Bloody Roar

Hey Sup Forums, last week there was a really good thread about Bloody Roar and I was convinced to play it by an user here. I found a copy of BR3 and beat it with Shina last night, it's pretty good.

Bloody Roar/Hudson Soft thread.

Played BR 1 & 2 on PSP again.
Realize that this franchise is dead.
Those feels man...

1 and 2 are on the psp? I wasn't aware of that.

>What is emulating?

Mah niggah

Alice best girl.


I thought she was going to be the resident pro wrestler of the game ala Tina from DoA. She has a dropkick and a suplex so i'm pretty happy with her.

Shina is an absolute monster once you learn how to do air cancel combos

>Hudson Soft
it still hurts

That's fucking insane. It was my first time playing it last night, so all I really did was spam her kick move that is kinda similar to chun-li's lightning kicks, qcb+X I think. When I do that, I kinda glow green, what is going on with that?

>tfw there will never be another Bonk game.
I want off Mr. Bone's Wild Ride.

>Not wanting to play PS1 gems on PSP for free
You are dumb

Attacks with green electricity around them are guard attacks, it pretty much means the attack has armor on start up.

They can still be hit by low attacks and guard breaks.

Guard breaks are attacks with a gold flash, Guard breaks guard crush light guard but are blocked by heavy guard normally.

heavy guard is R1 right? light guard is holding back I assume.

Yeah, also you can dodge attacks by tapping heavy guard and forward just as you are about to get hit.

Light guard is neutral. I.e you don't press anything.

Also 3>PF = 2>1 >>>>>>>

What about Extreme on Xbox?

Man I just bought a stick for my PS2 last week and playing Bloody Roar with it feels so much better, I feel like I can do Kohryu's combos more fluidly now.

It's got half an extra character. That's cool I guess but I couldn't imagine playing it with that controller. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that PF is the better of the two.

GC controller was every bit as bad as the Xbox controller for fighting games.

Eeeh I dunno. Rolling motions with the stick were ok but the dpad is a Fucking write off on GameCube. I think it's more to do with the Xbox buttons, I dunno they just don't feel right to me.

Ps2 is the best controller for bloody roar anyway.

is this game still played competitively?

Online PCSX2 Bloody Roar when?

And Sup Forums hails it as the greatest controller of all time. Fucking hell.

Anyone saying Soul Calibur 2 plays best with the GC controller needs to get shot.

What happened to Sony using Bloody Roar to compete with xbone's KI?

I need more BR. And I need more BR music.

On a personal note, I have only ever played Soul Calibur on Gamecube.

When did they say this?

GC didn't seem that bad when I played AC-ism on CvS2 with Nintendont.I mostly use CCPro though. What does DS2 have over GC?

D-pad and triggers that's about it really.

Better Dpad
Better face buttons
Better triggers
Better shape
Feels less cheap and tacky

Honestly trying to play on the GC controller was so bad i resorted to buying an adapter that let me use my PS2 pad

GC isn't really a good controller. It's an average one at its very best. People only think it was good because most Gamecube games were built and programed with the controller in mind

I like the way it fits in my hands. Button placement is weird, but weight and ergonomics are second to none.