Game has chainmail

>game has chainmail
>it is considered as light armor

Other urls found in this thread:

Yeah chainmail is heavy as shit since there's no support harnesses so all the weight goes straight down.

>opponent strikes a really gay pose
>cuts off my hand
>only a little upset

You can thank D&D for that.

thats what you get for using a gay as fuck back scratcher with a dagger attached

>games let me forge chain mail
>it doesn't take several year to finish the job.

Have fun with that internal bleeding

Have any idea what a heavy armor is?

You worn chainmail?
Yeah, do that before spouting shit.

>several year
it wouldn't tho.

Talking for yourself?
There is something called doing exercise.
>doing exersice with armor

Get gud fagget.

chainmail is heavier than plate armor

Confirming this. We got to wear various kinds of armour on a history trip at school, chainmail
was by far the heaviest.

What does that have to do with anything? Chainmail is almost invariably heavier than most plate armour.


>ye olde faggotry armour
>ye olde less faggotry armour

>if you do enough exercise, you can lift a car
>but you cant use a chainmail
Are you high?

chainmail is so under-rated. it's actually really fucking good against arrows and slashing weapons and even a lot of piercing weapons.

I don't think it would be much heavier, but it can't be lighter. Both is made of iron, both covers the same area. If anything it's more encumbering due to having no structural integrity of its own, literally 'hanging' from your shoulders, unless it's supported by some structure underneath, e.g. being sewn to some sort of undercoat.

>forcefield effect whether by fantasy magic or sci-fi tech.

Now bikini armor is justified in those settings

Confirmed for never having held chainmail before.

That's factual though.

No, are you? What does how much you can lift have to do with relative weight between two different types of armour? Obviously people using them should be fit enough to use both, but that's not the issue.

I dunno, most games I've seen with chainmail distribute armor classes something like this

>Unarmored: cloth and well, no armor
>light armor: leather
>heavy armor: chainmail
>plate armor: platemail

one way street to snap city right there. that guy's form on rows is hurting me to watch.

I wonder whats for Dinar

Someone doesn't know shit about some nerd games

Now imagine wearing a full set of plate armor with a chainmail undercoat.

>only wearing chainmail
>only wearing plate
>not combining the two with leather for maximum protection, and looks
You just have to be a strong fuck to wear it like this.

Try wearing those, you'll see how much bullshit that is. Plate is distributed and held on with straps and harnesses. Chainmail just straight falls down onto you and encumbers the fuck out of you.

Studded leather is where it's at.

Now imagine him in a siege for like 2 weeks running and fighting.
for this guys is not possible to do it.
Confirmed for never going to the gym.
keep playing games instead of going to an actual medieval camp, and making your own chainmail...

Chainmail in Oblivion was in the light-category.

How did they get knitting needles strong enough to knit metal?

>Continues to miss the point
I guess you're doing it on purpose. I should only blame myself for responding.

Chainmail would be heavier because of its design. It's many individual metal chains linked together while plate were many different parts attached all over your body. But even the platebody would be lighter, really.

Surprisingly good.

You have good taste user.

WoW also has Plate > Mail > Leather > Cloth weight ranking.

They made needles out of diamonds, duh

>Now imagine him in a siege for like 2 weeks running and fighting.
>for this guys is not possible to do it.
Noone did that, plate was too expensive to walk around for two weeks with it. In a siege, which would likely take more than two weeks, you'd be camping in a tent far outside.

WoW also has pauldrons larger than your torso.


Doesn't exist.
The studs are more likely a misrepresentation of a brigandine or a armet.
The closest leather armor to that is curiboli, which is hardened and blackened leather 'plates' used by the romans.

Ironically those are also on the mail armour too.

Post your armourfu.

>I spent the weekend at a ye olde campe for childrene and tried on their aluminum chainmail so now i'm an expert in medieval arms and armor

Chainmail is heavy because the weight rests on shoulders and belt, unlike plate where it's evenly distributed throught the whole body

WoW has cloth shoulder armor too

But studded leather is not real, it was a faulty reconstruction of brigandines by 19th century historians


>No one in this thread understanding that chainmail destributes its load better than any other metal armor

Anyone who went into battle without chainmail when it was available to them was a fool.

Good taste


>Realizing you fucked your proportions in your illustration but can't be fucked to redo

It seems to work.

