Sup Forums, help me remember a game

Okay, I've played it, like, ten years ago or so, but here's what I remember.
1) It's a third person PS2 game.
2) You start playing as a blond haired half naked barbarian-looking type of guy. He starts half naked and either starts in a small black mask (like a domino mask, I think?), or acquires it five seconds into the game.
3) The game's first level is set in a cave. It starts by protagonist falling into it, then breaking some wood boxes (I think, by falling onto them?).
4) The protagonist used a sword, but there was also magic there. The first magic you learn was small fireballs.

Pic absolutely unrelated.

Other urls found in this thread:


No, it was far less cartoonish (though in that age, every game looked lifelike to me). And I distinctly remember the hero being blond.

bump, help this nigga find his game

what genre was it?

Third person hack'n'slash. Kinda like the game the first user has shown.


Warriors of Might and Magic


>Warriors of Might and Magic

That user is right, this is obviously it. Down to mask and boxes.

Dickriding this.
>Some sort of action adventure game where you infiltrate a facility as a white-boy 90s looking android with a león haircut, except ginger instead of blonde.
>first level is in some underground warehouse you accessed after sneaking in atop of a train
>first few enemies are police-siren blue cyborgs
>lots of furnances throughout the game. Fire is a common environmental theme.

Help me too with a game please.
-space sim
-cartoony graphics
-about trading and commerce
-it was a race against other competitors
-on pc

To this day, I have yet to actually get very far into this game.

I keep getting destroyed at the torture house place.

>Zelda like game
>You start on a ship
>go to bed having a dream of some ghost thing
>ship crashes in a storm
>you land on a beach
>man helps you and takes you home
>Intro of the game looked like an intro to an anime

I'm using this thread so I can get some help too. I have been trying to find this game for more than a decade without any success whatsoever. This is the information I have:

>Chibi Anime style
>Playstation 1
>It came in one of the original Playstation demo discs (I know there were a lot of them but bear with me)
>The demo was the character running to the player (a la Crash Bandicoot giant rock level) while a giant rock was behind him.

That's pretty much it. Every time I ask for help in a thread like this no one knows, I hope this time I different. Thank you guys.


No user, is 3D, running to the came, no from it.

Is Wild 9 what you're looking for? I looked up a list of PS1 demo discs and the final boss of this one is a running(toward the camera) level, so I could see it doing the same thing with a boulder at some point.
Rest of the game looks weird
Final boss spoilers I guess

Not letting this thread die until user finds his game

Brave fencer musashi?


You forget that Cloud doesn't have ginger hair or leon haircut

if you are really desperate you could go through a list of every PS1 game ever made.
that's what I did to find the game I was looking for.


>PS1 game
>Four(?) playable characters
>Some kind of beat-em-up
>Start in the parking lot to a big skyscraper, fight your way to the top

literally the prequel to the game posted before you and a much better game at that.


What a blast from the past holy shit.

okay, i have another one.

>Game is for PC
>Arround year 2000
>3 playable characters
>A chick, a dude and a robot/cyborg/android thingie
>Each character has their own starting level
>Game is third person shooter in a sci-fi setting

Any other specifics because the only game I can think of Giants: Citizen Kabuto and that one has Kabuto as the third.

could almost be oni

kind of dark, not a fantasy setting, kinda like a space base setting, think the female character started at a space ship (you know, the level starts at it like she just arrived in it).
Multiple routes through the levels.

Ofc. it was about 16 years ago, so memory is a bit clouded.

i know the game you're talking about. It was very orange themed and the box art was also orange. I just cant recall the name

Know nothing like that, sorry.



Glad you could bake it, Uther.

Watch your tone with me, boy. You may be the waiter, but I'm still your superior as a chef.

As if I could forgetti. Listen, Uther, there's something about the plaguette you should knead. Oh no... It's too late. These peopleroni have all been infectedanana. They may look al dente now, but its a matter of thyme before they turn into the unedible.


This entire citrella must be peeled.

How can you even cook that? There's got to be some other whey.

Damn it, Umami. As your future chef, I order you to broil this city!

You are not my chef yet, boyardee. Nor would I obey that command if you were!

Then I must consider this an act of seasoning.

Seasoning? Have you sauced your mince, Arthas?!

Have I? Lord Umami, by my right of succession and the sovereignty of my crown of roast pork, I hereby rehydrate you from your commandard and suspenderoni your pepperoni from service.

Arthas, you just can't...

*Ding* It's done! Those of you who have the will to taste this flan, follow me. The rest of you? Get out of my kitchen.

You've just tossed a terrible salad, Arthas.


I'm sorry, Arthas. I can't watch you cook this.

God I bet you were giggling so hard when you copy and pasted this from Reddit. I bet you thought it would receive a million upvotes and xD's all around.
kill yourself unfunny faggot.

Oh neat, one of these threads
>Small children's game, on par with Humongous games and Monster Maker
>You were a seal
>The setting was at a nighttime circus

I've been looking for this shit for years.

>game is snes
>like an isometric zelda
>you have a harp and a turban
what game Sup Forums?

Why so butthurt dude?

