ITT: Games That You Hate With A Passion
Same but it's still the only vidya I play.
Every game I've not played (yet). It's a default state.
So why do you play it?
League. Everyone fucking plays it but me, and I don't feel like getting into it.
I don't play it.
Is it safe to pick up a cat like that? Seems like it would hurt it.
FPS garbage
>Dark Souls 2
>Assassin's Creed Unity
Everything made by Blizzard and Gearbox to start. It's easier to just say every vidya except for like roughly two dozen.
life is to short to hate.
spread the love :3
I have to play it because someone gifted it to me on steam and I'm being polite 8{
>Dark Souls 2
Keep bandwagoning.
Viewtiful Joe
Metroid Prime
Smash Bros
Then why do you care?
Whenever someone says CSGO i have a picture of a third world beggars playing it on their dirty computers or 12 year old jerking themselves off to cases. And slavs.
It should have ended with 1 desu. Miyazaki is a one hit wonder.If they make a sequel to Bloodborne or DeS it will suck too.
Around its torso behind its forelegs?
Of course it is. It's like picking up a person from under their arms.
It's not comfortable over a length of time but if you're just picking it up for a minute it's fine.
Blizzard games
Only rip offs besides of diablo
idk Torchlight 2?
That is not a picture it is the truth. Its full of kids turks and slavs.
I think gaylo and thus microsoft entering the console market is the worst thing that ever happened in gaming.
Ah nevermind. For a moment I thought he was holding it by the skin between its shoulders at the base of the neck. The way you see it in movies sometimes.
Typical CShitter.
Every competitive match i have been in has had a kid init
Diablo is a rip-off of baldur's gate.
It was fun when it started but it's run way to long be funny anymore.
But Japs will till buy it because it's the only thing along with monster hunter they can play on their way to work.
How a game about evolution can be stuck on the same one note for 20 years i can't fathom
Plus they was all of their top tier girl designs on that shit instead of putting them in other games and it infuriates me jacking to characters i know nothing about
Dota and its clones
I played Dota 2 for 150 hours with my friends and couldn't get into it like them, so I stopped. I've been hating it more over time since whenever my friends play it they're always unusually irritable after they finish, even if they win, so I've been trying to get them to sink their time into something less grating on their mental health.
JRPGs that go with THAT artstyle, you know what, the sword the size of buses, androgynous fags, teen angst, awful clothing designs and utterly retarded stories.
Now something like Paper Mario TTYD is great.
Jesus Christ that was the most painful experience I've ever had.
The worst part is Sup Forums worships it.
I hate the fact that it's a system seller even more. That's real depressing for an Emerald kid.
I hate your favorite game
The games have corrupted my little brother.
Just go full on murder mode
I still dont know a game that fits every one of those categories at once. Is it just a meme or does such a game outside of FF do this?
Any game with microtransactions.
The Last Remnant
Anything Telltale has put out in the last 5 years. Pretty much single-handedly killed the adventure game genre.
Overwatch and everything else blizzard has shit out
that's a lot of spider eggs, I hope that cat is ok.
And how does that make you feel?
I lost my best friend to CS:GO.
All he does is play that game. I sent him a text message asking if he had any plans for Independence Day weekend, as we normally go to his parents' place and light off some fireworks, but he never responded. A few hours later after I got off work, I logged onto Steam and there he was... Playing CS:GO. More.
I've been friends with this guy for 20 years, when we were kids. I don't know what the fuck to do.
Tell him to get off the fucking shit games or drop him like you drop a bad MOBA
Pokemon and Animal Crossing
How can anyone find those games entertaining it's beyond me
fuck you i love that game
That one game with the parkour asian chick, dont remember the name right now
I got it in a bundle with some others for 1 buck and I am glad I didnt buy it alone.
people hyped it to no tomorrow YET:
it had poor controls (not the worst, but some were overlapping, could have easily been better designed)
the character runs way too fucking slow for a game that people sell to be about "the freedom of going fast". Seriously, I can run faster in real life and Im no pro.
The models, script and combat is pure shit.
It seems to me that this was popular simply because it had no competition in what it was trying to achieve. I think it would be easier to design a better parkour game
do meta-gaming u faggot. that and catching them all is what makes the games good.
I wish Hardmode returned though, last games have been way too fucking easy
If you play Pokemon for the main story inget your point but from the mechanics perspective it has made huge progression on these last 20 years.
I can get that you don't want to waste effort on learning new mechanics but don't even dare to say that its the same game from 20 years ago.
