Minecraft nostalgia thread anyone?
Anyone else misses pre-release days without shitty action oriented mechanics?
>dat comfy terrain generator
>no hunger or exp
>just explore, build and let your autismo flow
Minecraft nostalgia thread anyone?
Anyone else misses pre-release days without shitty action oriented mechanics?
>dat comfy terrain generator
>no hunger or exp
>just explore, build and let your autismo flow
Other urls found in this thread:
What is Microsoft doing with the IP anyway?
last time I played minecraft was just before the swamp biome came out
i remember buying it when they had that video of the rollercoaster on their website
If anyone interested
We just started this small old beta vanilla server with some Sup Forums bros.
Set your game version to old beta 1.7.3 and join the autism
minecraft is still fun but then I finish everything I can do in like two or three days
I can't mod it anymore because forge is incompatible with the most updated java and you can't downgrade java anymore
Soon it's going to be like Skyrim but with legos.
can confirm that this is a comfy server
I just desperately want the fruition of this genre, I want a deep no man's sky but with endless crafting and complexity, all in one traversible persistent Sea of Theives type cooperative world. It's like all the pieces exist in games but I want the zenith already
That old world generator had such interesting terrain.
I got a horseshoe-shaped island with a bay, a column of rock and a forest in the interior, mountains on the sides.
I get way too bored with this game now to spend any time in it.
Fuck yes
Post the full set
I don't get it. Minecraft gets more and more contet and people think it's bad. Sure the hunger is total bullshit but can't really see how it would get worse since we get more the same but with more variety. What is the problem.
They're adding shitty content that was already available with mods and trying to implement mechanics that aren't supposed to be in the game, like advanced combat and NPCs
I really don't see why hunger is such a huge deal, and why there isn't a way to disable it, with either a switch in the options or a mod.
Join lads
It's fucking comfy in here
>playing minecraft early in alpha
>thinking about how I'll build my house
>decide to make it under ground
>start digging on a beach
>keep wondering why my roof is collapsing
>mfw I was trying to build my house under sand
>always live in the caves because building a house was too complicated for me
I had a bigass castle with a friend on that seed.
What was it called? Iceland or something like that?
Too much content can be bad when none of it has any depth. No matter how much you decorate a piece of shit it's still a piece of shit.
>try building something
>dissatisfied with my work
>stop building
Every fucking time
I'd join you guys but I'm away from home until tomorrow and I only have Minecraft on my desktop.
Also the server will die in like 3 days.
I don't mind the hunger mechanic but I could go without enemies. There's something comfy about preparing a big stack of meat in the oven and packing it up for a long journey to explore far off areas, usually by boat. I'm one of those fags who installs biome mods so I'll go about marking off different areas that I find and keep a handrawn pencil map of what I find. Then once you've gone out and found some special supplies, maybe a different color wood or raid some village's supplies, find a mineshaft, etc. you take all your loot back home. Build more stuff and then get ready for the next venture out.
If you played early mine craft and current minecraft, they're very different.
Different in that at some point they got rid of the more fun and comfy elements and replaced it with autism and a billion things.
If people still enjoy it, cool. But it wasn't the game I bought at first. If it was just stuff added on top of what's there, awesome, but it isn't.
What did he mean by this?
Joinan as Jagqfeat, just let me install Optifine.
this server has been up and running for at least a week now
we did reset the map because the old one got corrupted though
>check email today
>someone got into my account
>tried to change my password
I'm getting emails from Steam everyday that someone is trying to log in into my account from a new location.
>Location: China
I once got my account details leaked and when I managed to log back in everything was in Russian.
What the fuck?
Bump for the server
I'll check it out later today
I get emails from steam that someone is trying to log into my account from a new location.
It's me logging in where I usually log in from.
>can't play minecraft because it says i need a driver update
Favorite mods?
Thaumcraft got a bunch of very nice add-ons
Psy looks cool too
There is also a Certain Scientific Railgun inspired mod for the weaboos
YES user YES.
>tfw would base in a cave and spruce it up to look like the fucking batcave
>spent hours building a minecart high way and shit
>would always play on peaceful because I was too much of a pussy to play with anyone
>tfw the strat for mining was make gigantic 30x30 mines because that was the best way to get ore fast
>tfw I remember when huskymudkipz was relevant
>tfw I remember when he would blow up a fuckton of tnt in early beta
if you played with advanced lighting or lighting/shadows at all you haven't played the REAL minecraft.
you need java 1.7 or higher now
I actually tried the latest version a few days ago. It was pretty good, considering
I cannot connect with this :/
What Im doing wrong Sup Forumsros?
