You and I have a LOT to talk about

You and I have a LOT to talk about.

Do me a favor and please take a seat over there please.

So what was the plan for tonight? Did you find Sup Forums comfortable?

Friday? Alone? Playing video games? What were you thinking?

What video game are you going to play and with what kind of snack?

Just going to play Muramasa, Mr. Hansen.

I'll play Nocturne or watch Texhnolyze. Maybe I'll order a pizza.
And fap to some lolis, of course.

Day off from work, probably going to do my placement matches for overwatch

I swear I wasn't going to play anything, sir. I was just browsing by that's all.

Just playing Overwatch and TF2
Maybe have some chips ahoy here and there.

Why isn't he in jail yet? He literally made a guy suicide.

A respected texas governor (or some high ranked dude) was caught asking for sex with a minor. The coward shot himself instead of dealing with the problem.

What did Hansen do, exactly?

I didn't come on here to play video games if that what you're thinking. I've never played them. I was just going to tell the people here not to either and how it's dangerous and stuff.

hey I remember this guy from that tv show in 2004. you know the one where he exploits a criminal act for ratings and publicity.

But that's now what it says in your posts, user. You know I have the transcript, right?

Shamed exploited people and made them guilty of a crime before they committed it, read their rights or had a fair trail in a court of law. Istead they are tackled and beat up by police swat team that hide in bushes because USA BITCH


They committed the crime by going to the house though.

The one in Texas is a little more extreme where they don't even have to go to the house.

Also it's no different than prostitute sting operations. You request sex to prostitutes? You committed the crime.

Police acting mighty and shit is retarded, I agree.

lol fuck that shit, it's canada day bitch. im gonna get drunk as fuck with my dudes and dudettes

> being ashamed is worse than a life time in jail
Also of course pedos should be ashamed

>Literally pouring all day

Put it on TV.

If you think having a national audience to your embarrassment and mistake might not contribute to your suicide, you're dreaming.

The media has far too much privilege for the power it wields. If there's one right we could do without it's that of a free press. All that we get is non-stop corporate white noise and bullshit - just because it's for-profit propaganda and bread and circuses doesn't make it better.

I'll be continuing to replay Kingdom Hearts BBS on critical to get those secret endings sir.

Hello Mr. Pedoman,

I am currently playan some God Eater while fapping to tentacle rape of Alisa

I'm playing Demon's Souls for the first time. I'm at the part of the manta rays flying around being dicks and out of reach after defeating the boss. Might grind for strenght because this part is very annoying because of the narrow paths, even with the thief ring.

Is this some kind of setup or something? I'm just on my way to the beach.

Was Chris Hansen the original Todd Howard?

I agree its a fucked up crime. However I feel sting operations are designed to created more crime just so police have an excuse to kick someones door in and get paid.

Then you'll love his lottery episode.

The transcript? Oh yeah those were all jokes and I was hacked too. I thought there were video games in here so I just thought I'd come in and get rid of them so no one would find them and play them. I wasn't going to play any myself. Not on a Friday night with friends waiting to come out and party with me. There's no way.

>No way!

That's like saying that mousetraps are useless because the smell of the bait would just attract more mice to your house. Catching what's already there is the bigger concern.

So if he doesn't put it on TV people would have never know who was at fault here.

Had their family found the dead body for no reason, they would have blamed him.

It's proof of what the dude was doing.

What mistake, exactly? They went to other houses and arrested other dudes and none of them killed themselves.

Again, this particular case he was a high ranking guy with a wife and kids of his own. His reputation, all gone.

He decided to kill himself. He should have not been requesting sex online with minors. Period.

Might try to start up an Advance Wars thread soon. I want to play with anons again.

No snack, but I'll be finishing off the last bit of chicken for dinner from last night.

probably going to play some MWO since there's an event going on with free robots.

Fuck off, pedo

Mod oblivion and maybe some pizza for dinner. Coke, Pepsi or water?

So you're saying someone hacked into your computer and now you're here at Sup Forums.

Do you see why it doesn't make any sense, user?

You said:

"I'd like to play with my PS4 all along"
"Anyone joining for a couple of online matches?"

Online games user! Are you our of your mind?

That was my brother! I was drunk! I gotta take off!

>So what was the plan for tonight? Did you find Sup Forums comfortable?

Play some games after I'm finished with some stuff. No, Sup Forums's pretty shit today. Was having fun talking about localizations, but some faggot mod deleted the thread because I guess he likes NoA.

>Friday? Alone? Playing video games? What were you thinking?

