Dad 76 thread

Dad 76 thread.

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I want to punch OW fans in the jaw with this headcanon.

It's like making The Avengers or Justice League a family. Ant-Man makes a shitty dad and so does Bruce Wayne. How is 76 any better?


Because he's basically Clint Eastwood.



fuck off back to /vg/ and deviant art you degenerate


best hero



Reinhart is the oldest one there




Papa 76 and gremlin dva are the best memes of 2016 prove me wrong



how did this meme start




Probably his cinematic of him protecting the little girl.




This is probably the best only good part about the whole ow thing. It's cute.









This one is terrible. Delete it

I wanna fug loli hana


Why is tiny Hana always such turd?




Where's the part where she's crying






You just want it so you can wank to her salty tears. You dirty boy.


Dad 76 is the best thing ever


i wonder why people keep posting the sketch when JJR has uploaded the clean color version already

i like gremlin hana more

>this whole thread




Would you wear this?

this is some shit only years of /vg/ inbreeding can achieve but you overwatch folks managed to do it in under two months

Viral marketing friendo.


If it was a bit less colorful, probably

Doesn't really look like an everyday outdoor jacket



that part is just cringe worthy though

This one is still funny

maybe if it was the black and red recolor
less flashy




If you think about it, 76 and mercy did in a way create reaper, so they are kind of like his parents.

Genji/ Zenyatta best pair.





"I've got you in my sights"



This shit is adorable.

Is that Zarya

I wish I had a dad

Because the sketch is way better

Your face is better

I prefer Gremlin Dva

Did CWC start making Overwatch comics?

The sketch has a softer/warmer feel to it.

Worst ship I've ever seen in my entire life.


Wait, morrison died and came back? Where the fuck can i find out about the story

Morrison is officially dead, though it seems that everyone in post-Overwatch crew know he's S76

The delivery for his voice lines sounds stern but fatherly. Especially the ones for his heal. Plus his short.


It would be a better comic without the word "shit",too edgy and tryhard

I feel you.


I wish my dad wasn't an asshole.
