wat happened?
Wat happened?
its too hard
I got burnt out.
I pirated and it's a shitty game.
Nothing to do after the initial playthrough and a bit of PvP.
The online is much worse than both DaS1 and DaS2.
whoa, its almost as if most people don't play the same game over and over again for months on end.
It's le shit
its just rpg and not an actual proper multiplayer game with a long lifetime
people are eager to shit on DS2 but the game had far better NG+ compared do ds3
yeah. its not like pvp exists or anything.
Dark Souls 1
>best world design
>garbage port
>unsatisfying stats
Dark Souls 2
>best gameplay/stats
>best port
>worst world design
Dark Souls 3
>meh stats/gameplay
>meh world design
>SHITTY port
Probably has the least replay value out of any Souls game.
>Daily peak same as DS1's all time
wew lad
I'd argue that a lot more nomies bought it, beat it/got their shit pushed in and quit, and moved on.
>framerate issues
>stuttering issues
>no poise
>everything but straight swords are shit tier
I refunded it after 20 minutes of framedropping and stuttering on my 980 and 950 Pro. Then I pirated it later after 1.05 came out and it's still just as shit.
Shit game. Couldn't even bring myself to play more than half of it.
Not even any red phantoms or ng+Enemy placements/boss moves. Why bother
The PvP in Dark Souls has always been shit
It's even worse in Ds3, which is saying something.
Basically same thing for me.
Makes me sad, I want to like it.
Although I bought both games for full price on release, I could never bother finishing DaS2 or 3.
Old meme game got old and nobody cares for old memes.
its part of the souls franchise, and therefore figuratively shit.
DS1 and 2 had better multiplayer
Where do you check those stats?
pvp is dogshit and done with the game after like 1 finished and 2 unfinished playthroughs
I could have done a magic run but it's boring when you know every little detail about enemies, bosses, treasure etc.
pvp is almost as bad as Bloodborne
no dlc
steamcharts my new friendo
Nothing happened. People are waiting for the dlc.
>wat happened?
Three months passed? Why would the player count remain constant for that long for any game, let along a (mostly) singleplayer one?
>SHITTY port
What's wrong with it? There were those crashes at launch, but aside from that the PC version is fine.
>sequel of over-hyped, overrated game sells more than the previous titles
Fuck you, I've been not losing for a long time up until now... Fuck you
>das2 is lower than das
wat happened?
Played through it once and then dropped it because the pvp wasn't fun.
At least Ds1 has nostalgia and memes and ds2 has good pvp.
The people stuck on the Judge stopped playing
it's been out for months? 10k is still a lot of players for a weekday
People beat the game and stopped playing except for the pvp autists
they split the player base. DS2 is not DS2:SOTFS
stutters out the fucking ass for no reason
>only 10,000 people playing a single player game!
Yes the game has pvp, but it's an after thought like all of the other titles. There are actual fighting games to play if someone wants to go that route.
Well I'm sorry to here that, cause now
It's not a single player game. why do you keep insisting that it is?
It was worse than dark souls 2
Terrible optimization. Barely looks current gen but has higher requirements than witcher 3
They didn't give us enough diversity in Stats and weapons. The best PvP shit was figured out almost instantly, and it's so infinitely better than anything else you gimp yourself way too much to not do so. Not to mention invasions are completely fucked. They tried so damn hard to set up a PvP scene and ended up fucking everyone because it's one of those things that needs to happen organically.
>shit meta
>easy bosses
>more areas feel boring
>linear as fuck progresion
All it appeases are muh lore and matmosphere fags who dont actually play games. The rest is a das1 fanwank with shit pvp
>almost every area in das3 feels huge compared to das1,das2, and even des
Fucking why? I though the size of das1 levels was pretty nice, that way you were continually moving forward into new areas.
3 makes you trudge through the same scenery for far too long, and too many areas are actual shit design wise.
Then why can I run das3 fine on "ultra" but w3 is a shitfest if I try anything above low?
Did they do massive optimization since its launched?
I played W3 fine but I uninstalled DS3 after an hour of 5 second freezes, stutters and frame drops.
Maybe you're just stupid.
PvP in Dark Souls has only ever appealed to a very niche crowd. The larger chunk of players don't mind doing it a few times while completing the game and then they never touch it again.
Maybe its because From didn't do shit for those other 10k users banned
Dark souls pvp is fun at most for the first month before it becomes cookie cutter and copy pastes.
Dark souls 2 had better PvP and that's saying something
dark souls pvp was never a draw to 99% of people
the tiny hardcore crowd is just that, tiny.
Half a percent of players left. How is this cause for alarm? Players will jump back up once DLC and their SotFS equivalent gets released.
I haven't played it yet, I'm waiting for the Scholar of the Second Sin edition, I'm not going to get fucked again like they did me with DaS2.
Dark Souls 3 is better than SotFS
Yes, and? I'm waiting for SotSS before playing it.
Unless I'm mistaken DS3 still has problems with rendering shadows or lighting on faces with some cards, I had to disable them and then the game ran perfectly fine. Try that, user. Some people even mentioned simply wearing a helmet works for the most part.
there isn't going to be an equivalent to that for 3.
