As of today, July 1...

>As of today, July 1, all mobile games must be pre-approved by the Chinese government at least 20 days before they’re released. It’s part of sweeping new regulations to curb when, what, and how media is distributed in China.
>Though every game is impacted by this, it seems like it’ll touch story-based games even more:
>Application approval is contingent on storyline, content, character features, etc. and publications involving political, military, ethnic or religious subjects are restricted.
> Even companies who’ve already published mobile games are required to meet another set of approvals from the government, for such games to stay online.
>Here are the rest of the regulations:
>Any changes made to a pre-existing game, including name changes, must be reported to SAPPRFT [State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television of The People’s Republic of China] and the relevant provincial publication administrative department for approval.
>Online publishers are responsible for adding a special page that displays all information including copyright owners, publishers, approval number, and the publication serial number.
>Must adhere to strict timeline requirements for application submissions and publish within a limited number of days once approval is granted.

Here's some actual video game censorship, lads.

>can be bothered enough to check literally every mobile game
>can't be bothered to make sure their people aren't getting eaten by escalators or little kids getting left to die on the streets

What the fuck is with the Chinese?

They could use some fuckin' freedom with horseshit like that.



Not even once.

seems like a surefire way of killing the mobile games industry

>>can't be bothered to make sure their people aren't getting eaten by escalators or little kids getting left to die on the streets
People who die to elevators or abandoned kids won't criticize the government.

This, based chinks

thanks Nintendo :^)

>eaten by escalators

Do I even want to know?

As long as the Chinese people can have their pantsu and cleavage everything will be fine.

Mr. GovernmentChink didn't get enough of his grounded up endangered animal when he passed that bill through huh?

post the gif

Why is China even allowed? Is it legal?

Mother was carrying her son up Escalator, fucking top most step.

The one that's supposed to be solid ground departure?

Opened up, and fucking literally fed her into the gearing system. Feet First.

She managed to save her son. Beg someone to take him away from her, and then get fucking swallowed into mince meat.

That part of the escalator people most often test with a couple foot taps before they step off? Yeah, that step.

You know the one.

Chinese don't value human life. Why would they when they breed like roaches? They're expendable.

They're pissing on the mobile game industry. As far as I'm concerned, the Chinese are heroes.

reminder this is why Obongo trying to pass TPP in China too.

can't wait for Chink/Murrican corporate to shred each other apart with billion lawsuits and ISDS courts

>first civilization on earth
>rich history
>gave the world many great inventions
>the leader in pop culture
>beautiful tourist destinations
>noble and hardworking people
>makes almost everything you have in your house right now all at a good price
>fights terrorism and is a good ally

Is this a meme I don't know of? I don't understand why everyone here hates China. Their awesome.

TPP won't even pass here and they think the world's starscream is going to accept it?

>first civilization on earth
weak b8, try again


>Government doesnt create jobs

We could learn from the chinese

Nothing has changed in China though, as all their games meet those requirements

This is just a precaution if one HK'er makes a game for China to fuel propaganda

>can't wait for Chink/Murrican corporate to shred each other apart with billion lawsuits and ISDS courts
great time to be a copyright troll too

Nothing has changed in China though, as all their games meet those requirements

This is just a precaution if one HK'er makes a game for China to fuel propaganda >They're pissing on the mobile game industry. As far as I'm concerned, the Chinese are heroes.
This desu

I downloaded the Smash Bros RPG game, it's pretty baller

Ha, China.

I hate China because communism is the antithesis of freedom, and as an American, I believe everyone in the world should have a representative democracy.

Chinese people are alright, although they can be straight up barbaric sometimes.

What I really want to know is just how much fucking apathetic people have to be involved into making this woman die such a horrible death. The manufacturers for designing such a death trap without any level of safety prevention, the maintenance crew for being fucking awful at their job, the mall staff that was literally standing at the top of the escalator watching her fucking get eating by machinery instead of looking for the EMERGENCY OFF button, etc. That's at the very least 4 fucking people who just don't give a shit about their fellow man.

