What's the tactical advantage of iDroid using hologram rather than a LCD screen?
What's the tactical advantage of iDroid using hologram rather than a LCD screen?
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Rule of cool
Also likely better for 3D mapping areas
you can keep your eyes on the field while you look at logistics simultaneously.
If it falls out of your pocket, the odds of the lens breaking are lesser than an LCD screen, since it's less surface.
Holograms don't crack.
what is topography for 500 alex
The display is bigger than the device, so it takes up less psace
You can stick your dick in a hologram
That huge fucking hologram in the air is likely to seen by enemy from a mile away tho.
Well, this.
That's not how hologram tech works
LCD wasn't invented yet.
It's also bright as fuck
You know nothing about nanomachines.
Gentle reminder that hologram displays doesn't exist even in 2016 so that's not an excuse.
LCD hasn't been invented yet in 1984 fool. Use your head.
The patriots suppressed the information
Do a quick Google search
It looks cool.
That's the joke.
because they were giant heavy vaccum tubes back then?
Yeah, holographic iPhones totally existed in 80's.
How did I forget that. My bad.
You didn't see the news broadcasts? It was right next to the segment about a nuclear armed paramilitary operating out of a oil rig
>Why are there holograms in a game with giant mechs in the 60's
You missed the point of the thread.
I'm not asking "hurr durr, why is there holograms in the 80's?"
I'm asking what's the tactical advantage of it being a hologram.
You got your answer.
Delete this thread.
If they have holographic iPhones in this reality, I would assume they also have a proper LCD technology.
good thing its not rl I guess
No. They still use cassettes.
LCD screens don't exist in the metal gear universe until MGS 2, Shadow Moses uses CRT monitors.
So the simple answer is that LCD screens haven't been invented yet.
But iDroid can scan casettes and play them like an iPod.
What? You have a cassette player on you in the game
Not canon. Not all gameplay mechanics are canon, most notably the stealth camo.
Oh, so it's just an interface thing. My bad.
No glare
Don't forget that the screen is YUGE
Why is it called iDroid
Pokes fun at how mindless Apple fans are
Combination of iPhone/iOS and Android
really, nigger?
Technology was advancing uch faster in the MG setting/universe than IRL, which makes me jelly.
I mean they had working bionics before the 1990's for fucks sake, AND they had nanomachines tested in the 1990's, and they later became a mainstream thing in the early 2000's.
So you don't have to rely on shitty drawn on the fucking ground diagrams.