Final Fantasy XV

Final Fantasy XV

Some new footage showcasing DLC shit.

Brotherhood ep 2 was pretty gud

The Cidney skin is the greatest shit, I'm actually kinda mad it doesn't come with the CE.

Also is anyone willing to dump Kingsglaive spoilers? I saw 2 different sets last night and I dunno which were correct, if any.

Why couldn't they just keep it as Cidney for the English version. Cindy sounds like shit. There was no reason to change it. Cidney Aurum sounds fine.

Either Cindydney is some developers waifu or they are really, really confident in her marketability.

I'm as hyped as fat pronto in pic in regards to this game coming out.

especially since anyone with half a brain understands it's the requisite Cid mechanic character

I can't even play in Japanese voices because all subtitles and text in the game will read Cindy.

Autism to the max.

cid is in the game

why would there be two cids?

Cid is Cindy’s grandpa.

They STILL haven't fixed this glitchy teleporting shit?

okay. but that's still dumb imo. why not just have her be cidney and leave her grandfather out of the story altogether?

Because Cid can't be a woman you retard.

i started running because of episode 2

I feel amazing, fuck damn. I can run small distances without feeling winded at all, that is fucking crazy. Can't wait till 2-4 months from now

wow that's kind of sexist dude

Then let's have a male "insert well-known female" then.

The namefag's spoilers were bullshit, the Jap ones seem to be legit.

Gladio's episode coming next week.

Because that will require another headache of a re-write. Cidney is just there for eye candy. Cid (granpa) is the old and wise Cid character.

did anyone else found it unsettling when Prompto takes pictures of himself in his underwear

The downgrade is real and even with DLC clothes Noctis still looks like a faggot.

It's actually quite common for people who is exercising and dieting to get in shape to actually take pictures of themselves in their undies. It's kinda like a progress report.

user, I already gave your (You) yesterday.


everyone in that pic looks like a massive fag

whats with the japs and effeminate men exactly?

>Everyone who doesn't wear t-shirt and cargo shorts is a fag to the denizens of Sup Forums

Spotted a faggot. Everybody and point and laugh.

Because women in japan like twinks, while everyone over there who is actually gay, are all /fit/ gay and like bears/manly looking men.

not that guy but here's a point and a laugh at you.

This game is aimed at the west, it's not going to sell in Japan at all because contrary to your belief, Japanese people aren't queers.

You are though.

it isn't going to sell in japan because it's not on handheld.

>no buster sword

it really seems like such a pointless rewrite, that's what baffles me about it

What women? Teenager girls who don't know much about the world? Sure. Reclusive? Sure.

But manly men are still preferred in Japan. Japanese businessmen manly type are fucking women left and right, including housewives. Just because anime and manchildren mediums aren't putting the focus on masculine males, doesn't mean that women aren't narutally inclined to prefer them.

>it isn't going to sell in japan because it's not on mobile.
Fixed that for you. Vita versions sell less than PS4 versions nowadays and the only games pulling big numbers on the 3DS are those made for literal children.

even their live action television shows and bands are filled with twinks

Because it's ugly as fuck and you could get it in LR. Time to put in some less overused weapons.

>Japanese businessmen manly type are fucking women left and right, including housewives
You should stop self insert as the faceless bald man, user.

>the only two options are being a feminine man in skinny jeans and a sleeveless vest or cargo shorts/tshirt

How about keeping their outfits and having them not all be faye weak looking fags with feathered hair? that would be a start

Awww, the bald guy can't self insert. Don't worry user, there are plenty of ways to grow your hair again.

>How about keeping their outfits and having them not all be faye weak looking fags with feathered hair?
That doesn't reflect them at all though.

not even the same guy you dunce

>That doesn't reflect them at all though.
how so?

>FF discussion used to be filled with porn of cute girls and talk about good story
>they're now about fags, DLC, and hair


>royal car
>black is the royal color
>lmao whatever
What a trainwreck.

No Gunblade no buy

Why the hell is the katana has the same moveset as greatswords. They already have a base (from Cor) to copy from. Urgh, potential wasted

'Cause it's fucking huge, Noctis does use katanas but they're much smaller

It showed a gunblade though.

Both sound terrible.

>final fantasy used to have cute girls and a good story

>now its just a bunch of faggots with costume dlc

not really our fault tbqh famalan

Ain't interested in bootlegs

How is Gladious for example weak looking fag with feathered hair?

How is Noctis with his deep voice and possibility of rapid aging?

Pronto is one, though - mainly because he's just pretty generic.

Ignis is the tacticool dood.

Do they all need Gladiolus' muscles to be considered "not gay"? wew

>you can have a DIFFERENT set of black clothes!
Oh boy


Good luck bro

Shoulda specified "no cool Gunblade, no buy."

Lightning's gunblade is aesthetically superior.

