What exactly is the point of buying 2 if Resurrection is the latest and definitive version to play...

What exactly is the point of buying 2 if Resurrection is the latest and definitive version to play? Wouldn't it be better off just to buy Resurrection?

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Resurrection is just the first game in high definition with some of 2's game mechanics clodged onto it. 2 is more 'definitive' if that's what you're asking - its gameplay is still much more refined because they couldn't add all of 2's mechanics to 1 due to story reasons.

Besides, if you preorder 2 you get both anyway.

If you like one game why not play the other as well?

I dunno user, why play Soul Sacrifice when there's Delta? Why play Monster Hunter 3 when there's 3 Ultimate?

So you can support censorship.

It's different. GER is GE1B with better graphics, GE2B is the definitive edition of GE2.

Because it's not.
At its core it's still just Burst with a fresh coat of HD paint a some new mechanics that don't make up for the lack of Blood Arts and all the other stuff Rage Burst has to offer.
Rage Burst is still the better game.

Not really the same thing given that the God Eater games are completely different games and you just basically posted expansion packs

>So you can support censorship.
Get a load of this faggot

I didn't know if it was or not, I thought it was like all other Monster Hunter clones where they're just expansions. I noticed that Resurrection was the latest and assumed it was the definitive version.

Can someone explain to me why the fuck do you people think the Greek Σ is an E?

soul sacrifice delta contains soul sacrifice almost in its entirety, there's no real reason to play the first desu

Agreed, delta has best waifu

>Game literally adds back in content that was censored from the original release

So what exactly is censored from these releases?

He's mad because there's like 20% less blood in this version

A little bit less blood, like barely.

Resurrection is an HD port of Burst, which was the G version of the first God Eater, that came out 6 years ago. It gives 2's weapons and a new Predator Style, as well as a few of 2's mechanics, but not all of them.
Rage Burst is the G version of 2 that only came out like a year and a bit ago so it's still somewhat new. It has a bunch of stuff that isn't in Resurrection and is the overall better game.

does being slutty and half naked give chicks their power in this game?

>Rage Burst is the G version of 2 that only came out like a year
Japs had Rage Bursts for 2 years now. The original GE2 is from 2013.
I played it on my old psp

it give chicks their power in reality too

The monsters they fight can rip through any form of armor and if one gets you you're pretty much done so there's no point in wearing any form of armor. So instead they're allowed to wear anything that makes them comfortable as long as it's light and easy to move around in.
How slutty it is it up to their discretion.

Rage Burst came out in February last year. Not quite 2 years but it' getting there.



Fuck off


Just think of Predator styles as like, lite versions of blood arts

We can't actually have blood arts for lore reasons

How worthwhile is the plot? Will I be missing out if I only play 2?

Plot is what you would expect to find in an anime Monster Hunter. Nothing really special but it's alright.
2 is a direct sequel though and the old cast do play some role. Resurrection has some new scenes that link the two games together.

You definetly need PS+ to play multiplayer on PS4, right?
God dammit I don't know if I should buy it or not.

Does resurrection have online multiplayer?

It doesn't? 2 does, right?
Fucking PS+ sucks ass.

2 does yea but i'll be buying 2 on steam.

It does.

Because pre ordering 2 also gets you Resurrection.

>Only 2 more months until youtube.com/watch?v=rT0WpdrCJYE
>Only 2 more months until we go full anime
>Only 2 more months until we get retards failing to fulfil their oaths
Oh boy.

>Only 2 more months until we go full anime

>dub only
>digital only

Blood Rage is a new mechanic in Rage Burst. Basically it's a full anime powerup level of buff.
Attacking an enemy fills up a meter for that enemy. Once it hits at least 100% you can activate the triggers for Blood Rage. You have to select oaths to fulfil, which are basically conditions you need to do in order to activate it, and the more you pick the bigger the damage multiplier. You have 30 seconds to fulfil them and once you do you can activate Blood Rage. Failing to fulfil your oaths drain the meter completely.
If you do it, you get increased attack according to yuor multiplier, are invincible, have infinite rolls/ground dashes, you don't go into out-of-breath if you run out of stamina, your shots don't consume OP, faster devour times, and it has its own theme that plays. The only thing is that it only lasts 30 seconds and you can use it only once or twice and only on certain enemies, mostly large or boss Aragami.

I kinda want to play it but then again

>supporting scamco
>supporting dub only garbage with only one good voice per gender

I honestly dont know.

They could have 40 good voices and the only real option would still be Mitsuru

Some prefer blood arts over predator style.

Blood. But the biggest problem is it's english dubs only.

This game is fun.
Why does Sup Forums hate it again?

Quality post. Keep up the good work.

>Dub only
WTF? Why even bother at this point in history? Even the Faggots on Sup Forums have moved on with most anime not being available with dubs, the lazy fucks have learned to deal with it. It's not like normies are gonna buy this shit in the west.

Are the dubs at least decent?

>Only 2 more months until autistfu
Oh boy.

No one hates it , just that one faggot crying censorship and the guys who complain about being dub only.

No idea senpai, I don't understand the dub because of my poor hearing. However what I can say is it sounds horrible to my ears.

It's decent.

I hope more fanart comes out of it.

>your shots don't consume OP
>We can make ridiculous bullets that drain the entire gauge in one shot and spam them

Should I save these skills from abandoned god arc or use them?