You Gain E.Y.Ǝ Thread
You Gain E.Y.Ǝ Thread
You Gain E.Y.Ǝ Thread
You Gain E.Y.Ǝ Thread
You Gain E.Y.Ǝ Thread
You Gain E.Y.Ǝ Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
posting the obligatory guide
also, how hype are we for Warhammer 40K Deathwing?
How did you type in that backwards E?
Literally the only game I've been looking forward to in a long time. It's supposed to come out this year, but we haven't heard anything in a while. No preorder page or extended gameplay looks/demos.
turn your screen backwards and press E
What would Sup Forums like to see in a potential E.Y.E sequel?
New engine? Expanded/Streamlined mechanics? Good translation?
whoa dude how do u get that backwards e its no where to be seen on my keyboard. do i need to buy a special keyboard
more fleshed out stat mechanics
better enemy ai
more enemy placement keeping level design in mind, rather than just lots of enemy spawners
better enemy ai
more large battlefields with loads of enemies on it
Hit ctl+shift on the right side of the kb with your left hand and press "E".
Obligatory banter post
this shit is cringey as fuck why ya'll white mother fuckers keep sayin this shit
stfu nigger
Post leg status
shitty oc
>When people unironically say they don't understand the plot
>Sup Forums
>tfw I've never played E.Y.E or S.T.A.L.K.E.R
I've started and restarted this fucking game so many times, but I can just never managed to finish it. It has so many interesting ideas but its just so fuckin shit at the same time.
Truly the best bad game there is.
Do we have a Sup Forums server? I was just killing things alone this morning, trying to do my research and whatnot
why are there no surf servers for eye? it's a source game and i think the craziness of the game would lend itself well to surf maps
filthy Jian scum
0 modded content in general
Man i wish i could have the cron submachinegun for Gmod
Post your favorite areas because of the deco/colors.
>pull trigger
>you gain brozuf
The only winning move is not to play
Is it possible not to make waves?
For nostalgic reasons and I do love that electric green.
Special mention to Xeno map (battle royal). rip Giger.
it's literally impossible to beat the game by virtue of the fact that it exists.
Honestly temple.
If i was a richfag i'd pay someone to make something similar out of concrete.
That theme is just so fucking good.
Location straight from ghost in the shell, complete with destroyed walking tank in the middle. Love it.
We've got some shit set up through hamachi in the steam group, just a matter of getting these Jian fucks off their arses.
not feeling this game
to be frank it's quite terrible, memed into status
Maybe you're a pleb? Have you ever considered that?
If you're not at least level 60, then you haven't unlocked the fun yet
>legs broken 3 times
>now they are o.k.
>it gets fun 20 hours in
Aquired taste for sure. Not great on a technical level and hard to get into properly but all of it's ambition and style and weird little things make it charming as fuck if it clicks. I didn't like it much at first either.
Well it's true. Level 10 cyber legs is fucking amazing to play with
More cryptic nonsense
More streumonic kebabs
What the other guy said, decently populated levels not three spawn points per map. That was lacking.
Is it worth buying this game for the singleplayer alone?
welp. time to level up cyber eyes
Whole game could have been a necrocybermancy induced dream
We will never know for sure
I believe so
I dont think anybody plays multiplayer honestly
>when you say he stands around in temple all day because he's too retarded to go on missions and he says nothing back
Yes. It's 2.5 euros, you can't really go wrong. I've never played multiplayer and I still had a great time with it.
>He actually doesn't respond because he's bewildered by his best friend being so very rude.
You're being controlled by Rimanah! He's twisting you! Snap out of it!
Reminder than Huan did nothing wrone and used to be your bro when you lived
Don't ever mention that meme currency to me again.
why bother with the Ǝ if you're not going to do the Ψ
For those that dont have it
the fact that this map wasn't used in the campaign or single player is disappointing. HR Giger as fuck.
i had forgotten about this dude until a thread recently.
it's just one of these things that EYE does that works because everything is so fucking weird already.
Yes -> PC dies
No -> "Sounds smart dude, good choice. Hey kill 27 dudes for me".
this melancholic rebirth from one of the few untouched places on a planet straight into the omnipresent human machine filled with strife.
I may not recognize a palmtree if it slaps me in the face But I can recognize a Filthy JIAN on the Netsphere through seventeen proxies YOU HEAR ME HUAN YOU BROADHAT MAGGOT YOU INSULT ME ONE MORE TIME AND I WILL TEAR YOU INTO FUC-
>tfw I compiled this
Literally the only thing I made that's ever been posted by someone else.
Though that one is old, I forgot hacking.
I believe so
>Spent good five minutes hacking this bandit bozo
>Dies to a single stray bullet the second after i finish
Fun hanging around with few heavy Jians though.
>74 urr
I know its another language but i laughed
I have no idea about anything to do with this game, anytime I ask if I should buy it people say not to, what's the deal with it? I want it almost entirely because the armor designs are great
No. Nigerian
Run around killing aliens, bandits, Jians and your Mentor, but don't worry - you're not his murderer
post your favorite weapon
Have you ever had a weird dream? A déjavu?
Man this shotguns is one of the best ones in vidya
there are SO many shells per clip!
Well, it's the best pic of Triangular Gate I could find.
Dutch is "uur".
>in b4 but that's boring
Fuck you, you cunt. You're boring.
as Dutch as not competing in the European League
Dang time to reread Blame! again.
>not TRK AD
Step up your sniper game
Oh. Seems kind of similar. I don't speak either, I just thought it looked like German but clearly wasn't that.
Isn't that what it says? Am I going blind or just retarded?
Good old 93, semi auto. Never failed me, love it more than my wife.
every eye thread i see
>he's a Bosco guy
Really digging the translation.
It's not that bad really but it's just written in some weird way that tickles my funny bone.
do you want to play a game where you play as doomguy playing deus ex and you have to kill deus ex and yourself?
most of the people who aren't just reposting the memes are doing it to trick you into experiencing the awfulness of the mars level
>want to specialize in hacking
>realize shooting everything is much faster
>decide to go light armor and smg
>don't like it
>try the heavy armor and minigun
>but I want to go fast
>invest in leg
>find out the psi powers are cool
These are interesting cycles
Woah shit
what's with the lack of user-created content for this game? i would've expected the extremely dedicated cult-following to have put some stuff together.
Syringe is the key to all of this
How do you kill Federation shitters?
With your hands?
HS10 but only with brrrrrrttttt mode and targeting system