>lmao whatever
>let's paint it fucking yellow
>and add this slut on it called Cindy
>but lets spell her name Cidney

Its because Nomura always makes his characters look like Japanese Pop Stars you fucking idiots. And the ones he likes just happen to look like feminine, little bitch boys. He has been doing it for ages. The worst case was Genesis in Crisis Core.

Genesis was based on Gackt, a real person.

People don't hate Genesis because of how he looks you dumb bandwagon retard

My opinion > your gayass opinion

It's the other way around.

Fire Emblem has done this a fuckload of times. The first game established archetypes like Jeigen, Kain and Abel, and Est. Since then, every game has had characters that are statistically and thematically similar to them, just like Cid is in Final Fantasy, but a few games have subverted the pattern in small ways by changing the gender, colors, or growths of those characters to suit the narrative and gameplay. There is no reason there couldn't be a female Cid. Another example, the Highwind has been both a person and a ship or neither in different games.

Who fucking cares you faggot.

It's called a DLC for a reason.

I don't have any gayass opinions, so you lose.

First off, I'm all for creativity and imaginativeness.
I don't understand why there are people like you that actually try to legitimately defend how terribly they are dressed. Do you really need it carefully explained to you why they dress like fucking retards or do you just have shit taste?

nigga, calm down.

I don't even know any of the name drops you just pulled.

I just watched the video and they all look like a bunch of fags, i got off the FF train long ago when the gameplay changed

point out which ones are not fags?

>btw, the muscular guy is homoerotic af tbqh

I'm sure one day you'll be aware of your homosexual ways

All your opinions are gayass, gaylord.

user, be nice to Tim, or you won't get anymore (You)’s.

Oh my gos that framerate.
I can actually count the frames.

>i got off the FF train long ago when the gameplay changed
>he only played FF1

You don't know shit about my opinions, faggotemperor.

>Do you really need it carefully explained to you why they dress like fucking retards or do you just have shit taste?
Considering all you people can actually muster is "haha gay faggot xD" and nothing else, maybe?

Do you yell at each and every business suit (or anything similar) sporting person outdoors and tell them they're faggots? Never seen gay person sport black clothes either desu.

oh come on you know exactly which change i mean you cunt

A Japanese rock/pop star.

Yes they do.

I Do when cunts like you talk about shit you don't know shit about, bitch.

Just so you know, the Nips generally hate to play as bald muscled dudes. Every article about a big Western game is usually swamped with comments about how ugly the characters look and how they don't want to play as an "ossan" (old man). Also:
Forgot how the Amano protags really looked like, did you? At least Nomura doesn't put a shitload of makeup on his male characters.

Lets not pretend Amano is any better in that regard.

A: The katana is a single armiger only weapon obtained later in the game, they don't wanna spoil it's moveset before release.

B: katanas been cut.

C: they got lazy, turned all katanas into Washing poles. Act as greatswords.

Notice how we still haven't seen any actually tps gameplay with a gun outside that one dev progress video.

Calm down, kid.

I don't think you even know, go play the games in release order.

>these outfits
>business suits

if you wore something like what they are wearing to work you would be fired and laughed out of the building

The only place their outfits would be acceptable at is a gay bar or a rave

>business suit
god you're such a delusional faggot

Yeah, Lulu and Kimahri was the real Japanese Pop Star duo of the year when X released.

Then one song they had Wakka as a feature guest yelling "Ya" at set intervals.

I never understand why people praise Amano more than Nomura. All of Amano's protag's looked like complete fags and only looked okay in the games because Amano didn't do the sprite art and the sprite artists didn't give a shit about matching Amano's concept.

confirmed for shit taste and delusional
that sucks mang

Dead on arrival

Bartz & Terra necks are quite something else.

This is going to be one of his suits

>in release order else would you play them?

and the switch away from (relatively) traditional turn based combat is what i meant lad. very obviously

You could see guns in the weapon menu and some recent gameplay footage showed Noctis with a gun equipped. And we already know what Noctis' fighting style with shorter katanas looks like.

>that puke green

this game is going to suck

>6 button pinstripe suit with double breast pockets
>actually has the bottom button done

holy shit

i got aids from even looking at this

I was going to let the pinstripes slide even though they are a bit distracting, but that tie is unforgivable.

>Buster Sword
fight me you fucking faggot

Sup Forums - /fa/
Not that I mind it.

>tfw am part of the 1% who got the deluxe edition day 1 with the statue and all that other great shit

Yeah I'm hype and I will enjoy every ounce of this game on release day

>Ask for why the suits are supposedly so retarded
>None of the responses actually explain anything and are just basic haha gay faggot xD fuck you delusional YT tier comments

The power of Sup Forums

Everyone knows the proper protocol is to undo the bottom button when you sit down and button it when you're standing, you uncultured swine.