>government doesn't create jobs

1. That's wrong.
2. Most companies in china are either fully or partially state owned and run.

I agree with the barbaric part but democracy is all a lie. It's all a stage. It doesn't help anyone. Sticking a stick of a so called democracy in countries asses made them worse. Look at Iraq and Syria and Lybia. If they left those countries, they would've became mini Dubai hubs like emirates

I don't get it.

Are they really worried some Candy Crush knockoff will finally be the straw that breaks everything and causes the people to overthrow the government?

My god, do you really believe that america is actually a democracy? That your vote fucking changes anything? The USA is one of the least democratic countries in the world and communism doesnt have to do ANYTHING with being the antithesis of freedom. I agree with you that china can be fucking brutal sometimes, but come on, those are some cold war vibes Im getting.

The problem with democracy is that while it is the best system of government, people have to want it for it to work. Democracy requires people to actually participate in their government, and stand up for what they believe, which is something that most people in the middle east are too afraid of doing.

What's wrong, Sup Forums? I thought you liked communist government overreach.

This is why China is never going to be culturally relevant. Their committee of ideological purity is gonna axe anything with international appeal.

No one in China cares. Human life is expendible. The only thing that matters in China is getting rich and staying rich. Money is everything.

It's pretty cute how Mao shit on China and basically turned it into the very thing he hated.

China is such an overpopulated shithole that virtually nobody has a real job capable of paying the bills. The elevators and escalators and buildings and pretty much everything in China is made with the shittiest materials and no skill. Nobodies build the damn things in their garages and sell them cheap to anybody who wants one with no heed for safety measures or quality control.

>communism is the antithesis of freedom, and as an American

Please go be butthurt on Reddit, commie faggot

You can't fool me Ching-Chong poster.

>>mario's arm

that's shit-tier 2D puppet animation.
there's nothing "baller" about that garbage.

>Amerifat thinks his country is a democracy, and not a republic

Is your public education system this awful?

>DNC is pro-TPP to keep """""unity""""" in the platform
>Bernie cucks himself to support Clinton only to stop Trump

Berntshitters getting BTFO

>being a communist during an age where we can reflect on practical applications of communism and very clearly see how it failed every single time except for in small communities
Reminder that Karl Marx was a NEET pseudointellectual who refused to work and lived with his grandparents

>Here's some actual video game censorship, lads.
>In China

This. Who cares if a prole or two (or thousands, who gives a shit) dies as long as nobody dares to oppose the Communist Party? I wish it was just a meme but it is not - in China money and political compliance come before human life.

They just hate Chinese people is all. Sup Forums is pretty hypocritical

Praising idiot Japanese folks run by old men that can't run a company or make good products while Chinese rip their IPs off and make based games like Splatoon mobile, Smash Bros RPG, and a fucking based Pokemon game with better 3D, better animations, all 700+ Pokemon, riding on Pokemon, 3v3 battles and online capabilities

Japan is a pathetic piece of shit that every weaboo and drone gives a free pass to. I don't like China and they need to step up their game to improve society, that said they're pretty good folks

Oh and Sup Forums is a trump mentality. Not bernie

yeah but real communism has never been tried

Bernie was only interested in making a buck m8. He never intended to get nominated. He was a fucking student of Saul Alinsky, he knows how to scam dumbasses out of their money.

Butt hurt Nintendo fan detected. I took this in game with the animation running. Mario had his arm behind

Better than the shit NINTY cranks out

Writing is work. Marx had several books published.

>shitting on based sony
kill yourself

You honestly expect a country would be able to operate if people were given no incentive to succeed other than to help out and gain good boy points? You're way too trusting of people's kindness and goodwill. We need a basis to measure success and failure and reward those who work hard to build wealth.

I want to ride on a diglett please

Holy fug

I regret spending $100 on this Chinese Pokémon game

>The only thing that matters in China is getting rich and staying rich. Money is everything.

