Itt: Holy grial of consistent gameplay and solid game mechanics

This is the best franchise in videogames history.

DaS > DaS 3 > DeS > BB > DaS 2 btw

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Good thread op

Souls cucks literally cannot get any more dellusional.

>this is what post-millenials actually believe

they're OK games but not perfect.

You need to play more games, especially those before you were born.

>Took 3 posts for a /thread

I wouldn't go that far: I love Souls, but I only think two of those are great, and even that might be pushing it.
Oh, and
>DaS > DeS > BB > DaS3 > DaS2

>DaS > DaS 3 > DeS > BB > DaS 2 btw
this board is 18+ only, leave now



Darl Spuls has tje best gameplay but pic related is the most consistent franchise with the best game mechanics.

It achieved LITERAL perfection around DQIV, there's nothing to improve.

DaS2 and DaS3 are completely mediocre. Their gameplay is worse than the other games especially in how inconsistent it is.

BB > DeS > DaS >>>> DaS2 = DaS3

I want to smell her feet

>Darl Spuls

Could be a great name for a sci-fi game.

Oh and mobile users like you HAVE TO GO BACK.

>any souls game
>better than BB

Haters gonna hate, but you know it's true. Say what you want about the Pokemon games, but they are Always consistent, and the gameplay is solid.

You might find the gameplay boring, but turn based RPGs work for a reason.

Back to your cuckshed called /vp/ and don't come back.

The series went to shit after gen 2 with retarded pokemon design and rehashed gameplay.

>DS3 that high
That game is a rushed shit.

If there are games better than Bloodborne you fuck you need to tell me right goddamn now

*Meant to reply to OP

BB > DeS > DaS > DaS 3 > DaS 2

BB has the best level design but there's no build variety, they murdered magic, removed faith and pyromancy and didn't allow me to play as a full plate shield + Halberd Paladin so it can't be the best, sorry.

I really don't care for them gameplay wise though. The battles are completely shallow and based on very little other than just "use the enemy's weakness, don't get hit by your weakness"

The thing that redeems the otherwise incredibly boring combat is the fun of the collecting, but that's gotten pretty bad these days with all the shitty Pokemon nobody wants.

Adventure Island series.

Casul detected

DaS>DeS>DaS 3>BB>DaS 2

BB > DaS > Nioh demo > DaS 3 > DeS > DaS 2 > Salt and Sanctuary > Not playing videogames > Lords of the Fallen

>muh vivtorian/gothic horror game didnt allow me to be a medieval knight bwaahhh

But Cathedral of the Deep is literally the best area in any souls game to date.

It also has the least shitty poison swamp area and the best NPCs.


DO we know what from soft is working on now that they arent doing Dark Souls anymore?

>From software makes remake of Demon's crest with the souls dark fantasy feeling

DaS = DaS3 > DeS > BB > DaS2

DaS DaS3 DeS BB all rated M for Mature

DaS 2 rated T for Teen

>What went wrong?

>le retro unplayable game is the best cuz it's old and stuff

It was meh to be honest. It only shines because the game has such shitty areas (apart from WoL). In fact the interior with the giants is a very bad design.

>Blood Borne 2nd last

Yea nice thread OP, get fucked


Stop embarrassing yourself, little user.

Go play them, they're challenging and fun.

Exclusive JRPG for PS4.

They signed a 2 game exclusivity deal with PS4.

Really hope it's Demon's 2.

They're currently doing

> DaS 3 DLC
> A new IP multiplat with VR support
> The first of two post-BB collaborations with Sony Japan Studio, which is also another new IP
> A revived older IP, so Armored Core or King's Field, presumably

>adventure island

Fucking hell Sup Forums

>From software makes remake of a genre they literally never touched before, and which the current games fail miserably at
Yeah, what could go wrong. Fucking Soulsdrones

Fuck off, retarded piece of shit
Your are a rushed shit too and no one cares

>Fucking hell Sup Forums
He's baiting, no one on Sup Forums has that much shit taste

>Your are a rushed shit too and no one cares

great argument


BB > DeS > DaS = DaS3 >>>>>>>>>>>> DaS2

The order of DaS and DaS3 is debatable because it really depends how highly you value replayability.
Personally I think the existence of Lost Izalith and Four Kings drags 1 down a lot whereas 3 has no ridiculously awful areas like that, but I admit I'm more willing to replay 1 than 3.

>playing memesouls

>Pokeyman 30 year old fat turbo virgin gets triggered when he realizes he wasted his life in a video game franchise meant to be played by 8 year olds as their first game and it isn't even good anyway.

The only 2 games I played were Dark Souls 3 and Bloodborne.

>They were both amazing.

>It's a "Demon's Souls is my first video game" episode starring OP

All video games are wastes of time, user. Yes, even the "mature games for mature gamers" such as your teenager ass as well.

>DeS not the best
>DaS above DeS

Shit taste famn.

>ywn play a Demon's Souls 2 with a full-on Mario 64 hub world
>ywn discover the secret slide level in Demon's Souls 2
>ywn kill a ghost in Demon's Souls 2 who drops a new level onto the floor


You really need to try the first one user, it´s great.

Also Demon's, if you have a PS3.

