The Mass Effect Trilogy is the best video game trilogy ever made

The Mass Effect Trilogy is the best video game trilogy ever made.



Get some taste user


If the aliens weren't so fuckable, no one would care about this series.



Why is Shepard a nigger in these posters

The fallout trilogy is the best

Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas & Fallout 4

There are no good video game trilogies, sequels are cancer.

But Mass Effect 2 was overall a dissapointment and Mass Effect 3 is an abortion.

>mass effect is the best trilogy

but Thief, Thief 2 and Thief DS exist, user.

Also the DX trilogy is good.

Baldur's Gate
Baldur's Gate II
Throne of Bhaal

>Ass Effect

Metroid Prime, even if the latter 2 weren't as strong as 1, was a far better trilogy.

Gay sex, the game.

I remember thinking where mass effect would place among video games best trilogies

And then 3 dropped

not even the best sci fi game trilogy, metroid prime trilogy is better

EDI in 3 was the most retarded thing I may have ever seen in a video ga,e

Good and agreed.

Not a trilogy, just three subsequent games.

Also God of War (new one is a reboot).

I think the artist just cant into lighting

hot tho

well it wont be a trilogy for long... after the new game... it will be a quadogy

Despite what ME3 did to the series, multiplayer was comfy as fuck with friends.

>rolling novaguard with a team of primers against platinum reapers

>What is Halo