Your thoughts on skyrim remastered?

Your thoughts on skyrim remastered?

It looks unbelievable. When I heard that Bethesda are doing a remaster of Skyrim, I thought it was just few HD textures put here and there.

I have never been so wrong, they're actually remaking this gem from scratch. New Skyrim looks, AND plays totally different.

I am sold. It will feel like a totally new game.

And as far as I know, Skyrim Special Edition has the potential to become the very best game of current gen.

It doesn't need to happen
Remaster Morrowind or remake Arena or Daggerfall


Lazy, cashgrab made for suckers, like every other remaster.

Bethesda pls go

>console port that costs nothing to make, not even going for 60fps
>charging non pc players $60usd, the price of a brand new triple A title

it's like printing money

Good for Todd that he can make bank selling the same game multiple times to console retards

assuming screen is legit, it looks like shit. Basically someone with no clue making his own ENB preset and slapping it over poorly made retextures

Skyrim is a mediocre game made enjoyable by community mods.

Bethesda takes some of these mods, repackages them and sells them to retards at a higher price. Good for them, but it was unnecessary other than to give Todd more cash.


I think it already looks better on any $300 toaster with a few basic mods

Fool me once Todd shame on you
Fool me twice shame on me

Modders have already done a better job of it for free and it's been available for 2+ years now.

Doesn't look as good as modded 2011 Skyrim.

Will probably be just as buggy.

Esbern will still silently give you a pile of subtitles behind the door.

Brawling will still end up with your combatant pulling a weapon.

Triple autism

something about it hurts my eyes and like playing with an enb for any period of time would probably give me a headache

Why does every single remaster look like shit.Take some time and make some decent assets you fucks.

Fuck you


pick one

Fuck you

I am not Todd, nor Bethesda employee.

These words are coming from the bottom of my heart, and I just try to help you.

Help you in seeing the truth.

The truth that Skyrim Special Edition will be the greatest game ever seen by a mankind.


What's with the pissy filter

How can they make it look even worse than the original?

My moded game is beautiful, take it back

hang your head in shame

is this loss

Bethesda games are all unpolished ugly messes with shitty writing and lame gameplay. WHY does anyone play these?

its good for me because my xbox 360 shit the bed.

I mean my current Skyrim still works fine. I was playing it last night.

I'm just glad they're giving it for free to people who have the PC version.

I mean it's not doing any harm though so I'm kinda indifferent.


Because mods make any 5/10 game into an 11/10

Fuck you


Skyrim is the only game that I let get away with being glitchy.

I mean its almost part of the charm.

Before anyone gets me over being a Bethesdrone Skyrim is the only Bethesda game I've ever played and it will probably stay that way.


that's clearly photoshoped

I can't wait. If people think this is just Skyrim with a graphical filter, they don't know Bethesda. They are perfectionists, and I can say that they are going through every inch of the game and remastering it from the ground up. After all, Skyrim is a true masterpiece and nothing short of perfect will do it justice. $60 is a small price to pay to play a better version of one of the best games of all time.

gave me a good laugh

All I care about is DX11 support and x64

Arrrrrr, matey. It be a true sight to pay $60 for.

Eat my fat ass, Todd

I liked Skyrim, but why the fuck they added a piss filter I don't know. Fucking dropped.

I agree. For a long time I thought you couldn't improve on perfection, but darn it bethesda has proved me wrong.

I'll try it when it comes out I guess.

Will they be remastering the shit writing?


they're marketing it to console plebs. they don't give a shit about PC. why do you think they're giving it away for free to people who own it on PC already.

and as it turns out nearly 90% of skyrim sales were on console. oh, gosh.


Can't be worse than Fallout 4

>Requires the Legendary Edition or all three DLC which everyone pirated anyway cause it wasn't worth the cash and doesn't apply if you don't have it in full by release
>Winter sale Skyrim shit was 75% off across the board
>Summer sale, Individual DLC are 25% off and complete set is only 50% off

I can't find a statement to disagree with.

