New Saints Row, now Crackdown-flavored

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Just make it stop.

Yeah, it has Gearbox levels of cringe.

Love that nobody seems to have interest in this shit.

Man that was some lame ass music when the first hero showed up. It made me cringe.

>no character creation
Welp, fuck this then. The best part of Saints Row series was making a character you wanted to play.

saints row 2 is still the best

A Volition game? Deep silver gone full leather face, wearing the skin of dead devolopers?

This remind me of that one fps that failed because kids thought it was too cartoony

The previous one was a Crackdown Ripoff though.

Overstrike? later greywashed and called Fuse?

Where the fuck is Crackdown 3 anyway?

What happened to Pierce?

looks shit desu

Looks pretty hype to be honest.
Seems like they made the "recreate" ending in gat out of hell cannon.
That's rather cool.
Hope it aint shit tho, didn't show any gameplay.

That's it, I couldn't remember the name

and then all characters look the same because the SR artstyle is awful

Where did it all go so wrong? Saints row 1 and 2 were great.

It's Benjamin King now.

>Saints Logo
>Street gang

Is this alternate universe Saints Row?

>Named characters
>All seem to have a specialized kit of weapons and abilities

This is going to be a hero shooter like Overwatch and Battleborn, mark my words.

Here's a gameplay interview.

The stunt double was the best part. Expectations low.

Well if we're not going to get another actual Crackdown then I guess this is the next best thing.

This isnt a saints row spin off or some shit like that right?
what the fuck did I just watch.

One of the endings in Gat Out of Hell is as follows:
"God will remake Earth, but he will do so at the cost of the Saints. Everyone you once knew will be gone, and they have lived totally different lives in this universe."
So it's looking like Agents of Mayhem is the recreated universe.

>no character customization
go fuck yourself

beach ball titted luchadoreses were the best thing you've ever allowed me to produce and Dr. Manhattan made for a great co-op experience.

Need gameplay before I can care. I trust Volition though.

>Stunt double
Except for that, it looks passably mediocre.

This looks like a fucking Gearbox game. What the hell is this? Is this actually Saints Row or what?

looks like a Disney-XD cartoon with swearing shoehorned in

Went from gangsters, to crime syndicates, to terrorists, to aliens, to demons, and now this

Alt universe Saints apparently

It's not sr, but it is an open world game. Basically, is canon, which is why it has sr elements.

Remember when Saint's Row was about gangsters and the pimp lifestyle smacking hoes?

This is what happens when people misread memes.

When people said they liked Saints Row easy going(Wacky) attitude compared to GTAIV realistic approach, the devs went full randumb.

they're basically just using the saints to try and build hype for a new series, i'm not ok with this

>Semi serious Saints Row without customization
Who the fuck asked for this

It's like they're asking for a flop

It is Saints Row.

>that shield/health display
That is literally the same as Borderlands. So no character customization and what looks to be hero style switching. I hope this game bombs hard.


fuck off

you can think that, but if you go in expecting sr, you're gonna be disappointed.

>Saints row
>Ever good

He's talking about the Disney XD channel you fucking retard.

That's the name of the channel you fucking massive retard. Disney XD. And even if you didn't know that, some normal fucking reading comprehension would have helped, you braindead wanker.

pretending to be retarded etc. etc.

What the fuck is this new artstyle and why does it look so bad?


>le Disney Channel XD
Fuck off

>battleborn-esque artstyle

They have been testing how much weird they can go, 3 moved away from the formula, 4 was bonkers and this is when devs go full borderlands style.

Did Saints row 2 not sale well or something? Why did they drift this far away from what it originally was. SR2 had a lot of humor in it but it didn't have this gearbox-reddit-tier "Humor" that it does now.


SR hasn't been one static thing since 3 some point during 3 and 4.

Here's your (You)

thats right, games like Saints Row and Borderlands successful only because of memes and developers overall talent-less retards.

>We want Battleborn audience.
Sure, it can share

>this is when devs go full borderlands style
This is on par with what Saints has been.

>shows no gameplay

>not watching the gameplay interview from e3

Surprisingly not as bullet spongy as I thought it would look

see this


A playerbase of 0.5 people per game! How revolutionary.

I guess, but it's not like the game's going to have most of what sr had, like character creation or gang management or any of that jazz.

>the increasing length of trailers in the past years
>it's always gearbox-like shit that makes them too long

If they fix all the shitty animations this could be really good

>saints row successful only because of memes

Nah saints row was successful because of its heavy stylization of gang and gang violence and made it fun.


I had a friend that was working on this, but recently quit. They've been telling me that the entire development has basically been one giant dumpster fire the entire way through and that the development team has basically been hemorrhaging talent over the last couple months.

Apparently, the game was supposed to directly tie in to the Saints Row universe, but corporate demanded all that get yanked at the last second before the reveal at E3. Because the team just recently had the lead art director quit, they weren't able to make new assets for the trailer in time, so they had to leave the Saints Row stuff in.

That's the reason they're being so coy on whether or not this game's tied in to Saints Row, the developers LITERALLY don't know if corporate is going let them tie it in or not.

>No grounded SR4
>Crackdown bullshit
>no character creation
Good thing I can skip this just like I did Gat Out of Hell.

