Retro 2016

As a child, I missed out on the Mega Man games, so for the first time in my life I'm playing through them now myself with the Legacy Collection.

Any other anons who missed out on really good and critically acclaimed retro games when they were younger, and just now catching up?

These games truly are god tier when it comes to game design. It's refreshing to play them now. And they still feel fluid as fuck.

What system you playing it on?

>Megashit Man
Here (you)

PS4, comfy controller.

>Legacy collection
Oh shit nigger what are you doing, it's literally the ROMs and an emulator.

But yeah, I like the /vr/ shit. I have basically playing nothing but Doom wads lately, and I still hop on Fightcade occassionaly

It's been awhile since I played the collection, but yeah, going through each of those games back to back was great.
NES Castlevania games can be a little rough, but 1 and 3 were good fun. I played and actually finished those maybe only a year ago.

The second half of Sonic 3, never got past the barrel as a kid

Crash Bandicoot

Other than that I pretty much played everything worthwhile on release.

Good, good.

>Crash Bandicoot

My console of preference was N64 at the time so I missed out on PS1 games.

Played the Crash games not too long ago and they weren't very good.

Agreed, the only legitimately good retro game I've played in the past few years was been Rocket Knight Adventures, Terranigma and Bucky O' Hare.

Literally the Call of Duty of the NES generation.
But hey it's okay when Japan does it.

Playing the same game was a lot more tolerable back when they were only 2 hours long. You could see 1-6 as one fairly long game.

You my nigga.
Also, Goemon games on the N64 are pretty good.

There's a reason why these old games are dead. Fuck side-scrollers so much, and fuck people who like them--waste of developer resources.

Beat those when I was like 8. 2 and 4 on the SNES were good too, but too short.

Terrangima was cool, makes me sad they developers called it quits afterward.

How can you possibly hate platformers?

Terrible medium to tell a quality story.

i collect old games and play them fairly often as time permits. i avoid ebay the best i am able and tend to only buy from garage sales and thrift stores.

my collecting has significantly slowed in recent years as the prices have increased seemly ten-fold.

>playing the legacy collection
why? there are so many better cheaper allternatives

I bought it on sale for 7 euros.

That is less than an hour's work for me, not really an issue and it has a nice library and audio player.

>quality story

Disliking platformers for their narrative capabilities is the same as disliking ice cream for not quenching your thirst.

But it's a great medium for being a fun game.

While that's correct, I'm sure this is the whole point of this thing.

all that stuf can be obtained at a higher quality for free

I missed out on a lot being born in '92.

Currently playing:
The Legend of Zelda
Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revalation
Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride

And pretty soon I'll be starting on Megaman. I'm also wanting to play Super Mario RPG, River City Ransom, more Dragon Quest games, and Sonic 2 and 3 + Knuckles.

Finished a play through of FF7 a while ago. As an adult with zero nostalgia for the game, in my opinion it's fucking great and one of the best times I've had with a game. I'm really surprised at how much I ended up liking it.

Currently playing Dark Souls for the first time, but once I'm done with that I'll probably play through some more older games. It's hard to choose one when there are so many classics I haven't played yet.

I've never played a Doom game, any of the Deus Ex games, any Blizzard games or any Valve games besides the Portals. So that's a lot of what are widely considered essential games I still haven't played. I'll probably go for Doom, Half-Life or Deus Ex next. Or Wolfenstein.

I did what you did during the beginning of this year, having only played Mega Man 1 the year before, and some of X4 when it came out. I then became obsessed and finished every "normal" Mega Man game in little longer than two months. (except X8 which I am still waiting for on ebay)
My favorite is the Zero-series, followed by the classic series, both of which only consists of really good games. X series was really good until X5, then it started going downhill. Especially with X7 being the worst pile of shit I've played in a while. ZX and ZX Advent were great games, except I didn't enjoy their take on the metroidvania-style despite being a huge fan of the genre.

As of now, I am playing Chrono Trigger and I'm loving it. A friend recommended it to me in high school but I wasn't huge into RPGs at the time.

Just got into playing this collection as well. So so good. At first I didn't understand the love for mm2, I liked mm1 way more. But playing and beating mm2 I think I like it significantly more. I just really REALLY hate boobeam trap on the assault to wily castle. The sprite flicker is obnoxious.

For those replaying these old games, do you find them difficult as well / taking a lot of practice to actually finish them?

Or maybe I'm just shit at vidya lately.

These games can be kind of obnoxious at first honestly. Like I couldn't understand the pattern for metal man or how others could recommend him for the first boss. But I don't think you are shit at vidya, I think most people can play and beat a megaman game in less than 5 hours, its just difficult like most NES games.

I missed out on a shit ton of ps1 games, so I recently played through parasite eve, mega man legends 1, megaman 8 and a few others I cant remember
I'm probably going to try vagrant story soon

old games were made differently back then, before they had to deal with not much space for the game combined with previous game making experience almost always started with arcade games.

translation: they tend to be hard to pad the game out so you don't beat it within 20 minutes and want your money back just like how arcade games are hard to try and get more quarters out of you.

I played bits of Mega Man X in my childhood, but could never beat the Sigma levels, and I began to play the series rather recently.

I practically marathoned 1 and 2, and slowly played through 3 and 4. After that I tried to get into the Zero series but couldn't git gud, but now I'm finally getting the hang of it.

It's been a pretty enjoyable experience overall.

>Terrible medium to tell a quality story

There's a certain learning curve to a lot of these old games. You aren't just going to go through content, you have to get good to progress. There's also a certain amount of trial and error, especially with Megaman bosses. Like, you CAN beat them the first time you fight them even without their weakness, but it's unlikely that you're going to.

With just about any of these old NES games you'll eventually feel yourself break through a barrier, and you'll notice a pretty big improvement in how you play.

Also there was still a noticeable arcade influence back then. Not just regarding how difficult they thought games should be (most NES games are actually way easier than arcade though), but in how people approached games. Nowadays people often sit down to a game for a few hours, playing a game is something you dedicate a good chunk of time to. And while many kids did play NES games like that, they mostly seemed designed around a "play briefly and come back often" mentality.