Reboot then. A 3rd person slow-paced platformer action game.
At this point From Software's popularity will only rely on their IP names since more developers are nailing their formula.
You can even argue that souls genre was a quicker monster hunter rpg.

I hate Souls-fags for making From focus on Souls series instead of fixing Armored Core

fuck you Souls fag

BB > DaS = DeS > DaS2 > DaS3

Brb going to play some nickelodeon game it's fun and all videogames are for children anyway.

Also i exclusively watch pixar and 3d Disney movies lol fuck off with your edgy movies about mature stuff that's just pathetic.

Also what books are you currently reading bro? Really hope it's that new Barney book it's amazing.
Can you believe i catched my brother reading HP Lovecraft? Lol he's such a try hard matute reader edgy cuck.

Fucking kill yourself retarded piece of shit.

>They are always consistent
Nigga they're all the same fucking boring thing. That's not being consistent

nah, the games are shit besides gen 4-5

vergin detected

Yeah yeah, teen, whatever you say.

No one said that they're perfect.

I wish they'd go back to ds1 world desgin, it felt so much better to be able to skip bits you didn't like.

Okay, but "best franchise in video game history" is delusional enough.

I think Way of the Samurai is better

Can your ship dock in m'lady's harbor in Soulsborne? I didn't think so.

At a low level it's very much a rock paper scissors thing but check out smogon, pokemon gets suprisingly deep with builds for pokemon.

Dork Souls is literally for casuals, lock-on Banham combat combined with no difficulty bar means you can stearmroll the entire game.

I bet you first heard about Lovecraft because some ayy lmaos from Soulsborne were inspired by him. Sad.

Not him and I'm in my first playthrough at the moment.

There's literally no excuse for the lack of weapons so far. I just killed The One Reborn and I only have TWO skill/dex weapons, one being the cane that I started with. What the fuck. Also, a lot of the charge attacks are super fucking similar.

Nobody said that all video games are for children, just that they're all waste of time.

Way to show your teenager ass got triggered, Junior.

>rush out an unfinished game and sell it at full price
>apologize for this
>make a new edition a year later
>don't finish that either
>users have to come up with a patch to make it playable
From is one of the shittiest devs

Pokémon is very consistent
consistently bad [spoiler

You have to find the badges to get all the extra weapons. They don't drop off of enemies, they don't come in chests, and they don't just sit around like they normally do.
Unless you have the DLC, in which case you'll find a lot of them just laying around in the Nightmare.

You've gotta kill optional bosses and do optional areas and shit if you want to get new weapons since that's how you get badges.
And each weapon has two variants with different gem slots that you can buy in chalice dungeons once you've gotten the regular versions.

Nope, at this point pokemon fans will love any pile of shit gamefreak spews out

Pokemon is a game for little kids, especially the new ones

>DaS on pc was my first Souls game the thread

No it's too late, he played the third one before the first one, now he'll never see what makes the first one good

He'll only see what makes it worse than the third one


Even sadder.

BB > DaS = DaS3 > DeS > DaS2

Game mechanics are good but not very complex. So it's nothing to really write home about

Since this is a meme bait thread, here's a real ranking from a fan who's been with the series since its inception.

Dark Souls > Bloodborne > Demon's Souls > Dark Souls 2 > Dark Souls 3

post a better franchise.

>The series went to shit after gen 2
Series went to shit after Gen 5.
Gen 5 was the last pinnacle, and before all that Digimon shit happened with Mega Evolution.

>Posting the shit fat bitch instead of best wife

Don't pretend the reason why you namedropped Lovecraft wasn't because of Bloodborne. Too obvious.

Since this is a meme bait thread response, here's a real real ranking from a real fan who's been with the series since its inception.

Bloodborne > DS > DS3 > DeS > DS2

Read the thread.

Anyway, it's not that there are "better" franchises, that's up to subjective taste. But thinking Souls is the be-all-end-all of video games only shows how small your experience with video games are. Play more games, play games from before your time.

I like Souls, don't get me wrong, but it isn't even on my top 50 franchises.

>Le DS2 is the worst
When will this retarded meme end?

DS2 literally has better lore than any of the other Dark souls. Demons and Bloodborne are level with it. The only truly off thing about DS2 was the world design not flowing together.

Sony's Mario.

Cool. Have fun

For me it is. I always played nintendo games and consoles only. Demon souls finally got me to buy a ps3. Loved every game since.

>those teeth
lol. just lol. literal 2/10 not even memeing.

>nobody here knows the proper souls order
DaS = BB > DeS > DaS3 > DaS2

>Has the shit version of DaS
>complain about it being the shittiest


I actually have his whole collection,.

Oscar Wilde too.

HP became a meme, just like Joy Division.

But becoming a meme doesn't stop making something the best at it's genre.
nostalgia test

DeS > DkS3 > DkS2 > DkS

Where the fuck is gta san andreas you gigantic fag

Hey man just give it a try. I havnt played it but I only know good from Hori. What if you find out its your new favorite game?

>all that nu Sup Forums shit I have no idea about
jesus christ

Bloodborne is the only one I really loved because it felt the most stylish and unique.

I even imported Demon's way back when; and I always had this feeling of "Yeah, I get it, it's neat." but I never loved the game or anything.

Enjoy trying to play DaS on PC without getting buttfucked by meme hackers.

From's games will always be better played on consoles.

None of that.