You friend's with Chip Cheezum or is he still working on that shit?

It'll have clothing customization for the characters apparently, but yea it's kind of stupid that they ditched the fully customizable character idea for heroes.
Should have done something like you're a new hero recruit, and as you level up you customize what kind of hero you make

I actually really enjoyed Saints Row 3 and 4. It has so many quality of life improvements that grand theft auto lacks that I found myself going back to Saints Row after getting frustrated and bored from Grand Theft Auto 5.

I might look forward to this, but the lack of character creation is a huge letdown.

Why did the writing, story and jokes become so different in Borderlands 2? I don't remember 1 having the memes like 2 did.

Why did they try so hard to make Gat a beloved character? He's just bland, and I honestly never cared that much for him.

Are they still making an actual Saints Row 5 / Reboot, or is this their big project the entire team has been working on?

They didn't by the time of 3, that's why he was just killed off screen.
However the fanbase adored him for his scenes in 2, which made him by far the most popular character.

Looks like a mobile game.

user let me sum it up for you in meme arrows.

>THQ is going bankrupt and is steadily declining after saints row 2
>everything they are doing is failing and they really cant pull themselves out of this rut
>for their final game they make saints row 3, except volition takes over this time and says, "listen, if this doesnt work your fucked. But if it does you can go back to making saints games the way you want and wont be bankrupt"
>THQ trusts volition
>volition makes saints row 3
>THQ doesnt agree with it but they have to do it
>THQ still goes bankrupt
>volition makes saints row 4 as an homage to the old saints games and a send off to THQ whilst still maintaining a story

Anthony Burch. Google if you don't believe me.
Battleborn was written by his cuck buddy.

No, the problem is that the developers are legitimately retarded and took the feedback the wrong way. People liked that SR was a more cartoonish GTA. It's still got a somewhat serious storyline but is able to have goofy shit to go with it.

So with SR3 the developers decided to go way more into the cartoon shit and started adding sci-fi elements like clones and shit and it was mostly garbage but could still be funny and had some nice characters so they went all out in SR4, dropped any pretense of being a serious gangster/crime game with moments of levity and just went full cartoon comedy with it. Sadly anyone who wants the older style of SR games is in the minority so it's just goofy cartoon shit until the series dies.

>Muh GTA clone

What the fuck are you smoking?
Volition has always been the one that made Saints Row games. If anything, THQ interfered a lot with 3 by making them have all the shitty dlc and telling them to make the story less dark than it was originally.

If you didn't say that I would have thought it was made by gearbox.

No idea, but it sounded like this was pretty much the only thing they had going. If they're working on Saint's Row 5 it's a long time off.

Like I said they dipped a while back, along with a pretty big chunk of the rest of the team.

literally all of this is wrong

THQ fucked themselves by dumping all their money into the Udraw tablet. SR was the only thing remotely successful for them financially and not even that or bringing in Jason Rubin could pull them out of the massive fucking moneypit that was the Udraw.

Saints Row 4 was great though.
It has by far the best gameplay of the series, the 2nd best city exploration, 2nd best story, best villain, 2nd best set of characters, 2nd best cutscenes, 2nd best customization etc.

It literally goes

SR2 >> SR 4 >>>>>>> SR >>>>>SR:TT > SR:GOH

Can someone explain to me why THQ thought Udraw was the next big thing?

i heard the original idea of SR3 (before that went with the cartoon shit) was that you were going to play an undercover cop and infiltrate The Saints. You'd have to make choices, and decide where your royalty lied and shit. Seems like a fun idea, to be honest.

you forgot saints row: undercover, the best sr game

it was a mild success on the Wii, so they thought they could grow that success exponentially by porting it to everything else

we all know how that turned out

>Seems like a fun idea, to be honest.

Have you played Sleeping Dogs? Because it is a fun idea.

One of the best things about Saints Row was the character creation. If they keep that I'm in. Hopefully these people are just side characters.

>Have you played Sleeping Dogs?
Not him but I was hoping Sleeping Dogs would actually have choices to either be a cop or turn and become a triad leader.

GAT out of hell gave me hope we'd get more "slightly more over the top GTA" but nope, jumped the shark and kept going.

Nope, that was an idea for a reboot after 3.
The original idea for 3 was a super dark game with you going up against that one rich gang leader for the entire game (not to just be killed off in that lame scene 1/3 into the game). At one point Gat would be captured and you'd try to rescue him, but he'd be executed by one of the twin chicks in front of you as a form of motivation.

It was originally supposed to be the darkest of the series, but THQ said no because they thought it would scare off younger audiences. The story went through so many revisions in development that you're left with tons of nonsensical missions in a weird order, with certain people dying off screen or in like 2 second cutscenes.

>black guy
>ethnic female who isn't black
>fucking white male

wow, they really took some risks with this one huh?

The gameplay doesn't look too bad
If the writing is so bad that it's good it good do well

Oh baby I just realized that they said years ago Sleeping Dogs 2 was in development. Hopefully they'll be able to mop up and use the city they created for triad wars for it.

>Sleeping Dogs 2 was a weird clash of clans clone and it's dead now
Who the fuck thought people wanted that.