T'is my life.

>What video game are you going to play and with what kind of snack?

Play SMT II and eat a trail mix snack bar or something.

Cheese is not illegal. Those mice did nothing wrong. Cops just want to make money and love creating more crime because they make more money. A 16 year old inviting over men to her house should Not be a crime because that 16 year old is a whore for inviting over men.

I can't control my boredom levels!

Wait, user, wait, hold on!

Wakfu and planetary annihilation.

>Cheese is not illegal. Those mice did nothing wrong.

Fuck you user you made me laugh.

watching ranma
maybe make a sandwich
might play FTL or crypt of the necrodancer

>So if he doesn't put it on TV people would have never know who was at fault here.
How is it your business who does what on the other side of the country or indeed the world? Why do you need to know? Why do you even deserve to know? There's no need to get all self-righteous as if I'm saying he shouldn't face court for his crimes, so you can step off your oh-so-American "criminals have no rights" high horse right now. It's extremely embarrassing to get caught committing offences of this nature, and that embarrassment is magnified when it's broadcast to an audience of millions.

If you don't think that this contributed to his decision to kill himself, you're a fucking nutcase.

And all for what? Some ratings and a quick profit? I bet the producer of the show was cumming in his pants when he heard the news and thought about all the exposure that this would get his TV show. TCAP was a freakshow writ large.

>none of the others killed themselves
"but officer, I only murder in moderation so it's okay"

But that's disingenuous. I certainly don't claim that TCAP was the sole reason this guy killed himself. All I'm saying is that there is no doubt in my mind that it contributed - because how could it not?


I wasn't gonna play any video games, I was just on my way to the beach!

They are not going after the 16s yo, they're going 13 and under.

>before he committed a crime

Actually he had committed several crimes before he was busted by that sting. They found out that not only he was a big time pedo but also distributing CP all over. He didn't kill himself because of online solicitation. He killed himself because he had done far far worse and it would get exposed.

Star Wars Battlefront
Picked it up for £12 and it's actually really fun despite lacking so much. I feel bad for the people who paid full price for it, and I feel even worse for the people who bought the season pass bullshit.
>featuring your favourite heroes such as Nien Nunb and Greedo!
Who the actual fuck wants to play as those?

13 year olds can be sluts too.

was actually just going to use browsing Sup Forums as a means of escapism, sorry

Ever heard of sting operations? Yup, that's what they are. They jut happen to be filming one.

Just because you don't see them on TV doesn't mean they don't exist.

He would have not killed himself had he not been requesting sex with underage kids. Period.

What ranking? To this day I never knew dateline nbc existed nor who Hansen was.

Not only that but he started a campaing to go on with his show and barely made the numbers.

Had he had hight raitings he would have easily gotten 1M dollars. But he didn't.

Sorry to break it to you but Hansen didn't put the gun on his head so he is not a murderer.

well that makes more sense. I would have killed myself too.

And 11 year olds as well. One of my classmates in highschool had a baby at that age.

Just because they're willing doesn't mean you should.

I mean when Vivian was created a bunch of Anons got upset when they saw porn of her. And she's a fucking fictional character. Imagine if their real daughters, if they ever have, were the ones getting fucked by random men on the internet.

Joke's on you Chris, I have a horrendous cold and I can't even muster the effort to play games right now.

Mr. Hansen, when is your show Hansen vs Predator coming out? I donated $100 to it. I'd like to watch pedos getting fucked with again.

Canada Day Motherfuckers! So yeah probably just play some shit by myself in my room.

I work nights, Fridays and Saturdays, Chris.

And yet you came to Sup Forums, user. See why it doesn't make any sense?

Is it even possible to be this fucking oblivious?

People have a right to privacy. Yes, even criminals. "It's just a sting operation" isn't a fucking argument because I'm not saying that it isn't, or that sting operations are bad. The specific activity that I object to is broadcasting it, which you seem to have missed despite me clearly enunciating it. I can only believe this is because you are some kind of criminal nigger, which explains why you're so familiar with how police operate in the first place.

>He would have not killed himself had he not been requesting sex with underage kids. Period.
Wow dude, you're a fucking genius.

There is a whole chain of causality leading up to the specific moment he pulled the trigger, and if any one of those links were broken he might not have killed himself. Yeah, if he hadn't been trying to diddle kids he might not have. If his car had broken down on the way, too. If he didn't have a gun. If any number of things had or hadn't happened. You cannot just assign 100% of the blame to one specific link because that's not how fucking causality works. Even if it makes you feel good, you arrogant self-righteous fuckwad.

