Canadian Vidya

Happy Canada day! What are some of the best games that Leafs have made?

Mass Effect 1

Deus Ex Human Revolution

tfw leafs never made a good game


Just watch Trailer Park Boys and Kenny vs Spenny.

Those are the only worthwhile things my country ever produced.

Patriotism is for fuckwads.

I've been playing way too much of The Long Dark this past week.
I'm not sure if it's the best, but it's been a while since I've thrown 50 hours into a game so

Sup Trudeau

are you honestly a proud canadian? the country is like all immigrants.

What is there to be proud of.

Wow, how does that help anything?

>the country is like all immigrants

t. Jorge Gonzalez

Why don't you go live in Angola if you hate patriotism so much?

Families who can't visit each other because of backlogged to fuck visa registration.

Plus the real reason of doing it is that it ended the Mexico beef ban which is worth billions.

punch out wii is the best canuckistan-developed game tbqh

Unless you're a native American, you have nothing to say.

I am an immigrant, and I am Canadian. My name isn't "Jorge".

because Canada offers security?

seriously, Why be patriotic at all.

We made Godspeed You! Black Emperor, which I guess is something

But in vidya terms, we're cancer

I'm not Native American.

Why are you so rustled? did I offend your Canadian pride?

Happy Canada Day, lads.

>I am an immigrant

That explains it

>Move in
>Get all the benefits
>Sit around shitting on the country

Why do I have a feeling you're named Ahmed.

Who /fireworks/ tonight?



Company of Heroes

>why be patriotic at all
>because Canada offers security

You gave one reason already,patriotism/nationalism united people and made your country great and safe before certain retards took over and ruined everything

>I am an immigrant, and I am Canadian.

Typical how someone would come in to reap benefits from a stable country to then not really give a shit about it.

>>That explains it
>>Move in
>>Get all the benefits

gone this far, I was raised here, went to school here and work here. I pay taxes, beyond that I'm not too invested.

implying you don't also get the benefits, and I can't sit around doing nothing, I'm poor as shit and work fulltime on an actual career.

I'm a second generation immigrant in Canada, and it's OK to be patriotic, because you are a part of a community that has one of the highest standards of living on the planet, and you contribute by paying taxes, volunteering and doing a job necessary for the country to be healthy. Although being fanatical about your country, it's healthy to be proud of where you live, because you are a part of it and share responsibilities with everybody else

I'm as white as you can get and Canadian born and even I think this country is a joke.

Unless you're some far right lunatic who is still living in the old world bubble, there's no reason to be patriotic in a globalized world.

anything by bioware before the dark times

Who /Ottawa/ here?

It's a pretty shit day out for the festivities, just like last year

I physically cannot feel invested in a national state. I was born in a country, and raised in another, I do not give a flying fuck. I only move to where there are opportunities.

Square montreal made the go games and theyre really fun.

this is what I mean, thank you user.

Not during peace times, but if threatened, patriotism and nationalism is what helps keep a country united and strong.

That Laurier quote is basically the gold standard for expectations of immigration.

I got called racist despite myself being a life long lefty liberal for saying too many immigrants close themselves off and expect Canada to conform to them.

Literally had a good old "Yeah because all brown people are evil, Canada is white only right?" style response from them.

What the fuck is racist about that? I don't give a fuck where you're from and I'm fine with you being here so long as you become a Canadian in all ways and fit in among the society.

I will be in a few months, what's worth doing in the city besides museums? I remember the War Museum being great, it fed my World of Tanks addiction with the Vehicle Restoration Hall

>there's no reason to be patriotic in a globalized world

You liberals are so brainwashed its not even funny,no wonder you don't have kids,praise people who spread diseases and want the western world to perish.

Canada is a meme gone wrong.

During the summer, you have street and music festivals going on every week.

During the winter you only really have canal skating and a week of Winterlude. Unless you're keen on exploring all the restaurants and pubs in the Byward Market, there isn't too much to do in the city.

My grandmother died this morning, lads. This is no happy Canada Day for me. I can't even bring myself to play some vidya.

Woah cool I wanna be X so I have an aura of mystery like Racer-X from Speed Racer.

That makes you an immigrant bub.

Dude I don't give a flying fuck about this country. I go wherever the money is.

We're basically a watered down version of America anyways.

So how do you feel about the upcoming break up of your dada and mama The UK, Canada? Scotland is going to go independent. England will perish in economic uncertainty.

This is a pretty good way to hide your identity as a criminal. Just choose X, wear a mask to cover your face while they take a picture saying its for religious purposes, and now no one could identify you! Good job, Canada! Truly the most progressive nation, protecting criminals over justice!

Do you have kids yourself, whiteboi?

and change your name to Mr. X for added mystery

Don't expect sane people to treat you like a respectable human being then.

You're living in the past user. Globalism is the natural course of things. you'd have to be a right wing nut to be so fucking patriotic and small minded.

That being said, Individuals whose values are incompatible with the west and hate our way of life should not be part of the global world. keep the ahmeds out please.

personally, I don't care, but then again, I'm a filthy franco


The cuckolds of the UK strike again.

other user here. What is wrong with what he said? most people in the 21st century feel the exact same way.

Out of curiosity, why would they veto it? Scotland is Englands oil drone. EU would surely love a nice oil bitch to drain.

not him but thats pretty normal way of thinking.

>Individuals whose values are incompatible with the west and hate our way of life should not be part of the global world. keep the ahmeds out please.
>patriotism is bad

Liberal double think at its finest

Protip:you are dying because your don't care about your nation or even yourself.

