What is the best VOIP service?
its discord
What is the best VOIP service?
its discord
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Teamspeak, fuck off.
>using this much RAM
fuck forgot image
Yeah maybe if you have like 2gb of ddr2 ram. 10mb is nothing, now take your thread to the 10th page and never come back.
I like dolby axon.
Discords voice quality is kind of shit compared.
Skype is bottom tier.
I forgot that dolby was a company that still existed
I liked using discord until I got this weird bug where it only played the game sound through my speakers and the voice chat in my headphones. Kinda frustrating
I thought discord fixed their "Robot voice" problem.
Discord is fucking free why would you buy a server
>ddos protection
>it gets ddos occasionally
maybe if it didnt lie
Not so much so that it has ddos protection, but that your not hosting it yourself therefore your IP is protected and harder to access in order for someone to DDoS you.
If your hosting a skype call, the other person has direct access to your IP and is able to easily DDoS you within seconds, same can be said for Teamspeak (if you are hosting the server, or if they are)
Discord goes a step in a protective direction, you connect to a central server that neither you nor attackers have access to and cannot gain the IP information of the other, an extremely skilled hacker may be able to find a way to trace your ip through it but an average/common DoS or DDoS attacker would lack the aptitude to do it, or the patience to do so.
>teamspeak/mumble and IRC are too complex for millenials
>lets give skype a gamer skin, millenials love that razer shit
and so discord was born
Because it fucking works you sperg and isnt shit compared to discords quality. Go shill your shot somewhere else.
Mumble is better. Less latency and it uses less RAM. My mumble is currently using 9MB of RAM.
>and lets also give it DDoS protection, Automatic Failover, and make it into a free version of Teamspeak
in b4 teamspeak babies defend their outdated software
oh and the robot voice problem only happens if the person speaking has a shitty 3rd world internet connection (or you do)
>wow discord sure looks nice and is easy to use, so it's obviously worse than us cool kids using the old stuff!
are you really nitpicking the difference between 20-30 mb of ram when we all have at least 8 GB now?
>hosting a server on ts3 makes your IP fully exposed, and you have to fucking pay for it
lol what
Discord if you don't want to host a server and/or want to quickly set some shit up.
Teamspeak if you're playing sims with multiple people, like ARMA or flight sims.
Mumble if you don't like Discord's interface too much and like options.
skype never
vent NEVER
>Using closed source communiation software in 2016
Just use Mumble.
>not having a 15 year old toaster next to you to run mumble, irc, etc
you're damn right I am. I want my 20 megs back.
I figured mumble would be better for milsims since it has directional audio
the main thing i like about discord is their devs, they're constantly updating shit and obviously care about their product
maybe you should consider shutting down the toaster and saving yourself some electricity
Yeah, but most sims I've played seem to prefer Teamspeak. I guess mumble can do it too.
>its closed source so its bad
i dont use it because its open source, i use it because it works better than any other VOIP service
*puts on gamer shirt*
*adjusts gamer fedora*
*readies gamer headset*
*relax back into my gamer racer chair*
*turn on my gamer leds*
>one hand on my gamer keyboard, leds already blinking
>other hand on my gamer mouse over 10,000 DPI
>log in to discord, the true leet gamer's choice
i am ready for some sick af overwatch scrims (quick play)
rank 30 btw, pretty good I know
joke's on you, mom pays the electricity bill
boy i sure am glad i'm using open source software in case the government is watching my discussions on video games and anime
You don't get to decide what could be used against you.
Weird. Is it because teamspeak has better structure for a hierarchy?
Mumble, only one that respects your freedoms.
>ha ha yeah bro fuck those uber nerds EL OH EL
>fucking irc is gay as fuck hacker user is legion SHIT
>and dont get me started on keyboard and mouse elitists
*rips a fat vape*
>DUDE discord is fuckkin EPIC
I don't understand where this comes from. Teamspeak and mumble were made for gamers too
These two are old, it's no longer hip to pretend that you hate them.
Mumble? Sounds like a band indie rock band
IRC? What does that even mean?
I use Discord for my gaming group, works well. Haven't had any audio quality problems, but since I've only had about six people on at once it may have problems with more than that.
lol ur really funny please keep posting in my thread i appreciate it
>yeah i take my fps scrimming pretty seriously y'know... yeah i play matchmaking...
>community league? wtf is that? some indie shit game?
>what the h*eck does IRC mean?
>brb my queue popped time to rank up epic style ftw
>he uses Skype
>friends refuse to use anything other than Skype
discord actually made a video about this
>current year
Curse voice.
Lots of ingame options
Possibility to host own TS like servers with admin rights, user lists,giveaways,polls etc etc etc
Trust me.
can i embed a chat window on my website ?
I always find skype having better sound quality than anything else I try.Although that shit is heavy as hell and the client slow as hell some times.
convince them to use discord at least, it's pretty much the same and has a prettier/better interface
getting in/out of a voice channel is so much better than calling people
Worst sound. And voice acrivation is garbage.
Pure cancer
>people actually use curse
Teamspeak has better structure, and you can use plugins like ACRE and TFAR for Arma.
Mumble. Now fuck off, you can't even minimize channels in Discord and the UI is xbox hueg
>complain about teamspeak using more ram
>complain that someone mentions mumble uses less ram than discord
confused looking anime girl with interrogation marks on her head
>tfw a group of people use Skype
>they only ever use the text chat
ArmA groups use Teamspeak because the plugins for radios and volume/mute based on distance (ACRE and TFR) are for TS only
95% of open source software is fucking terrible
Does Discord support Task Force Arma 3 radio or ACRE?
>the UI is xbox hueg
you can make the text part more compact but yeah, i wish you could make everything smaller
Neat. Thanks for the info famalams.
I use discord because it looks clean unlike most of the software listed here.
God I fucking hate so much how bad Skype looked with the jammed up ads.
Maybe, but I think you'd have to use something like a Bot that reads the chat and updates the website when something new happens.
Again, I think you'd need a bot to do something like this.
What is it with stutter talk that is supposed to be funny? "D-d-d-don't be a dummy alright? Use....Use Discord man... its great its great... c-c-come on man." And then they slur their words and shit.
you can block those pretty easily
regardless of whether that's true, mumble is pretty decent
What's Discord's game
What do they get out of their immense shilling and effort to win people over from Skype
What data are they selling
I know you can block it by changing some configs on your router, it still pissed me off how you had to go do that. I also hated how obnoxious it was to add someone and to manage your contact list.
It makes it sound like it's more of a face-to-face conversation than a rehearsed script. basically what said. People can relate to it more and they don't feel like they're being talked down to.
best case, ad money and maybe premium software
worst case, they're selling the data
what is it with reaction images that is supposed to be funny? using Al Bundy like it's the late 90s and pretending Married With Children was a good series
>you can't even minimize channels in Discord
Kek, you blind? You can easily minimize channels.
Man that shit is retarded. Just use fucking Skype you neets
They aren't, they got a large start up fund and once they are happy with the core functionality they will start selling emoticons and themes etc.Things for normies to buy.
>changing some configs on your router
you can go to window's internet options and blacklist skype's ads website, it's super simple. google it.
but yeah, i think skype is shit too. i'm happy with discord
I use mumble.
Literally no downsides. I don't see why everyone is making a huge fuss about this when you only have 2 decent clients