You are 100% right.

Source for what?

Wow those graphics are really amazing, crazy how much work they put into a free remaster.

Did they fix the boring combat and copypasted dungeons or is it just graphical tweaks?

Can my Nvidia 460GTX even run it?
Hell I was able to out Mad Max somehow with that card, but I can't even play the DOOM demo.
My computer is official toaster level.
Fucking sucks.

>free remaster.
"free" to that 14% who bought it on PC, lel. cashgrabarino against the other 86%.


There's some kind of weird contrast thing on this imagine, like the sky. Or blur it does look like that a bit.

Hey, Todd, which one is the remaster? cuz both sides look like shit.

Oblivion should have gotten the remastering, I want my multicore support dammit.

also controller support on pc

That's the vanilla game with a a shitty ENB, not the remaster edition. The ugly ass DoF and sheer amount of AO doesn't lie

Depth of field

My god why would they add a shit filter look how much better games would look without it

Maybe a no-so-retarded leveling system too.

If they didn't bother to increase the draw distance and make better distant LOD it's literally nothing.

Fuck off my game looks beatiful

but that would take effort. They'd have to actually remake models and textures. With Skyrim it looks modern enough that they can just slap some filters onto it and call it a remaster.

You guys meant to spell Morrowind. That's okay, I don't mind helping you guys out now and then.

I'm with this user I can't tell.

Morrowind is getting a fan remaster. Nobody cares enough about Oblivion to do anything with it.

Reminder that ENBseries guy won't be porting the entire mod from the old version to the new version and most of the stuff for improved lighting and shading will stay in the original.
The """Special Edition""" will NEVER look as good as the original.

Well, ENBs are mostly situational anyway. Nothing will make Raven Rock look like anything other than an ugly grey mess for example

You can at least fix that with mods. Being limited to 1 CPU core not so much.

Morrowind might as well get a complete remake due to its combat system and mechanics in general. Oblivion however deserves a general remaster HD version more.

All right. I do wonder how people find such effects attractive, especially motion blur. Can't see shit.

I'm cautiously optimistic because I liked the original and didn't do the DLC so this is my chance, but I'll reserve judgement until I see more footage of actual gameplay and not just environments.


Not as beautiful as mine

And how is the new High Hrothgar?

>better without the piss filter
Nice meme.

That's the point. Skyrim LoD gets so bad outdoors your best bet is just to hide it

Even as one of the biggest consolefags in existence I won't buy it. I'll just play it modded on PC.


>The """Special Edition""" will NEVER look as good as the original.

you realize it has an entirely new renderer and can do a bunch of stuff that ENB can't add, right

i'd much rather have an improved default renderer. Default fallout 4 basically looks better than any amount of ENBs because the basic lighting and shadowing is better for instance.

You have the sun rays in that pic, not fair

it will cause a lot of crashes because bethesda will fuck up the development of x64
i am happy that i no longer need to use an enb though--those things are WAY too GPU intensive

Aren't ENB's also a massive performance drain? I remember even a simple one making my average FPS drop quite a bit when outdoors.

Can someone knowledgeable neatly explain ALL of the advantages to modders in this 64bit version?

As I said in the previous thread on this, Skyrim is only good for one thing

I wonder who could possibly be behind this post

>tfw i spent like 8 hours modding skyrim yesterday and dont even feel like playing now


there is no way anybody could know, they could easily do little code tweaks that would be unbelievable for modders

one of the main things is they will clean up memory management which is always an issue when you start running a lot of mods and especially high level enbs

I'm sure the console players will love it, I'm not hating.

>beth remakes morrowind
>removes half the rpg elements
>Sup Forums throws a fit


>installed my enb wrong
>everything has that shitty SSAO blur effect around the edges
>shadows look like shit

what did i do

Literally a texture pack I downloaded years ago.

gratz Bethesda for catching up.

Steam controller senpai

save texture modding and enb for last so you load faster to test things