I'm supposed to feel fierce loyalty to the point of self sacrifice over a country I didn't choose to be born in and have no real stake in?

That shit may have flown in the 30's when the whole world was on the brink, but not anymore.

We wuz william wallaces

Read the comment you dumb fuck

They can't be seen favoring separatists, spain would be fucked with their internal problems.

>muh catalonia


1. Oil is currently $48 a barrel. Scotland would need the MINIMUM to be $250 barrel. This means that Scotland, which is 90% oil and gas based, would need funding AND extra money to change it's economy

2. Scotland only has 30 years of supplies left

3. 45% of the country wanted to leave the EU

That's why. Furthermore, the EU has literally said "We will only do deals with the UK, or not at all". Simply because Sturgeon wants her legacy to be cemented with Scottish Independence and she knows they can't afford to do it, she wanted the greenlight of EU essentially going "We'll cover all your expenses, bail you out AND give you funding to get a different economy" before she called for such a decision.

I will pay taxes to the country I live in, why do I need to feel pride?

Western countries all have compatible values and teachings, and they are all part of a global world. I don't think it's too much to ask for all the countries that want open borders to have citizens that don't hate the west.

Patriotism goes against the future of the world, it's not inherently bad in small doses.

Thank you

Aww what's wrong? Live in America, have a DUI and can't cross the border into canada? The jelly is real!

So would Belgium, but the EU in general couldn't give a shit. They know nearly 50% of the country wanted to leave the EU AND they know Scotland is economically fucked.

Do you think they want another Greece? Of course not. Scotland either hopes oil goes up a shit load and can do it without EU, or it remains.

I'm a citizen of Canada.

Canada sucks and I hate it here. There's a reason I won't be leaving the house today. What games should I play while I'm alone?

what ideas from mexico could we possibly benefit from? its a shitty developing country that will never reach first world status

Unionists are dying breed but still retarded as ever it seems.

fucking this
but also I've enjoyed shitloads from ubi mtl

>in vidya terms, we're cancer

who /lucic/ here?


Thanks Canadá. You're allright.

Canadian video games used to be good. Now they're shit, like this country.

that has nothing to do with spain or belgium in particular you retard

Go to school
Get a job
Get a better job opportunity elsewhere and enjoy not paying outrageous prices like in Canada.

it's the best plan I have.

That's not an argument. Are you trying to say, literally, that the $250 per barrel number that Alex Salmond himself said was needed to maintain the economy in an Independent Scotland was a lie? Are you saying that the 30 years of supply of oil is actually a lie? Are you saying that oil prices aren't $48 a barrel?

Are you saying that the EU didn't go "We will only deal with the UK as a whole"? Are you saying that 45% of the country didn't want to leave the EU?

But, why did I expect anybody who's argument is

>W-w-we don't want to be controlled by London!
>B-b-but we want to be in the EU and thus controlled by Brussels!

To have any actual arguments apart from insults.

Pathetic, don't reply, you're clearly a shitposter or so uneducated it's a waste of my time.

That's what I'll be doing but I'm moving because I hate the people here. I almost moved to SF for a job but didn't work out

Just make sure you fucking leave when you're done visiting, Pedro.

No it doesn't, he didn't ask that, did he?

Spain won't back it because they refuse to let Catalan vote for Independence.

Belgium won't back it because they refuse to let Flanders and Walloia to vote for Independence.

He asked why they would, then talked about how the EU would love an oil bitch. I explained why the EU doesn't care. Because Scotland isn't worth it and can't even run itself, let alone benefit to the EU.

Why don't you try going /out/ sometime. It's what makes it worth living here. Here in the west at any rate.

>police get sued because they said he or she when the card had an X
>police get sued because they said "it"

Western countries will not mantain their values as long as people like you continue to ruin everything,notice how the only ones that hate nationalism are whites in their own countries and surprise surpise they are getting replaced left and right by people who are not brainwashed.


> I hate the people here

I'm not a huge fan either. They're like a more lethargic and passive aggressive american.

>I almost moved to SF for a job but didn't work out

Shit, that sucks it didn't happen.

What would those values be?

But I am on your side you moron. I don't mind open borders as long as they are compatible with us. So no, I don't like islamist values and I think they are responsible for a lot of damage to the west.

>Hates Canadians
>Moves to SF

How gay are you on a scale of one to Richard Simmons?


Yeah happy cunts blasting fireworks and I can't sleep day.

Fuck off you patriotic faggots.

>it's another "Sup Forums turns into Sup Forums" episode

Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 2 (PS2 version)
Need For Speed Underground
Need For Speed Most Wanted

Just listing the good titles

>80 Canadacoins for a vidya
>Games on sale are still too expensive now

tfw u accidentally mistake a Sup Forums thread for a Sup Forums thread

>Sup Forums turns into Sup Forums

weedman just digging the hole even deeper

>if you lose, you win


>Sup Forums

fuck off

In a social situation, you don't hang around explosive people. It's bad for your own health.

Brussels literally explodes on and off. The UK knew what it was doing by removing that angry organization from it's life.

I live in Victoria. Just not a fan of going /out/ I've tried. It sucks doing it alone too


>I don't mind open borders as long as they are compatible with us

So you would only support immigrants from European countries? Because mexicans,vietnamese or whatever third world trash that comes into your country doesn't care about your values and will try to replace them anyway.