"Heavy" is not the same as "Very Protective"

Chainmail distributes its weight poorly, all if it goes on your shoulders and it gets very tiring to wear after a while, I own a shirt of it, all you can really do it put a belt over it to put some of it on your hips but it doesn't help that much.

Plate while strictly speaking heavier overall, does a far far better job of strapping itself to various parts of you so you aren't just feeling it all on your back for hours on end.

Chainmail literally only FEELS heavier than plate because it doesn't have support
Plate doesn't fucking dangle, and its attached to multiple parts of your body
Chain just hangs over your shoulders, and so it feels as if its really heavy, when you really just have the shoulders of a fucking pansy.

That weapons do exist.

>tfw no game lets me play as a Byzantine Cataphract

Chainmail is around 55lbs, platemail is around 60lbs

What's the point of this autistic argument they're almost the same weight


Nigra please, chainmail gets distributed on the body as well

>chainmal is heavier than palte
What the hell are you memers talking about, plate armor was so heavy they had to use cranes to hoist knights up onto their saddles

chainmail isn't light armor in d&d

needles made from rough amethyst, only second in strength to diamond

ITT: people who have never worn well-fitted chainmail.

If it's fitted properly, i.e. made for you specifically, chainmail feels extremely lightweight. It's basically like wearing an extra T-shirt.

because a video game does something that doesn't make sense irl lmao better make a comic out of it


That's probably because people 500 years ago were weaker manlets

A modern full body kit of a soldier is more than plate armor

I think the argument is that pound for pound, chainmail is more encumbering, so even if plate is heavier it won't feel as heavy as mail.

>fit tries to join a medieval thread

well thats great and all, but I can't imagine everybody historically had 'well fitted mail' that sounds like something a rich noble fuck would be able to do, rather than the levys he's equipping.

What edition?


Nigga you just fat


What if chain mail is called light because it protects against light weapons like arrows and swords but not against heavy weapons like war hammers

That face he has make him look like what he's experiencing is just a minor inconvenience.

>implying his levies had any armor at all other than what they could loot

Guys.. for honor is good game right?

I like spooky armor.

People who don't know much about real life weapons and armor think that chain mail is light because they think the links are thin.

It's the same people who think that shotguns lose their accuracy after 20 feet

It's not even released you fuckbutt

Mail shirt is encumbrance 60 while breastplate is 75 atleast in second edition warhammer fantasy roleplay ( which is the best version at least for careers)

Depending on the linking pattern and ring thickness, cahinmail can quite actually be heavier than plate.

No. There is better alternative, though.

>like arrows

mostly just swords, besides, by the time warhammers and other blunt weapons were regaining popularity, mail wasn't in so much use anymore, breastplates and plate had taken over which was kindof the reason blunt weapons were becoming popular.

that was true early on but eventually, at least in england, each soldier raised was entitled to a mail shirt and a helmet by law.

I believe it was lighter in earlier editions. Which is where this wrong assumption in video games comes from.

Could you find a picture?

>So many armor categories
>Shield is only 'shield'
>No buckler, tower, round, arm-strapped, handheld, kite shields

What alternative is there?

That one made me mad too, I want to have an AC over 30

is that a stick with a hand on the end of it holding a dagger?

holy fuck guys shut up
the part where he weighs his cuirass is at 5:03, hauberk is 7:47

a hauberk is pretty heavy, but the addition of a belt to hold up some of the weight is what helps you not get too encumbered

note that most people didn't wear a whole hauberk or byrnie under plate armor by the middle of the 15th century and usually just had chainmail sewn to their gambeson that only covers the armpits

Probably depends on the era, too. The shit we got to try was Roman/Celtic, so that was pretty basic. But the iorica segmentata was considerably less encumbering than the chainmail we got to try.

I can't find it, I have seen it on /mbg/, didn't save it.

what edition is this?

Banner lord?


Chain is medium in 2E and 3E too

>used to play lots of fantasy video games and D&D
>now I run a HEMA club part time, and I'm probably going to spend my long weekend researching and developing a new set of classes for new students
>play very few games with swords now - and why would I? I do this in real life.
Most of the people in the thread are bullshitting, or wrong, or have just enough understanding to be dangerous. When you guys get to higher levels of understanding in this subject, you become aware of how much you don't know. And it kind of humbles you.


Because chainmail is not evenly distributed over your body. You'll have a belt on your waist and that's it. It will be more encumbering.