I found screenshots of my first-ever building on an online server!
While I miss the cosiness of that time, I do appreciate the varied options you now have for building that allows for more complex geometry and for more detailed architecture. Upside-down stairs, cobblestone fences, and stained clay in particular I am grateful for.
Using the 1.7.3 release version, instead of the old beta 1.7.3 version
>What Im doing wrong Sup Forumsros?
Maybe the problem is you for being a disgusting xenophobic bigot. Ugh, I can't even right now.
>nostalgia for a game that fully came out 5 years ago
holy shit are you twelve
why the fuck am I being a xenophobic?
If you are assuming that for the "Pol" server and logo, I never could actually log in, is just added cos I tried to get in there once.
Oh I need the beta :/
Any links for that? I am just tired to play alone all the time...
Just want to let you know that I'm making something like you're describing. Hopefully it'll come out in the next five years.
Check the option in the launcher to allow downloading the old beta
Jeez, seems like someone might have got my old account. Now i have to wait for costumer support to get it back
More content isn't bad, it's just that it hasn't gotten any of the content it's needed
>combat is still literally w+m1 after all these years
can't you still put it on peaceful (or whatever that setting is called that gets rid of the mobs) and do that?
1.9 overhauled combat
...for the worse. It's much more fun now in duels, but utter shit in pvp wars with fully enchanted gear. You're dealing pretty much no damage to each other, and it simply boils down to whose armour breaks first.
>you cant downgrade Java
Yes you can, had to do it to run starsector modded to shit.
>Build fantastic fortresses into the hearts of mountains
>Towers and spires carved out of peaks
>Spawling pathways onto stone bridges collecting snow on a blizzardy day
>Warm glow of torch lit windows and battlements on starlit nights
>Walk through my pride an joy with halls of emptiness
>No sound, nobody around
>Just... emptiness
Gets pretty boring senpai
>mfw Thaumic Bases added a revolver
Time for akimbo.
Also, Sup Forums should really start hosting modded servers, imagine the clusterfuck
>Server is full!
RIP the dream
Why did Beta 1.7.3 and before look so comfy? Something about the colors look different now.
IS there still anyway of making Minecraft more of an RPG with boss battles?
I want 3D Terraria
Come hang out on IRC in the mean time
You can see when someone leaves
How long will this be up for?
If you haven't role played nuclear winter on a winter map in alpha you were doing it wrong.What is this you might ask, let me explain.On first day of spawning on a new winter map you gather all the resources you can and before dawn you enter a cave to never step outside again.You play the rest of the game completely underground.If you accidentally find an open cave or dig a hole that let's you see sunlight you must immediately close it.See for yourselves, you might enjoy it.
I want to say that it was glacier
Sure m8. This game was being shilled on a daily basis here. That was 7 years ago, tho.
I did that but couldnt connect to the server...Is kind of sad for me because I only started playing like a month ago, and mostly alone, I just want to build shit and see other people buildings but I guess Im too stupid to even be part of a community. Enjoy the server Sup Forumsros.
It's full right now
You can join IRC chat and wait till someones disconnects
Sounds cool, i'mma try this tonight. Thanks desu.
>not enforced by mod mechanics
this though
how fucking young are you guys to be nostalgic about a game thats 7 years old?
>same year ballad of gay tony, arkham asylum, and assassins creed 2 came out
Part of me believes it's stupid but what if Villagers acted like Sims with specific needs that you could cater, and they'd actively go out and do things that they need to do depending on their job.
Something like Millenaire (Unupdated Minecraft mod) but better updated.
Sounds cool but I am not sure if it's possible to do everything in the starting day. I am thinking you'd need to be able to make some sort of farm underground as well, and a tree farm as well.
oh damn the nostalgia police are here
everyone stop feeling good immediately
really? like with a studio or solo? I just feel like all the game technology is converging to a point where we finally surpass simple interactions and it's more just natural exploration of a virtual world, like .hack but with creation
>No pirate
I played this a bit at my cousins' house (they're like, 6-12 years old) and it was kind of comfy. Thinking of getting it. What's the best version to torrent if I like fucking with mods?
>this reaction is supposed to prove you're not a child
underage detected
>not modding minecraft with your own imagination
do you even fun?
>tfw found a completely vanilla hard mode survival server
>running through the land, hiding during night to avoid 30+ mobs running at us
>finally come across a village out in the desert
>fortify it with a yuge wall
This game can be so damn comft
But minecraft's only...7 years old? oh fuck where did the time go?
Life is going to be over just like that user, accept it.