Hey guys, I have a question about legality

Hey guys, I have a question about legality

How much legal trouble would a developer get in if they were to make a game depicting the protagonist serving alcohol to a child ? And then the child drinking it ?

What about a game where the protagonist can get it on with children, assuming it's not explicitly shown BUT it's explicitly stated that the protagonist did it ? What if it's only strongly implied ?

What about a game where in-game children are taught hate speech, to become kamikazes, etc...

Basically everything about children is go, I'd like to know what's the most fucked up situation involving children that you can put in a game without having too much legal trouble.

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It'll be a moral issue, not a legal one.

if its a AAA game the media will lose their shit
if its a game the mainstream doesnt know about nobody would care. Kind of like those 80 OVAs

Should be fine. I think it's brutal murder and porn of children that's usually a no no.

Worst case scenario the ESRB won't want to give you a rating and Gamestop won't stock it.

So for an indie game... No repercussions at all?

japan does this ALL THE TIME and they aren't going to jail

you'll be fine user

Most of the people on Sup Forums are too young to remember this, but there was a best-selling RPG series in the 90s called Ultima.

A running gag through most of the later games was that there would be a situation where the protagonist would be pressured to kill children in order to escape a bad spot. I remember a spot filled with feral children in the forest of Ultima 8: Pagan.

The funny thing is that you could flat out murder these kids and I don't remember any negative consequences for doing so. Most people on Sup Forums only remember the killable children from Deus Ex or Fallout 1/2, not the ones before that.

The killable children in Fallout 1/2 were removed in the GOG editions because of some weird external pressure, so you won't find them any more.

>Sup Forums isn't an oldfag like me!

Alright, thanks guys. I couldn't find anything about it with my google-fu, though I'd check that it's because there actually isn't that much about it.

Yeah, but Japan laws about children are weird anyway. I mean it's the lolicon country. Or are there laws not that different ?

I just find it hypocritical when some people obsess over how "casual" outsiders are about their hobby, but don't even understand their own hobby's history. It's more amusing than anything, like a child yelling "I'm not yelling!"

the worst part about the children being removed was that they weren't actually removed, but made invisible, so the children could still pickpocket you, and you'd never be able to get your items back

I am using this information to put Japan in jail now

All he wanted to do is lay down some info, you don't need to berate him like a fuckwit.

That explains why my stuff randomly began to disappear when I replayed the GOG editions.

Thought I was becoming senile.

jesus man just watch the fucking Spoony videos and you'll know enough without playing the games

Expect a huge backlash by SJW and the media, but its free marketing.

The media would lose their shit but the most that would probably happen is not being able to sell the game in australia

I remember that cringe-worthy scene at the end of Ultima 9 where a little kid begs you to kill her because she's been "tortured" and "poisoned."

Instead of feeling emotional or disturbing, it feels like this embarrassing DeviantArt-tier attempt at trying to make you feel guilt. That series really ended on a low note.

I almost wish they kept this in the game.

The funny thing is that no one really pressured them to remove it. They just didn't think it was funny or appropriate.

Is user making the child-soldier management game Kojima was too pussy to go through with?

Just say the child is really a 1000 year old dragon and you'll be fine

Reminds me of Messiah

This game had such great ideas, but it was just such a chore to play through most of the time. Most of Shiny's games were "good ideas, inconsistent execution" aside from Earthworm Jim.

would people get buttblasted if a game let you play as a german soldier during ww2?

You should drink only once you're 20!

never really saw a game that did any of that

What the shit? That is retarded, and sounds incredibly confusing.

Are there any other games that had content changed for one reason or another that affected other things in the game?

>How much legal trouble would a developer get in if they were to make a game depicting the protagonist serving alcohol to a child ? And then the child drinking it ?
0, you can't get into legal trouble for having a protagonist that's a bad person.

Yes, because they were all bad. All bad. The "just following orders" excuse is very problematic.

Is HellMOO that creepy text MMO with the childn mutilation and rape?

That shit's crazy. Not even offensive so much as laughably absurd.

How new to games are you? There are fucking hundreds of games that let you do that.

I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream

The entire fifth of the game about the Holocaust was restricted in the German version, which makes the good ending literally impossible to achieve without modding the game back.