The asian jews.

Shitposting on Sup Forums is work too then.

>I'm an idea guy

Stop trolling, I downloaded this shit too and it's free. Every game they have is free.

This game was pretty crap though. They changed all the names but kept the assets

>t. Pao Chang

the sad thing is that there were two people on the top of the stairs that knew about the problem with the step and didnt say nothing, there was supposed to be a danger sign but they took it out

>the world's starscream

I don't think I've ever heard a more perfect description of the PRC.

All sinic cultures are jewish as fuck, the Chinese aren't really exceptional there.

They really are.

Meanwhile Taiwan is full of people who pretend to be Japs.

I'm pretty sure that they have already been drained of all creative skills so badly, that they just would lack the ability to create anything original even if they were allowed to.

Technologically advanced, clean country, doujins and lewd galore
Half assed modern tech, dirty as fuck, full of smoke, censoring everything

There's only one person who can save us from the evil Chinese

This. Glorious Nipponese history, architecture, and technology trumps everything from the pig nation China.
Just be sure to take your iodine pills while visiting Japan.

>What the fuck is with the Chinese?
They have yet to implement good samaritan laws. It's pretty god damned stupid if you ask me

>No one in China cares. Human life is expendible. The only thing that matters in China is getting rich and staying rich. Money is everything.

No wonder the zionists ruling the west can't seems to assimilate their country. They're far ahead of the curb and have a goyim that far easier to exploit.

>mass shooting every week in america
>what the fuck ever who cares lmao SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED

>the chinese forget to shut down shitty escalators


They are terrified of anything that could conceivably challenge them in any way because the whole country is a house of cards.

Their military officers spend more time in indoctrination than training because preventing coups is more pressing than military readiness.

Welcome to non-EU Eurasia - caring more about dumb shit, than actual problems

Go be triggered somewhere else faggot

>Glorious Nipponese history

In my country jews never got here
no one ever knew about the 6million and they even made a hitler superhero comedy movie
it's just christians, muslims and chinks
and the chinks are the most annoying ones and jewish as fuck

>the chinese rip off their customers and make sub par materials that get people killed
>you jus been raysis

I just had a grim thought. They didn't want to be stuck with the shit job of standing around telling people to avoid the death trap and realized if someone gets gobbled up, it'll get shut down and they can leave.

Does Japan even have a history?
What's the Three Kingdoms era of Japan?

and it never will be, and never should be.

>What the fuck is with the Chinese?

Of course they have a history, it's just really shitty.


>>Butt hurt Nintendo fan detected
Nope! Haven't touched their stuff since the original Gameboy brick.

Just pointing out that as per usual, the Chinese only care about quantity over quality.
Shit animation is shit.

>i'm korean
And everything in your post was invalidated in only two words. Fuck off.

>Another chink hating thread

/r/ing that image about the steel manager getting ripped off constantly by chinamen.

>The USA is one of the least democratic countries in the world and communism doesnt have to do ANYTHING with being the antithesis of freedom.

lol k

>being a literal gook
How much does it cost to transform your face into a plastic bag?


>as xenophobic as Japanese
>they worship non-Chinese folks

Well which one is it you fucking gook?

>tfw China imports shit and trash

>they are replicating businesses and making them better
Either a bold faced lie or your very gullible

jews care about their neighbors and israel
chinks give no shit.

Man, Everytime I see threads like this I remember that one image of that guy begging people to not learn mandarin. That or the fucking shanghai majors for dota 2.

>jews care about their neighbors
Are you completely unaware of what is happening in Gaza?

Shanghai majors?

Story pls

>jews care about their neighbors' wallets


He said "neighbors," not "pests."

neighbors as in neighborhood. not as neighboring country
i would nuke my neighboring country if i could.

The players had all their shit stolen from their hotel.
LIke, everything but some chairs in the room.

What's your country user