh... you alright there shilldev buddy ?

Ultimate arena

>git gud or die trying
Looks like you died, shill