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what a positively horrifying drawing style on those faces
>chroma squad
it went okay
Huh, I expected something terrible
It seems deviantart and tumblr autists are too young to know and violate based Twinsen.
what the fuck is this?! and why do tumblr people all have this same vomit inducing artstyle
Why not just type Sonic and get it over with
Someone need to get that bitch some loomis. Her porportions are gross. Chin space is all fucked.
Also not all tumblr art is bad
Is that motherfucking Croc?
No, it's Spyro.
Ah. That's some fine cheese- I MEAN OH MY GOD HOW DISGUSTING!
Oh, my mistake
oh man i never thought they would do this to a game like xenosaga
bretty damn gud tbqh
If they want a fat character, why do they always try their hardest to make them as disgusting as possible? Just make a cute chubby girl, that's it, no need for man arms and hair everywhere
>We decided to change the races of these japanese girls from this japanese school.
>Take that cis white pigs!!
>Search up " the Hedgehog" and post results!!
Have some art of my waifu.
Surprisingly not shit quality, even in newest aside from pony shit.
Did it shit a train out?
Typing Perfect Dark gave me a lot of crap.
>in some sick cruel alternative universe
>this could be Danganronpa's art style
m-memes xd
this fucking artist i SWEAR
Found a thing
i have come up with 3 possibilities
he wants to shit on the train
he wants the train to ram his ass
he shat out the train
Will someone *please* tell me who enjoys this?
I personally like it when we go to Pixiv and find western art instead. This is just torture.
I think it's taking it up the ass
look pretty okay to me
im okay with this.
Is this artist Phillip Bank's evil twin?
This is like the cover of a MAD magazine
It's wasted talent
Yeah that's pretty fitting for the memelord of Gensokyo
Oh yeah, there's also this, but I'm pretty sure it was deleted.
It truly would be ultimate despair
I didn't even type in Undertale, I was looking for some shitty DHMIS art
I'm as sick of generic anime style as anyone, but making them look exasperatingly ugly is not the way to go for a sex game.
Went a lot better than I expected. Only really cringy things I saw were some undertale OC and people arguing about gender.
Audrey looks like a fucking orc.
So instead of generic anime designs we have generic jew nose fatass designs.
there were also some shirtless male characters
not really bad
They know how to draw well and they're drawing stupid shit. Do I really have to hold your hand on this?
>lack of varying body-types
>instead heres artistic interpretations of the sloth from Ice Age
Do most of the tumblr that go full retarded with diversity draw like this?!
>They know how to draw well
How did you come to that conclusion? I'm curious.
not too bad
This image confuses me deeply.
Bow down to the queen!
Actually nice. Didn't have this one.
That's pretty good.
That is fucking ADORABLE.
Post more.
Bottom left got me
>Dino Crisis
Cropped for obvious reasons but god damn, the set just gets worse after that.
Yeah, that's a super model right there
Aw, that's cute.
I spent like 15 minutes just looking at shite before I remembered why I was there.
> hate generic anime sameface artstyle
> the only main alternative is this "progressive" trash
kill me
>You don't run the google ?
I expected porn desu.
Kudos if you know where this if from.
jesus christ
Nobody remembers croc for it to be autistic
Are people who draw these weebs?
If not how do they know about love live? I don't think it was popular in the west?
who is the artist... seriously im curious
I find it endearing that someone decides to spend time drawing purposefully drawings that are universally unwanted.
Its a form of bravery to be so anarchistic, and look how far humanity has come: artists used to only have time for making depictions of perfect ideal humans or things that universally are aesthetic and now we have so much time to use on making art that does the opposite.
Fuck. I didn't realize I'd get the official comic. ;_;
So she's British now?
>I have no meme and I must reeeeeee.
IHNMAIMS doesn't deserve this meme treatment.
Love Live is actually moderately popular on tumblr and to a less extent in the west to the point where the movie was screened in US theaters, the phone game got localized and the anime got dubbed.
Kinda neat.
It's those people who go to anime cons.
I have no Pepe, and I must meme?
Gonna need a sauce on that.
Not too bad.
Haha, thats the reddit "sad frog", right!? XD
It's not like you can just figure out how to draw like that over night dude. I know it's a shitty piece but you're just b8in at this point
It is very popular on tumblr actually
but theres like a couple people who think its
because of japan's idol industry
it's dumb
Why do they all look like fucking chimpanzees then
>implying Hanzo would ever give any attention to DISHONORABRU sniper like Widow
I assume this is an anime of some sort