Why aren't you playing in Classic Mode RIGHT NOW Sup Forums?

Why aren't you playing in Classic Mode RIGHT NOW Sup Forums?

Because I only have it on PS4

I'm at work but I plan on playing again when I get home

Because the guns were never designed for a center view. The plasma rifle obscures some of the reticle for fuck's sake.

>Using the plasma rifle for anything but a quick stun bomb

I have, it's pretty nice overall. I actually enjoy it more than I thought I would because I instinctively try aiming to the right with monsters too close to me with normal view because of the viewmodel.


>double jump with Siege mode mod active on gauss rifle
>clip right through the gun

They have some kinks to work out on it. Still, it's pretty sweet. I like the return of the shotgun pump.

>no doomguy face


Still downloading for me

Cool mod, what else does it do?

It amazes me that FPS these days don't center the gun like this. It looks a lot better for a game.

I'm 18 and have never played any DOOM game.

But I am
Works great with no cross hair too

Too bad most of the weapon models looks like shit

can believe I wasted £30.99 on this shitty repetitive game

>buying games

cuck alert

Because I'm busy playing the Doom game with actual modding and where doors don't close behind you and you're not forced into a lockdown arena every 5 seconds

Is this the worth the sale price or should I wait for it to go lower?

Debatable, but it's certainly not worth retail and might not be cheaper for a whole nother year
It's getting good patch support for single and multiplayer with vulkan API mode on the way. And since you can't pirate it, I'd recommend getting it for the sale price

I'm waiting for it to go down to $30. I won't pay any more than that based on the demo.

Seems like a decent game but paying any more than that seems like a ripoff.

Doom cannot be cracked retard

There is a reason realistic can't work for gaming for the most part.

Maybe if you play on console with a poop fov

I played the game and the demo was shite.


While I definitely don't regret my purchase because to me the Single Player was that good, for most people it will not be worth $60 due to the multiplayer being utter shite. So unless you have a lot of disposable income wait for the price drop.