Anyone playing this? Just got it yesterday on the steam sale...

Anyone playing this? Just got it yesterday on the steam sale, it's pretty good so far but I have no friends so it gets boring.

Going for a Plague/pistol user with occultist and demolitionist.

Fuck ton of skills and devotion is overwhelming as fuck. Any tips?

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Don't spread too thin, it's better to get a decent amount of points in skills first. Just think about a build and work towards it and don't try to level every single ability.

I'm finding it pretty hard to level both classes. Might reroll since I'm only a few hours in. Also is there any way to do a crusader/Valkyrie build. I'm pretty but hurt I can't make a qt Valkyrie

Good luck.

Yeah, multiclassing is something you should do later in the game as skill points aren't that abundant. Same thing was in Titan Quest.

Already finding it extremely annoying. Gonna re roll for sure

There's basically no skills for ranged/poison just gear.

I've always like poison builds but since I am going to be playing mostly single play DoT is pretty shit for me. Im thinking of doing a Demo/Arcanist dual pistol build. Looked up a build guide for it

Yeah sorcerer is good for ranged,although kiting in this game is atrocious because the character take ages to turn his ass around and fire the fucking gun.

It's fun for the first 2 difficulties while you get gear upgrades but then get pretty boring and tedious on the hardest one because farming for gear isn't fun.

I bought it a while ago and swiftly returned it, I love arpgs but this one was just bad

Any other ARPGs you'd recommend for coop? Trying to find something to play with my friends that isn't an FPS. The last one we did was Torchlight 2 and the only gripe we had with that was that the netcode was ass and everyone other than the host would get killed by shit we never saw on the highest difficulty.

Diablo 3: RoS
If you haven't completed the game+expansion yet, you have that to do, then you can do the massive amount of endgame content from RoS

>Recommending Diablo 3 in a thread about a game far better than it

Path of Exile is free.

Seems like it's going to have godlike endgame when the DLC comes out.

>Back during the Kickstarter, one of the campaign’s final stretch goals was the unlocking of what we then called Survival Mode. It was described as follows: “In survival mode players will fight to stay alive against increasingly difficult waves of monsters.” At its core, the new Crucible mode embodies this statement, but it also delivers so much more as you tackle its 150 waves.

>In the Crucible, death marks the end (especially true for Hardcore players). Every 10 waves of enemies, you have to make a difficult choice: continue on for the next 10 encounters for a chance of greater reward, or cash out what you’ve earned and not risk your own demise.

>Should you perish, you cannot continue and the treasure will be reduced substantially.

>The Crucible is a cruel place where even the mightiest heroes meet their match. But we couldn’t stop with just one deadly arena. Crucible mode will feature several battlegrounds, each with a different layout and defensive positions.

>Mutators are global effects applied to all monsters or players, each one a unique twist that strengthens monsters/players in one way, but weakens them in another. As you progress through the Crucible, additional Mutators will be applied, and every 10 waves they will be re-randomized.

>The Crucible will test your characters like nothing has before as you battle through the Aspirant, Challenger and Gladiator difficulties. Defeating 100 waves on a difficulty unlocks access to the next, where greater rewards (but also greater challenges) await.

>incremental hordes
>godlike endgame
Yeah no.

The whole point of this genre is killing incremental hordes.

What's your idea of good endgame then? D3 rifts?

You'll have to wait for the expansion, but personally I'd wait for a game without this obnoxious engine.

There's no such thing as good endgame in this genre yet. It's either an infinite drag like D3 or it stops exactly when you finish your build.

But in this case the endgame is an entirely new mode with different dynamics.

Of course it can't be fun forever but it's something new.