Buyers remorse thread?

Does anyone else feel like they got scammed?

Waiting and waiting, going beyond 4 years and now sony is launching PSNEO and still no games.

What the fuck Sup Forums. Explain the appeal of this shit to me, because I don't get it. Maybe it's because I'm not a diehard fan of sony or any fucking corporation, like some of the dicksuckers.

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shitty japanese games that you can import from Sup Forums's advertiser,

>he fell for the ps4 meme

Wow, really. Well thank you. 4theplayers!

I only use it now for playstation vue, I have been really disappointed with the ps4

i just want a pc now

i only have fallout 4 for my ps4 and nothing else because i don't want to buy ps plus to play online

i haven't used my ps4 in like a month now, it's basically just a fucking netflix box that my mother uses now.

wow, amazing. Can you pay with real american dollars?

Have you ever thought that maybe it's just not for you?

Have you ever thought about doing research?

XBone and PS4 are just multiplat toys. It's 2016
if you want a console for exclusives, go WiiU
if you want a console for narrative exclusives, go PS4
if you want to watch a football game, change the channel.

I bought it for Bloodborne, Yakuza Ishin and and FFXV
The first is the game of this gen so far, the second is pure fun, the third is shaping up to be the GOTY as well.

Also eager to play stuff like Nier:A, Gravity Rush 2, TLG, Persona 5 and KH3

If you bought a platform without knowing what and when to expect, the joke is on you.

>inb4 consolefag
With a pc more powerful than good half of Sup Forums has

I do now that the PS4 neo is a thing. If that shit wasn't coming out I would think PS4 is decent. Not anymore though. Gonna join the PCuck race soon.

I have buyer's remorse for days dude.

Just wait until they add modding support to it. Every PC gamer will finally get off their high horse

I'm just going to get a PS4 once it's price tank during the Neo announcement.
Sony are ultimate retards:

>Prevent peoples from getting a PS4 this whole year due to the Neo rumor
>Still doesn't announce it despite being obvious
>Neo specs aren't high enough for any massive performance improvement
>Kill one of the last things console are appealing for; Longevity
>Think peoples will be happy about this
>Think peoples won't just buy a fucking PC, when this is what Playstation is boiling down to


ADD much? what games do you have more than 10 mins on

going to snag a cheap on on craigslist when neo is announced. really only want it for bloodborne

There are even games in that picture that have more than 10 minutes played. Fuck off retard.

nobody even asked for a new ps4, and ps4 was outpacing the fucking ps2 was set to become the new highest selling console ever.

and now microsoft are coming out with the fucking scorpio and it's going to assfuck the neo's specs.

gg sony. there is indeed no point to consoles anymore since they're gonna have half gen upgrades like this all the time now.

you can thank Sony for rushing into VR

ps4k is much worse than 32x. 32x was an addon while ps4k is a new console.

No regret and I'm not even mad about the neo as all the games will probably be playable on both.

But hey I don't see you crying about yearly graphics cards and feeling "ripped off"

all those times don't do any of those games justice. you should kill that poster, then turn the gun on yourself, faggot

Fuck off underage

I bought it for weeb shit and I'm not disappointed however I am with there current Western AAA titles .

Hell even microsoft is putting up a better fight right now and if Scorpio is the real deal they might win the gen because sony has there heads far up there asses.

how's summer treating you, lad?

Are you implying you can't see the summer from your basement?

Xbone shouldn't of bought it regret it to this day

>Explain the appeal of this shit to me, because I don't get it.
You got scammed and you're a retard for buying a console sooner than 3-4 years after launch

>had a 360 for 7 years with XBL
>never had any problems save for a RROD once
>bought a PS4 a few months ago
>after just a week my PSN account gets hacked

Did I get memed?

I just bough this. I shouldn't have
It's not ANYWHERE near as good as the PS1 Wipeout games which are still some of my favorite games of all time.
>12 tracks extremely short track even with the Fury DLC.
>PS1/2 games' tracks used to need around a minute for a lap, so all tracks are twice shorter than usual
>Garbage OST
>Worse handling + narrow tracks makes for chaotic experience when there's so much weapons this time

Thanks Sony for killing the studio. Wipeout didn't deserve this rape.

>Waiting and waiting
The first half of this year was fucking amazing for me

Also, if you got a console so early only for exclusives you only have yourself to blame, expecially after the previous gen. If your ONLY interest is AAA exclusives then wait until the last year of the generation

That VR lineup is solid as fuck, but I don't want to support VR in fear of seeing all future games becoming FPSes

>and now microsoft are coming out with the fucking scorpio and it's going to assfuck the neo's specs.
How does that matter?

PS2 was buttfucked by Xbox's specs and it didn't matter one bit.

PS4neo having 1.8 less teraflops means it'll be cheaper, even if just by $50, and regardless no mid-gen upgrade will change people's minds about the games. People are getting PS4's more than Xbones 2 to 1 because of the library, you can meme about it but thats it

Its actually a little astonishing its been 4 years. Granted I haven't paid attention to consoles since the Wii came out.

nice list of PC games and anime shovelware

Its not a bad game but its a shallow as fuck game
>Even if you did 'git gud' you would be limited to how many retards are on your team
>No bunny hoping
>Guns arent even guns they just spray in any direction they want
>You killed X for 2 points :^) (doesn't say whether it was a killing blow or assist)
>Massive balance gaps
>Loot boxes making leveling pointless.

Saw that coming. Glad I stayed out of it and saved my money for factorio.

I had alot of fun with my PS4. Got some great games on it.

should i buy ps4 now or wait for psneo?