>being this edgy

I think the OP want the protag to be a good person

I can't think of a single book/movie/game/whatever besides the islam bible thing where a character has sex with kids AND is shown in a positive light

> Rule of Rose

Fucking Atlus. A little girl even lifts her skirt up in the opening cinematic.


You haven't read enough bad webcomics then.

Fortunately for you

They weren't even erotic comics, what the fuck

barley any single player campaigns for the germans tho, its mostly multiplayer picking between sides

Would the South Park series count?

True, the only game off the top of my head that has a campaign where you play as Germans is RO2 and that's just multi with bots. As long as most people believe that all German soldiers during WW2 were Nazis no mainstream dev will dare make a game where the protag is one.

Couldn't you slaughter all the child NPCs in the Phantom Menace game from 1999? I never played it but I vaguely remember hearing about that.

Is the gog version uncensored?

You can accidentally kill child NPCs in Baldur's Gate and the early Jagged Alliance games.

Atlus only published it, and only in the west after Sony refused to.

I honestly have no idea. It probably is the original version. I don't see why they'd put the German version up there instead of the original.

Spain is supposedly equally chill about it, if Sup Forums is to be believed.
AoC in most of continental Europe is like 13/14 too, IIRC.

>Adults aren't attracted to kids.

didn't metal gear solid 5 have african child soldiers?

But it's true.

You can kill children and sell them drugs in Pathologic

theres no way that isnt a boy

Nah, sorry to disappoint.

He's right though, less than 5% of Sup Forums would have played shit like Ultima or Wizardry

>somebody evidently has a broader horizon than I do, but if I meme arrow the SHIT out of him, I'm sure my insecurity will go away at some point
Do you like what you do, user?

>unironically watching spoony

that's for two teenagers together from memory

once they're over 18 you can't have sex with anyone younger than 16

>user lays down info about child violence in video games
>treat it as elitist remark

Insecure about your intelligence?

That's kinda up to the player. I mean he _can_ simply decide "yeah, I'll be the king of crime".

Legal trouble?


Its just a public relations problem.

Hatred was such a big success, wasn't it?

>once they're over 18 you can't have sex with anyone younger than 16
Huh. That's a weird requirement.
But then again, the AoC here is 16 for straight people, I think it's 18 for gays and I'm not sure lesbians have them.

The problem with hatred is that the game sucks.
But the controversy helped the game a lot.

Its 14 here in austria.

Is there anyone that didnt start drinking with 14 or 15?

It used to be 13 here in mexico until usa changed it to 18.

Didn't you guys have really restrictive censorship, like not flat girls in porn? Or was that just overblown? We've got all sorts of weird restrictions here (including a loliban), but I've never heard of anyone being prosecuted for it.

Almost everyone here starts drinking before finishing primary school...so like, 10-13.

I didn't drink till I was 19

>Didn't you guys have really restrictive censorship, like not flat girls in porn
That was us in Australia, but I think it was overturned

Austria, not australia
The one with the mountains and Hitler.

Sorry, I actually read the post as Australia for some reason. Which doesn't make any sense because it was about continental Europe.
I'll just stop posing now.

>ywn be father the of a qt and have an excuse to caress her prebuscent chest in public

I'm 30 and a I have only gotten actually drunk like 5 times in my life. Never been my thing.

That's not an excuse, you still look like a creep

>yfw your daughter dies from breast cancer because you didn't check her chest regularly for lumps

In prey there was a scene where a kid gets possessed and impales another kid.

I drink at least 1 beer per month and I've gotten really drunk like 3 or 4 times in my life and i'm 25

Still, the "No tiny tits in porn" thing never actually happened, it was just a proposal or something and it spread around the internet as a law.

If you are in South Korea, you will get fucked. Prepare to be labled and registered as a pedophile and sent to prison.
Not sure about Canada I remember my friend saying drawn depiction of children in a sexual way was illegal there as well.

SJWs invaded japan in 2011 and tried to ban lolicon, they got completely BTFO and were never heard from again

They did slap us with enough Geoip blocks to make it a pain in the ass.

uh guess they didn't block my country because nothing changed for me italy

I get drunk several nights a week because it makes me sleepy and otherwise I stay up all night.


Whatever happened to that goofball Ishihara?
I heard he ran for PM at some point after his term as Governor of Tokyo ended.

are you a cute italy gril