How do I git gud with Lucio?

How do I git gud with Lucio?

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I'm not hearing that noise.
I'm not hearing that noise.
I'm not hearing that noise.
I'm not hearing that noise.

AD spam

1. Exist near team
2. Occasionally press Q

got video with audio?

Practice ruining your country

jum,p on wal

Focus on skating around like a fucking retard while still being near your team

Realise you're a pain to hit when you're jumping and skating around like a retard; it doesn't matter where, even works in hallways

Stay near team and know when to heal/speed

Hit me

That's how you get tinnitus.

>Spends 30 seconds harassing a widow
>Not healing his team
>Only to die

Don't get me wrong, it's fucking hilarious, but not very team-play conducive

Just be near your team. Speed boost in the start of a match, and whenever you respawn with more than one teammate.
Treat your weapon like a slightly-faster version of Symmetra's alt-fire.
Use your alt-fire on maps with edges for maxiumum fun.


Press E after you spawn to get to teammates faster

Press shift and stay in LoS of your teammates

Shoot the enemy team

Lure enemy team to map edges, right click, send them flying off the edge

Press e every now and the

Press q when the enemy is making a push

He's my favorite character, this video made me love him even more.


widow killed him 4 times in a row, lucio was out 4 revenge nigga.

within rank 54, im better than both of you fuck bois. get rekt cuz my dick huge and i cock slap everyone in overwatch. give me ur wiafu bitch widowmaker while i rek u scrubs and slide my colossal shlong down her throat.

>using his Ultimate
That Lucio has a personal grudge towards that Widowmaker

Can't stop, Won't stop!

Can't stop, Won't stop!

Can't stop, Won't stop!

Can't stop, Won't stop!

WHY are you so angry?

wall ride a lot,speed boost around a lot and move right and left and jump in no discernible manner
Listen to this while you play

>helping the team push by distracting enemy is bad


>that break down right onto her face
I laugh ever tim

bind jump to scroll down, along with space

Wrong one, friend.


>can't pirate game

how do you do that?

Also an acceptable answer.

amp up speed around winstens or reinhart

Brazil, you already posted in the Pharah thread.

>abandoning team
>abandoning objective
>wasting ult
>to kill one shitty widowmaker and get killed by them anyway by running into their trap like a dumbass
>lol but look wallriding kool xD

I really hope people aren't taking example from these lucio webms.

Proper Lucio's can wall glide to some pretty insane places on the map, just learn how to jump off of walls into other walls/corners.

>being a tryhard nerd all game, every game

Who gives a fuck. There's already a Mercy on his team and his team was probably too retarded/didn't have the right people to go after a widow. He has aoe so he can fuck off to wherever he wants and still help the team.

how to lucio
>pick lucio
>are there enemies around and are your friends slightly hurt?
>if yes: press shift until your healing aura is on
>if no: press shift until your speed aura is on

>are your friends very hurt?
>if yes: use your E when your healing aura is on
>if no: run around in a circle until that statement is true

>do your have your ult ready?
>do your team need a good push?
>if yes: press Q
>if no: dont press Q

>is there any enemy infront of you?
>do you have a friend next to you?
>if no to the second statement: retreat and fire your gun in the general direction of your enemy
>if yes to the second statement: run around in a circle and fire your gun in the general direction of your enemy with your healing aura up

you cannot fail

There is literally no reason to ever stop pressing E whenever possible, the boost even carries over Shift and the cooldown is laughably short.

There is also no reason to ever stop jumping like a madman around the team since the only mission is to stay alive.

Spam left click in the general direction of the enemy team, it won't get you gold damage done but it's good for keeping them away - the only exception is to always try to have ammo for a right click if there are environmental kills around or you need to get someone off your neck.

Use speed when getting your team to the point, in clusterfuck encounters, or when someone on the enemy team activates an avoidable ultimate (Junkrat, D.Va, McCree etc) - otherwise keep it on healing.

Lucio is one of the easiest heroes in the game, while being an invaluable credit to the team so you can hardly fuck him up, good luck and have fun.

The aura has a short enough range and going by the killcam he wasn't reaching anybody.

Wow look at how far the payload moved with his "helping"

>shielding Reaper/Pharah/Genji when they're ulting
>speed boosting and popping sound barrier for Reinhardt as he goes ham on the enemy team
>speed boosting Mei until the enemy tracer gives up and switches
Support abilities are fun sometimes


Stop being a little bitch.



>There is literally no reason to ever stop pressing E whenever possible, the boost even carries over Shift and the cooldown is laughably short.

But that's wrong

If your team is at full or close to full health, it's much better to save that E for the next team fight or whenever you expect your teammates to take on alot of damage.

I always assumed speed was better to have up so the group around you can easily dodge and strafe, but I'm putting to much faith in the abilities of my team aren't I?