This was semi salvageable before, but now after neo. Holy shit i regret it. I'm gonna probably sell it.

you should either wait for neo news or wait for the inevitable price drop on the original ps4 when neo is announced. thats my plan at least

>implying anyone is going to buy Project Scorpio
Shit's going to cost $599 US DOLLARS and will be outdated by the time it comes out

My friend keeps trying to get me to buy this shit, it honestly looks really boring and just a reskin of TF2.

>Last Guardian
>Nier 2

That's all I care about, i just want them to announce the PS4NEO so i can consider my options when LG comes out.

You didn't get scammed, they delivered a product that worked.

But you were fucking retarded for buying it right away.

Look at me, I waited three years for a WiiU and I'm satisfied because I got it dirt cheap. Same with the Xbone, and the PC. And waiting on the PS4 worked fine, because I can get a NEO instead.

Anyone who buys early is doing it fucking wrong. You get suckered in on a hype train and regret it six months later when you realize you jumped in too early to get the most out of the thing you got. Especially in video games, where you can get sales if you just wait long enough.

If you buy something for anything more than half of it's initial value, you fucked up.

>narrow tracks

you are totally fucking retarded.

No and too bad you didn't think your purchase through

And you're blind as fuck.

$600 seems like a low end estimate, I fear they might price it higher.

The PS4 for me is shaping up to be another PS3.

By this time next year it will definitely be worth it, but that's four fucking years after the console launched. And they've decided to make it obsolete with a reiteration.

So it's like how the PS3 turned out to be but they somehow made the situation even worse.

sasuga Sony. Really hats off to you.

Literally sold mine this week. I dont regret it, but ive played everything I want until next Spring/Summer Only game I want to play is Last Guardian and I can wait til its psplus like ico and sotc was.

Im down to pc, hacked wii u and a cfw ps3 for my exclusive needs.

PS3 at least had free online and better exclusives beyond Uncharted movie-game crap.

Go back to PS3 or 360.
Every console generation will be shit from now on.

user I know this isn't even your picture but are the Tales of games on PS3 any good? I haven't played that series since Destiny & Eternia on PS1

Yeah the online thing is just... bad manners. There isn't a single game I'm interested in for multiplayer that's out or coming to PS4 besides Bloodbourne. I'll be skipping that scam altogether when I do get one.

And that's why I'm hoping a lot of the stuff shown at E3 this year from eastern developers will be out within the next year. I only pay attention to a few western studios at this point, and they sure as shit don't make anything PS4 exclusive.

same here. I really want to play some ps4 games, so glad I waited it out. Fucks sonyggers in the ass and I get a discount or to play immediately with better performance and a good library

But, but you have bloodborne!

Oh so many...

>Battlefield 4
Did nothing but crash

>PayDay 2
Connection issues like crazy

>The Division
Pretty self explanatory

>Playstation Vita
Nothing but indie anime games

Died on launch

Died within a month

Died within a month

I'm actually glad I got a ps4. It gave me the final push I needed to never buy a console ever again, going full PC baby.

You deserve every single ones of those you stupid fat normie.

I bought a ps4 for overwatch a few weeks ago

played through the new ratchet twice (got it in a bundle with that and u4) and have 90ish hours on OW

the only thing keeping me from using it more is my own apathy, there's plenty of games I can play now or later so I'm happy with it

I know I should've waited for the neo or a price drop but I'm not that patient and time is money etc

thanks overwatch for giving me a reason to buy a fucking ps4 finally

make the remorse go away by killing yourself, op

Glad I didn't buy a ps4 on launch considering the library is only starting to pick up now. Holding out for the Neo hoping it can provide solid 1080p 60fps and maybe a larger Hard drive with at least 1tb storage.

Thanks to the PS4, I joined the Master Race, best decision ever. For the rares PS4 titles I'm interested in and take fucking forever to be released, I'll just wait for the PS5, and buy the dying PS4 NEO.

Here's an insane and revolutionary idea.

>Calling someone a normie

He literally proved it himself.

I can't fucking believe how great it is to not care about graphics.

So long as it runs, I'll play it. It doesn't hurt the game in my eyes if graphical fidelity is bad, hell, I played the fucking N64 and it's fuckups in terms of graphics.

If you can enjoy those games, it's no hard feat to play these new games with 30 FPS OR 60 FPS.

>going beyond 4 years now
It came out october 2013 (i think) but somehow we are already more than 3 years into it?

I feel like there's just no games out in general
Regardless of it being ps4,xbone,pc...
There's no releases or exclusives

i agree.

If any of those are real, then you have terrible taste.
>System Shock 2
>Dawn of War
>Legend of From rock
I can't even insult you properly because of the variety. How can you hate so many good things?

>From rock
Oops, revealed I was a phoneposter.

>not only a blizzdrone but a sonygger too

you bought a console for ONE FUCKING GAME THAT YOU CAN GET ON THE PC




Seeing someone say that always makes me cringe, mainly because I see everyone saying it everywhere now, just like "cuck" and "salt".

>why would you play video games on a video game console

because I'm not a fucking autistic faggot like you who spergs out at anons who aren't playing his casual shooters properly

I didn't want to deal with the hassle of building a PC or the extra costs and liabilities of it either

not to mention PC has shit for exclusives

Normalfag scum behavior.

i doubt it. it's microsoft and they can bleed money literally forever. I bet it will be $500, maybe even $450.

>not to mention PC has shit for exclusives

And consoles are doing any better?

This. I got mine specifically for a shitload of games that I wanted to play that were already out. Read the goddamn market before making a purchase. I spent an entire two months making sure the PS4 was worth buying, and E3 this year only cemented my conviction. The games I've been playing so far have been great, and FFXV is looking like it's gonna be a gen definer.