I don't hate the game, just the fanbase of them.
The game by itself is just a product. The fuckheads that surround them are the real issue.
Its a game made for children. No shit its easy
hey, the lost vikings was original...
sure they werent named blizzard by then, but you got my point
>I can get that you don't want to waste effort on learning new mechanics
Still buggy as shit over the years of it being ind development in standalone +mod
Breathing sound is fucking annoying af, idc if it's realistic.
Early access games are just free alpha testing
>b-b-b-b-ut it's early access alpha, they're not done development!
And they never will be.
Youd think that after 20 years of knowing someone that it wouldn't be so difficult to tell him that he's being a faggot, but he just ignores people to play CS:GO. But apparently the video game is more fun than anything else to him, so goddamn why should I try to ruin what he enjoys? I just have to find a new best friend.
To contiune h1z1 does everything better than DayZ
I hate Viewtiful Joe as well. It's actually something I could never understand. I love character action games but VJ just annoys the hell out of me. It's not the difficulty but the design of the whole thing.
yeah, they can and should keep the surface easy, but they should give the option of hardmode back. We all know that the meta-game is NOT children friendly. Its one of those cases where the base layer is easy but underneath there's a lot of complexity
Probably cause you need to
>git gud
As long as it's 1v1 battles it will forever be rock paper scissors no matter how much shit they tack on.
You only can say a Pokemon game is easy next to a picture of you and the 5 trophies of the mansion, Sup Forums is ridiculously bad at Pokemon and that's why it bitch so much about it.
>it would be EASY
>playing singles
90% of the fucking game is singles.
Wow, shit taste detected.
you are delusional
Honestly this is an excuse that pokemon fans use.
2D Mario games of the NES were for children and they weren't anywhere as easy as pokemon games. The least gamefreak could do is adding a difficulty setting. I've played Pokemon games with mods that make things more interesting, with every trainer having not only more pokemon but having moves that cover their type weakness an it improved the games tenfold.
Shame that what some neckbeards can do by editting the game a little is completely lost on Gamefreak.
That's OK too for a little bit. If it makes trouble that hold makes it go limp and less reactive because that's how their momma cat held them.
>hating a game
Did the game fuck my turtle? Did the game get me fired from my job? Why would you "hate" a game?
I hate the absolute fuck out of the Borderlands series
Both fill me with such autistic rage I never believed possible before. And I bought Invisible War day one.
White Knight Chronicles
Fallout 4
Tales of Zesteria
None. If I don't like a game after 20 minutes I just stop playing it and forget about it. I recommend you do the same.
As much as I disagree with several of the design decisions, it was satisfying as shit to beat those levels.
League, Knack, COD, Fire Emblem: Fates, Fallout 3 and 4, and most dungeon crawl games.
I don't hate it but I regret buying Hotline Miami, just not really my thing. Great soundtrack though.
I have the X Collection, should I get X7, X8, and Command Mission to round off my collection, or just stay with X Collection because only X1 and X2 are any good.
X7 is hot garbage. X8 is solid though, and Command Mission is also great.
>not good
Nothing's more annoying than how nintenyearolds sperg out over this shit.
>still only 4 attacks
>still the same shitty items
>still turnbased with no new gamechanger to mix it up, not even some new meter or comback mechanic like in fighting games
>new "mega" evolutions that everyone hates
>new pokemon that everyone hates
Sure seems more mechanics to me
>only X1 and X2 are any good
You didn't like X4?
>tfw supreme on CS
>tfw D1 on LoL
>mfw you can't stop me from having fun
kittens are a lot lighter, i wouldn't pick up an adult cat like that.
>look at me I'm only high ranked in casual games
I think X8 was a good step in the right direction to make the series great again, and CM is good, it just depends on whether you really want a MMX RPG or not.
You can go without X7, in my opinion it's better than X6, but that doesn't mean its not shit.
Any Football game.
and I hate anybody who actually plays that game seriously/competitvely
even red card soccer?
>mispelling popular this hard
and maybe low quality indie pixel shit, but who doesn't
Anything turn based; I mean - holy smokes! If there's anything more of a snorefest than reading books, it's turn based role playing. Makes me feel tired just thinking about one.
It's better when they're babies and don't weigh as much. It's how their mothers carry them around as infants. When they get older they obviously weigh more and it's more painful to hold them like that, but you can do it for a short time. I only grab mine like that to punish them for doing something he shouldn't.
hey fuck you NFL Blitz is the best AMERICAN football game in the universe