Battlefield 1 is actually set in the WW 2 era with imported tanks and planes from the WW1 era.
KYS dice, don't set a game in an era where warfare just doesn't fit to your game
Battlefield 1 is actually set in the WW 2 era with imported tanks and planes from the WW1 era.
KYS dice, don't set a game in an era where warfare just doesn't fit to your game
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They were expecting to bank on a black MC and a different WW setting expecting it would be controversial
they should have just contacted the Verdun devs and worked something out with them.
Something that fits the battlefield formula and fits WW 1
look at some gameplay.
don't tell me when you see vids of bf 1 gameplay you get a "wow this is totally not WW 2" vibe
So you are complaining for the sake of complaining?
I dont give a fuck if the game is not hyper realistic depiction of WW1, for that you can play other games, or watch some documentaries, or read some books.
BF is pew pew shit, you are too fucking new if you expect otherwise.
*smack lips*
i'm not talking about hyper realistic.
i'm talking about the fact that the game in no way depicts WW 1, it is WW 1 1/2...if WW 1 would have taken place 10 years later.
i do realise battlefieldfags need their full auto weaponry, otherwise they would start to bleed out of their ears because they can't comprehend something even remotely tactical
Thanks to your bitching Im now pre ordering
I just hate this game for being a massive waste of time and money, spent to make yet another world war 2 game, rather than try to make something interesting. All the millions of dollars that have gone into this AAA pre-order/season pass-filled fuck-up could have made a dozen better games.
me on the left
The biggest thing that bothers me is that the French and Russians are going to be premium DLC. 2 out of the 4 biggest players in WW1 are fucking DLC. On top of everything else that's historically and factually wrong with the game, that pisses me off the most.
Russians are not going to be in the game, the game takes place after the Russian Revolution
By then there were little to no Russian Forces fighting in the war other than some mercenary like bands
>yfw you realize Battlefield 1942 had more classes with bolt-action weaponry than this
>the game takes place after the Russian Revolution
>after the Russian Revolution
>WW1 game
>You don't stay in a hole for most of the time
It was evident from the beginning
every single gun in the game existed during WW1 though
most were experimental weapons used at the end of the war sure but most of the arsenal in BF3 and 4 are too
>U fucking wot
You deserve to fucking die.
Please kill yourself.
I heard they were using the whole battlefront "collect this floating glowing icon to get a vehicle" mechanic....and here I as hoping to climb inside a bulky britbong tonk by hand
underage newfag.
Nobody should need a big elaborate reason to complain, EA is cancer and anyone who supports them is also cancer.
What's unrealistic exactly, user? WW1 wasn't exclusively trench battles, user. You don't believe that, do you ... right, user?
>Alone, in a sort of dugout without walls, I pass twelve hours of agony, believing that it is the end. The soil is torn up, covered with fresh earth by enormous explosions.
In front of us are not less than 1,200 guns of 240, 305, 380, and 420 calibre, which spit ceaselessly and all together, in these days of preparation for attack. These explosions stupefy the brain; you feel as if your entrails were being torn out, your heart twisted and wrenched; the shock seems to dismember your whole body And then the wounded, the corpses!
>Never had I seen such horror, such hell.
>I felt that I would give everything if only this would stop long enough to clear my brain. >Twelve hours alone, motionless, exposed, and no chance to risk a leap to another place, so closely did the fragments of shell and rock fall in hail all day long.
>At last, with night, this diminished a little.
>I can go on into the woods!
>The shells still burst all around us, but their infernal din no longer makes any impression on me - a queer trait of the human temperament.
>After that we are lodged in fortified caves where we pass five days in seclusion, piled on top of each other, without being able to lie down.
>420 caliber
>I bury three comrades in a shell-hole.
>We are without water, and, with hands that have just touched the poor mangled limbs, we eat as if nothing were wrong.
>We are taken back for two days into a tunnel where the lachrymal shells make us weep. >Swiftly we put on our masks.
>The next day, at the moment of taking supper and retiring to rest, we are hastily called into rank; that's it - we are going to the motion-picture show.
>We pass through an infernal barrage fire that cracks red all around in the dark.
>We run with all speed, in spite of our knapsacks, into the smother of broken branches that used to be a forest.
>Scarcely have we left a hole or a ditch when shells as big as a frying pan fall on the spot.
>We are laid flat by one that bursts a few yards away.
>So many of them fall at one time that we no longer pay any attention to them.