Healing is way better 90% of the time

>Reinhardt's vacuum hammer pulls me back into death range every time anyway
That thing scares me

>that reaction at the end

Is this what Hanzo mains actually look like?

>Lucio on Ilios
>only people on point are me and enemy Lucio
>pushes me into the pit
>wall ride from the bottom to the top
>hop out right behind him
>push him in
>on fire

The speed can mess up your teammates' aim but it's great for characters like Reinhardt, Winston, Symmetra, Genji with ult

>Runs away to leave Mercy on her own
>Can't melee the badguy
>Just wants his pro noscope clutch kills

I hate Hanzo players more and more every day.

t. 40 rank

get a hang of his burst, 4 pings into DOOT into a fist in their face is exactly how you get tinnitus

doot people into nearby pits when you can, understand that his wall jump means you can jump from any flat surface to any different surface and that what looks like one solid wall can in fact be multiple unique surfaces for you to jump on and that there's really no limit to where you can be vertically if there are walls nearby

healing your teammates is always top priority but never forget that you are solid at picking off wounded people with his burst

>not using melee
>not at least charging one arrow

It's really dependent on the team you get. Just keep a close eye on their healthbars. If they're close to full health, it doesn't hurt to have speed on.

Speed is to prevent damage. Healing is to recover damage.

Also use your speed as an ult extender / escaper. Genji, Soldier 76, etc benefit ALOT.

is that a boy or a girl?

or something in between?

Why are you so angry? Why are you so angry? Why are you so angry? Why are you so angry? Why are you so angry? Why are you so angry? Why are you so angry?

Using the push to keep the other team off the point and using it to keep tanks away is essential.

Listen to this while playing. It'll amp your skills 100%

All yall niggas wrong

>tfw grinding and wall riding around and being a general nuisance

Hanzo has two dragons because Genji's _cock_ is bigger.

Are you guys stupid? He's clearly closer to Jet Set Radio than anything sonic.


It was the Lucio player being a little bitch.

I always thought
was the superior, but I have a love of that sorts of song. Fits better into Lucio's beat, either way.


>playing lucio
>while listening to that

That song would imply that you get kills left and right as Lucio.

>he doesn't
top pleb

>tfw 20 eliminations average in comp as Lucio

gotta go fast my dude

But here's one for you

Don't you mean was?

You're a bitch if you're posterior perturbed by the way someone else plays a video game

you don't, he's brazilian, it's impossible for brazilian monkeys to be good at anything

>implying Mercy didn't give him a thicker, longer, and harder cock

>Not listening to this while playing Lucio

>graze someone with your left click while your teammate finishes them off
>"i am a lucio god! i 'got' all these eliminations!"

Can someone explain where this fucking t. Something meme comes from please

No shit he's Jet Set Radio.
I used to not be able to talk about that game without weird looks and now it's everywhere and I see people wearing shirts from it and shit because they watched their dad play it once or something.
I- I always wanted it to get the credit it deserved. J-just not like this.
Either way Sonic music still fits Lucio's beat great. Pretty much all that era of Sega picks.

Lucio is a support. He's not supposed to go hunting for final blows.

Then why mention getting eliminations at all?

r8 me Sup Forums

i don't know about english formal letters etc but in finland you end them with t. maybe it's from us :^)

I like to imagine him saying AYAYAYAYAYA every time he does that zigzag motion.

>lose the first round
>teammate ragequits
>everyone else leaves


>All these people defending a healer abandoning team and objective to 1v1 a sniper.

You're all cancer. Please do not participate in team games in future.

Lucio is legitimately the most boring hero in the game. Even Torbjorn and Mercy feel more interactive.

dont forget
>bump everything

Where do you get these nice pretty bars and stats?

>Keep E up whenever your team is engaged in defense or attack
>Q when your team can't escape from an ult or enemy team is pushing in
>Use speed boost to get your team away from ults unless you have Q
>Knock people into pits
>Be Reaper's worst nightmare
>Be shooting at something always
>Shoot at snipers and enemies attacking from weird angles so your team can see them
>pushback has a 4s cooldown so USE THAT SHIT

Protip: Lucio can serve a team well by harassment. his idle healing isn't that great, so it's not a problem for him to run off and actually do something besides be a heal slut while his boost if off cooldown.

at least the the ass is better

>"That song would imply that you get kills left and right"

This is why I play Lucia but I always have idiot team mates telling me to play Mercy for her res.

I can't even get away from anyone chase as I can with Lucia. Sure I can fly to someone but everyone groups way close together for no reason.

But that's the reason why I said it. As Lucio you're not getting kills. The video that song is used for features a guy getting kills left and right, which Lucio does not do.

Besides it doesn't really flow well with his gameplay style.

God Marlon Brando was fucking hot

>6.49 final blows

You're right.