You gotta save the world. There will be PVP too

You gotta save the world. There will be PVP too.

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Bow and Sanguine, kite faggots all day every day and be the most annoying piece of shit ever.

Bow + Spark
Main issue is enemy closing in and enemies with too high defense and spark helps a shit ton with both

Bow+spark. Stunlocking is always the best strategy

Bow and Air enhancement

Ignoring stats, this would make it piss easy to pull back the string meaning you could increase its shit speed,damage and range by probably double (Especially since my arms are none)

>No polearm
Fucking gay.

Either sword and frost, or sword and phantom.

pole hammers are literally the best
prove me right

I'll take the axe with phantom

Axe, sanguine.

Air Warhammer.

Free expansion pack

>No guns
OP must be a fucking faggot.


stabbity stab niggers

Gun is secret item

perfect, dual wield the gun and kill everyone else


>no dildoblade
baka desu senpai OP

Phantom spear

>20ft melee combat range

You can only get them from defeating this guy.

That bow looks like a boat with an oar

Looks likea bitch. Let me at him.

>not using phantom hammer to hit people from 16 feet away



Mah nigga.

all I wanted was a holy hand grenade. It isn't there, what the fuck man.

dual wield flails

all day every day

>no nipple shields
how do i save the world now?

New Content patch

>mfw quad wielding phantom dire flails

>quad wielding guns
have fun in hell, lads