>We tumble into a ravine which we have named Death Ravine.
>That race over shell-swept, open country, without trenches, we shall long remember.
>At last we enter the village - without suspecting that the Germans are there!
>The commanding officer scatters us along the steep hill to the left and says : "Dig holes, quickly; the Boches are forty yards away!"
>We laugh and do not believe him; immediately, cries, rifle shots in the village; our men are freeing our Colonel and Captain, who were already prisoners.
>Then there are no more Frenchmen there? >In two minutes the village is surrounded, while the German batteries get a rude jolt.
I'm not talking about campaign. The fact that the ruskies and frogs aren't in MP is absolutely retarded. Plus as pointed out. No to mention having a map where a historic battle between the french and german empire fought, and playing it out with the UK instead.
>It was time!
>All night long you hear tools digging from one end to the other; trenches are being made in haste, but secretly.
>After that there is a wall, and the Germans will advance no further.
>The next morning a formidable rumour - the Boches are coming up to assault Fort de Vaux.
>The newspapers have told the facts; our 75's firing for six hours, the German bodies piling up in heaps.
>Horrible! but we applauded.
>Everybody went out of the trenches to look. >The Yser, said the veterans, was nothing beside this massacre.
>That time I saw Germans fleeing like madmen.
>The next day, the same thing over again; they have the cynicism to mount a battery on the slope; the German chiefs must be hangmen to hurl their troops to death that way in masses and in broad daylight.
>All afternoon, a maximum bombardment; a wood is razed, a hill ravaged with shell-holes.
>It is maddening; continuous salvos of "big chariots"; one sees the 380's and 420's falling; a continuous cloud of smoke everywhere. >Trees leap into air like wisps of straw; it is an unheard-of spectacle.
>It is enough to make you lose your head, yet we patiently wait for the outcome.
>The barrage fire cuts our communication with the rear, literally barring off the isthmus of Death Ravine.
>If the attacks on our wings succeed, our two regiments are prisoners, hemmed in, but the veterans (fathers of families) declare that we shall not be taken alive, that we will all fight till we die. It is sublime.
>"Keep up your courage, coolness, and morale, boys, and we will drive them back in good time."
So far, the biggest "iffy" gun choice is the Cei-Rigotti, which never left the prototype stage. It never entered production, and was never used by anyone.
The other semi-auto's were "used" in the war, generally not by infantry, but still, used.
>It is magnificent to see that our last recourse is a matter of sheer will; despite this monstrous machinery of modern war, a little moral effort, a will twenty years old that refuses to weaken, suffices to frustrate the offensive!
>The rifles do not shoot enough, but we have machine guns, the bayonet, and we have vowed that they shall not pass.
>Twenty times the alarm is given; along the hillside one sees the hands gripping the rifles; the eyes are a little wild, but show an energy that refuses to give way.
>Suddenly it is already night.
>A sentinel runs up to the outposts: "There they are! Shoot!"
>A whole section shoots.
>But are the outposts driven in? Nobody knows.
>I take my rifle to go and see.
>I do not catch a ball.
>I find the sentinels flat on their faces in their holes, and run to the rear gesticulating and crying out orders to cease firing.
>The men obey.
>I return to the front, and soon, a hundred yards away, I see a bush scintillate with a rapid line of fire.
>This time it is they.
You heard incorrectly. Try watching actual gameplay and not accepting whatever gets thrown around on Sup Forums.
There are now separate "vehicle classes", the tanker and the pilot. When on the respawn menu, you can spawn into a tank or plane, if there is an available slot for one.
Anyone can spawn in the vehicles, it just depends on who picks it first. There are also non-tank vehicles that exist on the map, such as armored cars and motor cycles.
You can leave the tank/plane, and get back in, or someone else/the enemy can steal it from you while you're out. There are fancy entrance animations for all vehicles.
>not cottonfield
Not him, but unrealistic is that everyone in the game is issued a full automatic weapon (which were a rarity outside of heavy mg teams) and that only one class (sniper) has access to bolt action rifles, which were the standard issue to everyone back then. In addition the tanks depicted in game would not be able to break 8 mph realistically whereas they're flying across the map like shermans in game.
But let's ignore the fact that 1/2 the soldiers on the western front are shown as colonials whereas they mostly fought in their own theaters (yes there were exceptions), that uniforms were at their post-war configuration halfway into 1916, and that the French didn't exist at all.