>Someone is leveling new alt
>guild says congrats every time they get a level up

I could stand it in Vanilla, but now with the increased turbo leveling it would just be ridiculously annoying.


Again this thread?


>7 replies
>5 "hey need dps?"
>2 classes that can heal claim to be able to heal for it, but can't.


At this point reaching max level is worth as much (or little) as one post-20 level in pre-Cata.

>"Hey bro you need DPS?"

>Doesn't want the best dungeon dps in the game

90% of Rogues are shit at playing.


>You will never play vanilla again

>the old honor system
Shit, i dont know why I liked it so much, it encouraged grinding. Maybe it's the titles and the neat little icons

Why stop at doing it daily? Make the same exact thread every hour if you can op.

>Vanilla WoW
>Play as Orc Rogue (male)
>mfw daggers and swords look like toothpicks
>mfw shoulder pads are huge as fuck
>mfw my Rogue looks like a warrior with Tier 1 set
>mfw I have the best racial traits for a Rogue class even if he looks terrible

>mfw not sure should I be ashamed of rolling as Orc or proud

Should have embraced your inner undead rogue.

>Vanilla WoW
>Normal Realm
>Play as horde
>Alliance tries to collect a herb
>He gets struck into combat
>Steal the herb

>5 minutes later he creates a horde character and calls me a faggot

Sap wasn't reliable the same way something like polymorph was (even with sub talents, in vanilla it still had 10% chance of putting you in combat, it only worked on humanoids and while a skilled player could work around such restrictions, it was sometimes tricky to use, especially with stealth detectors) and rogues aren't particularly high DPS either without getting windfury/BoM, battle shout and other buffs. I suppose there's some value in soft CC (stuns and kicks) but that's at cost of damage. While vanilla/TBC wasn't a AoE fest like WotLK, it was sometimes useful and rogues didn't have any.

The premier 5-man DPS in vanilla/TBC was mage. Strong reliable control, burst DPS with little setup required, survivable (even if you did overaggro, you could just kite mobs no problem) and either the best AoE burst (Flamestrike -> Dragon's Breath -> Blast Wave combo that was enough to kill many non-elite packs like skeletons in Shadow Labyrinth) or AoE with high degree of control (improved Blizzard).


one guy replies



>Horde and Alliance characters on same realm


>Normal Realm
He's a casual

>"Alright guys I'm going to bed now. Good night everyone!"


>You dont reply
>You see him standing next to the summoning stone and he waves too you
>Invite him too the group cause I feel bad
>We dont make it past Glubtok the ogre cause he cant heal properly

Every time

>Play as Priest (healer)
>Shadowfang Keep
>Robes of Arugal
>Shaman rolls Need
>Wasn't even a Elemental Shaman
>Call him a faggot and put him on ignore list

>Leave every dungeon party if he was in it
>Ask the Party leader to kick him or else I wouldn't be joining

I fucking hated that prick. I've never held so much grudge over a video game.

>[1. General] [Player1]: LFG VC need dps and tank!
>[1. General] [Player2]: do u mean DM? xdddd
People like that were stupid as fuck, I'm not looking for Dire Maul.

I'm the only one who remembers having to run to Westfall for what felt like hours on my low level druid to get the fucking ugly water form

>announcing dings ever...
truly the worst type of people.


>Global LFG chat
>Some player announces Ding

you can still get titles you casual filthy scum

>Anyone ever calling dire maul just DM
>Implinyg people don't specify which wing they're doing
stop being retarded.

>Inv ______
>guy logs off
>proceed to invite ______ once he logs in
>summon him
>it's a ret pally in all mail

90% of all WoW players are shit at playing.
Why do you think things like LFR exist?
Shit, some people in current WoW are locked out of Heroic dungeons because they're too bad to get silver in proving grounds.

>that friend who wants to level up a new character with you
>make new char
>level together for one evening
>after that people are barely ever on at the same time, one guy plays a bit while the other is off and vice versa


>Scarlet Monastery
>Feral Druid needs the Mage Staff


>>Feral Druid needs the Mage Staff

>be a boring asshole who always picks human
>human models suck so I went with the next best thing undead
>like stealth games so I picked rogue
>now lumped in with all the *teleports behind you* kids

>Druid piece drops in ZF
>shaman rolls on it

>Kill the Cenarion Ambassador
>3 people whispers at me

Absolute Madman


literally everyone just said "DM"

>me and a friend create Gnome characters
>run to Ironforge and remove clothes

>played rogue
>always started the party so I never had to go through this

WoW got me out of my shell

Grats man

>farming cloth in western plaguelands
>some 54 quester approaches me
>"yo invite"
>"invite please I need to kill like 6 of these and boss"
>see boss and tag it
>"wow fuck yourself"

Not even gonna lie the obnoxious level up dialogue made me drop this game when I was checking it out on steam. I was really trying to give the game a chance but that borderlands-esque shit really got to me.

Literally no one did and if they did than your group leader would be a full on retard and your best bet would be to ignore him.

>pretending to know what you're talking about

>be rogue
>want to go Deadmines
>that sick sword, gimme!
>3 other guys in my guild have the same level
>2 could heal and tank: paladin, druid and hunter
>I propose we form a group and look for some last guy
>they want to get carried by a lvl 70 instead of working themselves
>I go along although I did not want to be carried
>they are so dumb they run in front of the lvl 70 and die
>"this is no fun"
>one of them logs out inside the dungeon after dying for the third time
>sword drops, yaay gimme!
>hunter rolls need and wins
>never drops again in the 4 runs after that

this was my first dungeon run ever and I just stayed back and let them do their thing. I still wanted to have a normal run, this was boring as fuck. Also this fucking hunter asshole I swear to god...