Consider a jaywalker who steps out in front of a car, and a driver who fails to brake and kills him. Who's at fault? If the jaywalker hadn't stepped out, he wouldn't be ded. If the driver had braked, he wouldn't have killed the jaywalker.

Both of those people are 100% responsible for the accident.

You can't divide blame by percentages or separate it neatly into little blocks that fit into the little holes you want to assign to them. Fuck you.

Well there's probably something you should know. I am Chris Hansen from FBINBC and we're filming a documentary on gamers who try to play video games on a friday night.

If there's something you'd like to say, you can do so. Otherwise you're free to close the browser.

You are right they are sick fucks but inviting men over to fuck them on the internet would be very stupid too. Consider that Most child abuse and rape is committed by family and fathers and goes unreported.

What? I'd never play a video game! I'm from Sup Forums we don't play video games there!

I was going to try to play Warframe but the farming is killing me, fuck forma.

I don't have any snacks though, I MUST GO SHOPPING

>I don't know what a sting operation is

A sting operation doesn't go to you, you go to the sting operation. It's your own fault if you fall for a trap. Period.

That's not what these chat logs say.

mite b cool


And this is when parenting kicks in. Parents are at fault for not supervising these children.

These is why they see Hansen as a god because he is doing their job as parents.

You hear all about family rape all the time though.

I swear man, I don't actually play those games I just shitpost about them!

But user, you have 1000+ hours logged into TF2! Do you expect me to believe you?

Pedo pls go

>i'm pretending to be retarded
Nice to know, dude. You got me good.

See you later.

Hey don't tell me you wouldn't spend 1000+ hours trading for hats if the opportunity presented itself!

Good grief. Don't hit yourself on your way out.

I swear I just wanted to hang out and have a few beers with your kids. WE WERE GOING TO PLAY VIYDA THATS ALL.

But your profile only has dropped hats, user. You actually had the intend to play video games tonight... on a PC.

The things I do are natural! Everyone else is a freak! Videogames are made to be played on Fridays!

A-Am I in trouble?

No way man, I don't do none of that PC gaming shit, that shit will mess you up. You ask anyone on Sup Forums I'm a console fag through and through and through. I don't even play games man, my PS4 is just a Netflix machine!

I refuse to believe those were actual idiots and not paid actors...

No one in their right fucking mind would actually believe a 13 year old girl is willing to fuck you just 2 days after you met her.

What would have happened to that OUYA disguised as a PS4 over there user, had I not been here?

user the thing about pedophiles is that they AREN'T in their right mind.

I'm going to continue my render man remake of Judy.

Fuck off op.

You should kill yourself just like this governor before your go after children, no place for your kind in society.

But user, no one on Sup Forums actually plays vidya. Tell me, what was really going to happen?

Oh, so you're saying playing video games on a friday is natural?

Do you have consoles yourself? Would you like if other people played with them?

I swear I only have that because I wanted to try it once! You gotta believe me! No one wants to play mobile games at the same res on a TV screen! I wouldn't even sink that low!

Doctors? Engineers? Governors? Army dudes? Hell even a dude that worked at Nickelodeon and had a girlfriend still fell for the bait.

Like what in the fuck. They were smart enough to land a high paying job only to lose it all by doing stupid shit?

>playing video games
>in 2016

It's not hard to believe that there are smart people who have no impulse control.

We were just going to shitpost together I swear I dont usually do this kind of stuff.


Are you aware that it's illegal for minors to be on Sup Forums? What do you have to say about that?

This fucking thread

I don't doubt that. I just find hard to understand how you have your life set and you decided to ruin it with something so mundane.

Pedophiles must accept the consequences of their actions. They had ample opportunity to seek counseling.

I hope weebs in here learned from this. Anime is a gateway to pedophilia, and must be censored. Japan is currently working on it.

You shouldn't be surprised at what guys will do for a tight young piece of ass.

I just wanted to show them my 2d loli collection

I'm sure the other detectives would like to see your collection user.

well I'm probably going to play some nethack

drinking pepsi and maybe eating some chippus

just brought home 3 siberian hamsters, they're sisters and I basically raised them from babies (they were born from one of the siberian hamsters we were selling at independent pet store I work for)

also will be listening to the last day of an online music festival hosted on Sup Forums (muchella, come by and listen to some patrish tunes if you dare)

all in all, a good friday night. too bad I work on the weekends so this is more like my sunday night but oh well!