New center gun view like Classic Doom

>New center gun view like Classic Doom
>id now in charge of all MP content, rebalancing everything and making it awesome
>New photo mode added to game
>Engine runs like a dream as long as you don't try and play it on a fucking toaster
>SnapMap updates all being free with new content planned for the future (it's honestly incredible the shit people have made with it so far)

Why did Sup Forums even ATTEMPT to pretend this game wasn't amazing?

Other urls found in this thread:

>caring about snapmap

>SnapMap updates all being free with new content
god forbid they make us pay to update a feature

This is such a shitty video, you are honestly retarded if you thought you'd be able to make 100,000 cpu heavy ai using enemies that aren't 2D sprites.

The more you shill something the more people will hate it

i had a laugh
just goes to show you that games suffer when they try and be photorealistic

The multiplayer is shit, I don't think they can fix it.

you can get those knight armors in MP?

Show me one modern shooting game that can have 100,000 enemies on screen without BSOD your computer faggot.
Serious Sam doesn't count because the AI in it is brain dead so they barely take any available memory on the computer

Now I actually unironically love D44M but more than 12 enemies at once would be nice.


i like the song

When is the MP going to stop being complete shit though

>Show me one game that can have 100000 enemies except the one that actually can :^)

Even now it's pretty fun. The only thing I would change personally is removing loadouts and have weapons scattered through the map

It's pretty damn boring because every single mode boils down to demon spawning and team protecting their demon better winning. Loadouts just kill the pacing and it feels like TTK is too short.

SS3 was shit, and he's right about the enemies in it being stupid

It's pure casual shit, no skill ceiling, no rewarding of skill

I don't know anything about this DOOM other than it looks good, but you guys mention multiplayer, is that co-op or a horde mode OR did they actually add competitive multi to DOOM?

Meanwhile, any game that emulates Quake or UT dies extremely fast due to people not playing them because the "MUH SKILLS MUH TWITCH SHOOTAN" autists refuse to play them anyway. It's a nice MP for what it is, not quake fast, but faster than most shooters

Snapmap has coop and there's competitive multiplayer. Neither are very good.


Good, good. Keep spamming this thread

>doom 1 didn't pioneer deathmatch multiplayer
Epic simply epic

But Doom is also dead one week after launch

me to the right

Wake me when id/Bethesda drops the DRM so proper mods can be developed.

There is plenty of people playing, what are you on about.

I never knew user, sorry, I am not a fan of multiplayer, at all, the last game I played multi on was Gears of War 1 a week after release.

6000 people on steam and I bet almost none of them are in mp, just like on launch.

>center gun view
Is this real?

>He doesn't know

Just updated with that yesterday

Horrific shilling.

I've seen your game, it has nothing to do with doom. It is just another piece of shit FPS for the console crowd.

Ha ha, this is like a map editor from a console game. what a fucking joke.

because it's also on consoles..
but doom 2 could do it.
'cpu heavy ai' hilarious. What do you think the AI is doing? theoretical physics ?

weirdly, my game ran fine before the recent update. and now, when i'm in the middle of a battle, it'll just randomly crash to desktop.
there's no warning signs. gpu is fine, low heat, no conflicting programs. nothing out of the ordinary. just pew pew dakka dakka kaboom desktop.
tl;dr update made game unstable

They do more than stand in one spot and fire hitscan projectiles. They actually actively seek the player and utilize the map both hotizontally and vertically. Working together, climb obstacles and try to flank. They are actually really fucking good ai you mong. Hell, on nightmare they will charge a shot the moment you start a glory kill in order to kill you the moment you come out of the animation.

Know what? Is Chex Quest 4: Thy Corn Consumed on?