I seriously don't get how some people just call it a day when a game crashes on them a lot, thinking nobody has fixes for shit.
>5 hours into my lowbie DeS playthrough, i actually get summoned
>guy's a genuine noob who's lost, a phantom's goldmine
>tfw i show him 3/4ths of a level and die to a fucking salmander
>tfw haven't been summoned by anyone since
Someone's saving maintenance costs by having DS1 and DS2 on the same servers
Then I will wait for the "deluxe edition" or whatever the fuck they're calling the complete game to go on sale for $20.
modern "pc gamers"
>wannnh it doesn't work perfectly! it should work perfectly! I shouldn't have to do anything!
The best is the guy up there saying it stuttered on his "980 and 950 pro" meaning I guess he is running the 950 pro as a physics card and doesnt understand this is the problem? rofl
doing totally unnecessary shit that nobody in their right mind would ever do in 2016 and blame the developer for not supporting it
>Dark Souls 2
>best gameplay/stats
>best port
Let me remindo you of two things: 60 fps broke the game and Adaptability.
There are two ways to know if someone has shitty opinions: if he has Dragon Age 2 on high notes and if he has Dark Souls 2 on high notes.
that won't happen for about 3 years based on previous game prices
you could just buy it and enjoy it now. I highly suggest DaS3 as a quality video game and i've been playing video games since 1987. You can trust me more than 99.9% of people here
You know I thought a lot of people still played DS2 but apparently not. People generally dislike DS2 so they gave both it and the much-improved SotFS a pass.
More money than sense.
Normal game progression. As people beat the game, they stop playing it. The vast majority of players DO NOT LIKE PVP.
And for good reason, its shit and you have to constantly compinsate for lag, shit hit detection, poor game balance, hackers, pve invading your pvp and visa versa.
>that won't happen for about 3 years
Then I will wait.
I'm in no rush.
There are plenty of other games I have that I have yet to complete.
I tried playing with everything off and in a 800x600 window
it still stuttered just the same as it did on max settings. the port is just disgustingly bad, as expected of From
thumbs up senpai
are you the idiot trying to run it with an additional 950 card in your system?
take out the additional card, idiot, it's not doing anything
Gank Souls. Invasions are doable but frustrating and unrewarding.
You have Nvidia don't you? Because if you do, there was a simple fix since ages ago.
a madman started to get everyone banned by hitting them with a hacked dagger
People finished the game dumbass what do you think.
>bbbut muh multiplayer
Duel fags are a tiny minority if DS players
>wat happened?
Dey took her
that explains the shutdown awhile back
it's a singleplayer game with no replay value
what do you expect from rpgs
I loved it since I played it solo. Definitely the best souls game with consistent quality if you play it solo.
but the PVP , weapons , poise system and covenant are fucked.
>bought this and steam controller
>didn't get past firelink shrine
I'm so gay and dumb lmao
People finished the walkthrough and Overwatch came out
What's suprising?
thanks, but I don't give a fuck anymore. I uninstalled and refunded the game after getting burned.
completely lost all hype and will to play it
>Dark souls fags would say 'its sooper hard xDDD thats why not many people play it!!!1!!"
>It's actually boring as fuck except for a handful of bosses
>It's a literal meme-game for casuals.
>darksouls 2
>good gameplay
kill yourself, darksouls 2 has the absolute worst gameplay in the series
The main game (single player) got finished so only the autist PvP crowd is left.
You're posting a graph that has no indication of what is what and why, without linking nor providing a source and meanwhile you make a sarcastic statement like someone is actually supposed to understand the fuck you just posted.
What is that? Number of active players? Number of disconnections during PVP? Why do DS1 and 2 have their number at 0 while SOFTS has 2,449? What do those numbers even stand for?
I swear to fucking god, guys who post graphs are the most asinine entitled pieces of shit on this website. "Look at my evidence" without providing intelligible content to look at is like watching porn with both video and audio off.
That people actually bought and liked Overwatch.
Even Titanfall was more original than that shit, but waifufaggots got drawn in.
Just watch porn and save 60 bucks, niggers.
After the honeymoon phase wore off I realized that there was a large amount of problems with the game that soured my enjoyment. Since none of them have been fixed yet I lost interest. DeS and DaS1 are still my favorites. From just needs to move on from the series and create something new since they can't hit the same high notes as the first two games anymore.
You're dumb
People are waiting for dlc and covenants are PURE SHIT
I don't even remember the last time I booted this garbage up and I couldn't care less. There is absolutely zero incentive for replays because all builds end up being the same. No reason at all whatsoever to not go quality build in every playthrough since everything else is ass and the magic system is the most lazy ctrl+c ctrl+v hackjob I've seen. Way to end a series (>implying they won't keep milking this garbage to no end) with a """"high"""" note. I'm glad I didn't buy the season pass because just as I haven't touched Dark Souls 2's DLCs and never will, I don't want anything to do with this game's DLCs as well.
people prefer talking about it over playing it.
nothing unusual for a Souls game.