>he holds it against you for pulling ahead of him

I don't know what he expected.


>Someone tells that he is from Sweden
>3 replies of "Sweden is gay lol"

> Letting a hunter into your group when there is a weapon you need
Thats a rookie mistake, kid.

>oh, an undead rogue, let's check his name
>Darksasuke, Nightdeath, Killershifter, Doomdestroyer, Deathmetal

this is part of the reason I always roll Alliance, I just don't want to be paired with the 'pshh, nothin personel kid' guys

>vanilla enh shaman
If nothing proccd and nothing critted you were dead as dogshit but if everything proccd and everything critted you could burst down anything

If nothing procced you would kite for 20 seconds ;^)

>cant call people faggots without getting banned anymore


>mfw shoulder pads are huge as fuck

I'm sure that lasted a while.




Blood Elf






But undead warriors are usually pretty good in my experience.

Also a cool class/race combo.


Rogue or bust, other than that UD players tended to be the better ones.

>tfw you will never get the same sense of satisfaction of leveling up in Vanilla/TBC WoW in any video game ever again.

>mfw Tauren Shaman
>mfw wearing Herod's Shoulder Berserker Helm and Scarlet Leggings

10 /10 Aesthetics.

>tfw blood elf is best
>tfw every blood elf paladin is a retarded whining faggot
>Not Night Elf

It's a symptom of what I now call the "AMMORPG", because these pieces of shit imitating modern WoW (and modern WoW itself) don't come within a mile of what a fucking MMORPG was before.

runescape did it better but wow was great too.

>mfw going to Razorfen Downs without a Mage or Hunter

>get Aimed Shot for the first time
>watch it instagib everyone in Ashenvale PvP

>Instance full of undeads
>mage or hunter

>mfw entering Felwood for the first time

There is a boss fight with hundreds of skeleton mobs near him. You need a mage for AoE.

The Final Boss is hard as fuck without Hunter taking out the mobs ASAP.

Are there any fun healers in vanilla WoW? I mained SCH progression raiding in FFXIV because I could press a lot of buttons in raids, is there anything similar or is healing boring shit?


>he doesn't know about shadowmelt
>tfw you essentially have a second vanish you can use to confuse scrubs with
>tfw you still can do an ambush out of shadowmelt because it counts as stealth
NE are the best race for the sub rogue specc

>leveling a warrior in Vanilla

Being a single druid in a raid can be fun or the main priest but the rest is pretty one button spammy. On the other hand if you're a paladin healer you got a lot of time to direct the other healers or even the raid around.

>Not enough rage
I beg to differ

>feral druid
>in vanilla
Hope that faggot liked being an innervate bot for the real master classes at max level. I remember I had a buddy that was convinced he could properly tank as a feral druid for most of vanilla. He gave up after a month of looking for a guild with nobody biting.


During Vanilla Nax patch, there were hybrid Druids: Balance / Resto builds.

Balance points were to increase critical damage of Wrath and Moonfire and every Druid spell in general

Resto points were spent to make Healing Touch the best. Using low rank Healing Touch with 1.5 sec casting time to heal the raid and costing a piss poor mana. With the Balance points on Critical chance on eveyr Druid spell, you crit healed with Healing Touch more than a full Resto Druid

These were probably the best Raid healers that can also do a great Moonfire to bosses at the same time. This spec never had to worry about going out of mana.

>not starting your own dungeons with good old fashioned /who

People join up real quick when they see they have a tank. On a side note I played on nos and kronos and it seems like people these days are way less receptive to starting up random dungeons like we used to do.

Get that causual luxury shit out of here

but it doesn't ding
i goes vwwwwwooouushsvshsvshsvh

Eh it was worth the grind. I loved being handed literally anything I said I wanted at endgame.

>Be in the easy part of a dungeon with a party
>Melee everything because I can barely fire any shots before they are dead anyway
>Get kicked from the party

>$0.10 has been deposited into you're account


Most people on private servers jump in clusters, may it be 2-3 people to 10-20.

So they just tend to stay in their own pre-formed groups.

>troll shaman was my guild leader in vanilla
>under his leadership we stomped through MC with little trouble and had it on farm before BWL was even out
>he's a lot of fun and everyone gets along with him
>literally no drama in the guild, just fun weekly runs of MC with 30-40 people
>BWL comes out and we get to the three drakes pretty quickly
>all of the sudden someone in his family dies and he bails, hands leadership to a controversial figure, a tauren hunter
>we get stuck on Chromaggus a month later
>everyone getting more and more irritated with the new leader who has gone full fucking despot
>don't even manage to beat BWL despite months of trying
>most of the core group leaves out of frustration and the guild falls apart within a month

Troll shamans are based you faggot.

I can finally post this.

I had 3 of this what did I win?

You deleted the character after that right? And your account aswell i assume?

>Say ding sound
>Sound that actually plays is DU DUUUM

Explain yourselves wowfags

>chat is empty when guild starts only using voice chat

Cancer killing the game. Voice chat is RAID ONLY

>be the main tank
>plate gear drops
>lowly dps warriors know it belongs to you first
>get to cuck everyone else out of gear with minimal use of DKP

I lost two really good end-game guilds cause of internal fighting

>There were times when you used to have to apply to Raid guilds
>mfw I was able to get in on every raid because I was the best geared tank they had plus the a girl

Welp it was fun while it lasted but there's really no choice but to gquit and uninstall.

>Guild slut says "Ding"
>The entire guild says "grats" "awesome :D"

>You say "Ding"
>No one replies

I hate woman. Why do they ruin everything?