Quality of games

It seems like a big part of Sup Forums only enjoys maybe 10 games per decade
So, is the industry not doing their job properly or are our standards too high?

Sup Forums is not one person

Somewhere between the 2011 wave of newfags and TORTANIC, Sup Forums basically latched onto an attitude of endless cynicism and excitement at the idea of games being huge flops. It's been a cancer that has sucked away at the life of this board.

Every game on Sup Forums is the fucking worst shit ever and you're a fucking faggot for liking it you dumb cunt.

Most games are just unfinished piles of hopes and dreams that could have been

>dragons dogma

>10 games per decade

More like 10 per year you stupid fuckboy

>excitement at the idea of games being huge flops
This isn't even true. I can guarantee you that most people on Sup Forums would rather have a good game than have the "excitement" of shitting on a bad game.
It's just that games don't cater to most of Sup Forums not anymore, so the perceived quality is no longer there. There are exceptions, but that's pretty much it.

yeah, I can see that

do you think you'd go easier on games if they wouldn't be heavily hyped by shills? if you took them for what they are?

i usually dont look into games at all before buying them and just buy whatever looks fun at the moment

there's no place for shilling in my mind so no

>big part of Sup Forums
>one person

budgets have become astronomically bloated

Its bad for the industry. It halts and stagnates creative risk.

Quality has dropped severely due to this. At least its one of the major underlying factors.

The industry needs to find a way to cut those costs and allow entry for smaller studios to compete.

The loudest group is often the smallest and it's been said that the lurker to poster ratio for Sup Forums is very very high.

>if they wouldn't be heavily hyped by shills
You mean if they weren't ravaged by relentless false-flag shitposting """pretending""" to be shills?
Not the guy you replied to, but when it's so painfully obvious that someone is not actually posting their real opinion on a game, I disregard it, regardless of whether it's positive or negative.

wouldn't small studios count as the indie studios?
if a game ends up being good they become somewhat successful and their game gets noticed

>Ever too high
What, i have to explain myself because i don't like to eat shit?

Not even would call it shit

Name 10 good games from last year that wasnt shitposted. Ill wait

*not many would call it shit

Dude, if you can't let yourself enjoy anything, you should probably find something else to do with your time.

it's pretty fucking simple to be honest. People on Sup Forums don't even like video games, they just talk about them because they're so ingrained into the culture from having very few interests as children/teenagers.

Look at all the shitty "tired gamer" threads that constantly clog up the board. Protip: If you aren't having fun playing any video games, the problem probably isn't the games. Shitloads of good games have come out since spring alone.

>surprised Sup Forums is contrarian

have the threads in the catalog are thinly veiled Sup Forums or Sup Forums threads

close, but not really. During the PS2/Xbox/NGC era there were a lot of "B Tier" studios that made games that were pretty polished but not exactly AAA, nowadays you either get 2D, incredibly small scale indie stuff or bloated extravaganzas with no in-between.

That said, there are still some B games, like EDF or licensed platinum shit, but nowhere near as much as in the past.

We're enjoying fewer games because developers are putting more emphasis on visual presentation, and less is being put into story driven content. So while games look far better than they did 10 years ago, they're also bland, repetitive, and boring.

so 2015?

>life is strange
>boi rebirth
>yakuza 5
>dying light

>inb4 bad games

that just goes to show your elitist shit taste