You might want to calm down man, the guy meant no harm


>its a smug frogposter
epic my friend. truly epic. post more copied and pasted memes from reddit rofl lmao


very good
heres another
>also SNES
>side scroller
>you fight as robots

>creatures fighting on tops
>evolution system (kinda like pokemon)

>isometric action-rpg kind of game
>really old
>main character in blue outfit (?)
>teammate found on some kind of bridge, he has green outfit
>one of them can throw bolas, don't remember which one
>there was also a mage and few different characters

Not Knights of Amalur, game was much, much older. I asked Sup Forums once about it, noone was able to help

could you be any less specific?

holy fuck

>lol its a game btw
>and u fight bad guys
>on pee cee

offworld trading company

PS2 game
Some sort of party-based RPG, demo was set in some treetob tribal amazon setting

Looked pretty realistic, at least as how I remember it

okay i'll give you one more hint
>they're also ninjas

Beyblade? or maybe Crush Gear?

I have a game I wish to remember as well.
This is what I recall about the game:
PS1 JRPG, turn based combat, quasy 3D graphics with sprites, branching leveling paths, and healing items look identical to ones in Shining Force 2.

I think your main character was named Ace, if he falls during a battle it's game over, while other teammates are just removed from play until the next battle. The character that lands a killing blow get's the xp. I think early in the game there's some archer dude with a bandanna that is a part of your party.

It really sounds like Dragon Quest 2.

>ninja vs robots sidescroller on snes

that's much more specific and actually worthwhile information

i dont have a fucking clue however

I was going to post this before the second hint

That black one looks like a duck

It was a western game. Also i played it on PC

you got it!
last one
>on PS2
>white hair protag
>can visiblly change armor but that was the only good thing out of that game

Nah, it was only one character at time.

not ony, was not anime-like.

I actually don't recall, thing i remember most vividly was that i had just gotten this as a birthday present for some strange reason;


This thread is about finding games people don't know name of, not playing guessing games : ( (

sci-fi, not dune or starcraft
not sure if 3d or isometric
tutorial mission had a pretty flashy colour scheme, blues, purples, possibly greens, and involved controlling a marine kind of unit

been looking for this one for like 7 years

Glad you could make it, EU

Watch your tone with me, UK. You may be a nation, but I'm still your superior as a union.

As if I could forget. Listen, EU, there's something about the immigrants you should know. Oh no... It's too late. These immigrants all have started to flood in. They may look harmless now, but it is only a matter of time because they start raping.


The borders have to be closed.

How can you even do that? There's to be some other way.

Damn it EU, as member state, I order to close all my borders!

You are not an independent state yet, UK. Nor would I obey that command if you were!

Then I must consider an act of seceding.

Seceding? have you lost your mind, UK?

Have I? EU, by the right of article 50 and majority vote I hereby secedy from the EU.

UK, you just can't...

It's done! Those who still have the will to have western morals, follow me. The rest of you? Get out of my country.

You've just crossed a terrible threshold, UK.


I'm sorry UK. I can't watch you do this.

Is it the one where you build every single unit from bottom?


im done anyways, i was just burning up time for a dl to finish, thanks for playing ;)

Could also be Forever Kingdom.

not sure, but that sounds like supreme commander, which it isn't :^(

anyone know that one fps where you are a cherubim and you could posses the enemy

isometric game with xenomorph creatures and eggs everywhere. You have mercenaries you could buy and augment and take on missions where you exterminate increasing stronger and more numerous xenomorph while buy stronger weapons and ammo.


Anything else?

that was it, thanks user


That Incubation Battle Isle game maybe?

No, it was Windows 98 era PC game. Really grimdark game where space science labs and shit was infested with xenomorph eggs.

i remember one of the alium races having some kind of slow moving floating pod/ship unit
and at least 1 skirmish or campaign map with a barren/rocky yellowish colour scheme



No, it was an isometric game.

Ahem Also known as Incubation: Time is running out

That wasn't it. It had the atmosphere of the Alien movies except you played mercenaries clearing out infested stations in each mission.

>90s PC game
>start off in a castle
>lots of the color gray
>isometric rpg
>have to repeatedly click to attack monsters over and over
been looking for it forever and I cant figure out the name.

That's exactly what you do in Incubation though:



The game I played didn't have any 3d environment. It was all 2d animation. With a generic scifi look to it.

>that character art
belongs in a porn flash

This was my first PS2 game. My choices were this or Gran Torismo. I wanted both, especially since Project Eden said 'from the makers of Tomb Raider' on the back, and I was a fan.
I regret this choice too this day, and thought the controls were complete shite.
Having recently replayed it to show my wife, it wasn't as bad as I remember and the controls were somewhat modern for it's time.
Still wish I could have brought it back for Gran Torismo.

Was the main character bright red, by any chance?

Even if it wasn't, can anyone tell me what the game was with a bright red marine in isometric environments (looked similar to xcom)?


Even less people played that one.

That's the one, cheers!

no, it was really gritty. It had like a Diablo 2 art style. That was a damn good guess though, thanks for helping.

Was it real-time?

I think it was turn progression but I can't really remember clearly.

I used to play this game but I forget what it's called

>on ps1
>you make rpgs
>could get memory card adapter to upload and download other people's rpgs that they make

What's it called I'd love to play it again

Its either Kid Clown in Crazy Chase 1 or 2, you doubleniggers.

Just in case anyone else ever wondered: the game in pic related is called Fragile Allegiance.

Took me fucking ages to rediscover this one.

Well, there is a piece of software for the PS1 that allows you to do that called RPG Maker

Total Annihilation?
Metal Fatigue?
Dark Reign?
KKND (Krush Kill and Destroy)?

none of those, but thanks anyway