Aww Kojima-san :(
Aww Kojima-san :(
Other urls found in this thread:
>Baww the entire industry sucks my cock dry and gives my poorly written movie games millions of dollars
>woe is me
what a cunt
Kojima is cute!
It's very clearly a thank you to his teams and fans.
Konami, please leave.
Kojima is the Japanese Tim Schafer.
Fuck that hack. Is there anyone in the entire industry with a bigger ego than Kojimbo?
i don't know where you're seeing that, it's clearly the other way around.
>i'm a misunderstood genius, no one / a few respect my ideas before they become reality, hence i have to watch documentaries about celebrity directors to feel appreciated
Why does Konami even bother paying you people still? Are they not basically completely out of the games industry at this point?
are you ever gonna stop choking on kojima's cock?
Honestly what I see too.
Holy shit, when did Sup Forums hate kojima all of a sudden? Has Reddit finally taken over?
>you will never cuddle with kojima and watch comfy making of flims
It hurts
We need to give him our energy so he can create an awesome game.
Since he failed to deliver a decent MGS game to end the series.
I used to be a die-hard fan of his. Until MGSV and his ego.
It was great apart from being unfinished. Best game in the series.
Konami fucked him over
Hideo and Kojima are fucking hacks, MGSV was trash, who would buy another game from them?
Being a creator is pretty difficult. Everyone would do it if it wasn't. And people who can't do things are the ones most eager to put others down for what they do. Just look at Sup Forums
Not really, he spent an insane amount of money on it and took forever. I don't blame Konami for firing his ass. That said, I still think Konami is shit, and them not allowing Kojima to appear at the VGX or whatever was petty as fuck.
fuck Hideo del Toro
4,Peace Walker, and V are all mediocre
From a gameplay perspective you're absolutely right. The story/plot itself was awful and the trailers completely misleading to what we actually got.
He had like 5 years and infinite budget for this game and he couldn't even make a decent story with a fitting ending.
His name is plastered all over the game, if you're in charge of a project it's not just to get all the praise when it does something right, but also to take responsability for everything that went wrong.
>the big bad konami >:(
Grow up gaylord. I'm pretty sure that Konami didn't force him to make that dumbass story with parasites that kill you if you talk, fill the game with meaningless missions, and make the main character a mute, all while not giving a satisfying conclusion to the story
You're thinking of "Con Man" Inafune.
Why did it take Sup Forums this long to realize Kojima is just the Japanese George Lucas? The last great game he made was MGS3.
>Yfw Kojima's son hates him and MGS
To be honest i just realized after playing PP, i wished i knew it earlier so i wouldn't have wasted so many months of hype for that game.
>From a gameplay perspective you're absolutely right.
Stop this meme, the maps are shit, the settlements are shit, the weapons are useless and shit, the CQC is shit and downgraded, the missions are shit, the boss fights are shit, the whole Mother Base aspect is shit.
What part of the gameplay is so good?
The fact that it has good controls?
ITT: People mad that MGSV didn't meet their absurd expectations because it wasn't the fan-fiction they imagined in their minds.
Not really, because Inafune is actually exposed and generally disliked, while people still worship both Kojima and Schafer as creative geniuses despite them being washed-up hacks.
The entitlement is real in this thread. This man gave you one of the best games ever made last year and most of you are "lol he sucks, movie games," etc.
Bunch of edgy faggots.
If you turn off reflex mode and do not use buddies, the game is kind of fun.
Fulton is fucking stupid and it is a shame you need to gimp yourself to make the game fun.
I bought it during the steam sale and I am on mission 43.
You only see things that way because you are a cynical egocentric cunt. It must be terrible to be you.
>Bases his "game" design on the making of movies
Absolute top kek
Same, I don't see any other interpretation, especially the third one.
Like how Kubrick was supposedly autistic and Hitchcock was a huge dick, some non-normies make it in life.
The game is mediocre Jim
Fun but mediocre
And his ego is off the charts
That's not what he emant. He meant sometimes he gets discouraged because no one understands his ideas and think he's crazy but watching other creators talk reminds him he's not the only one whose ideas are so out there that they are called crazy.
Still a cunty thing to say even if it's true.
It's not about the gameplay, i actually kinda liked it. My concern was about how underwhelming the plot was, with a dissapointing story, boring and mute Snake, predictable plot twist, out of character Ocelot, useless waifu character, lack of proper ending and tying loose ends.
I blame mad max for the MGSV silent protag shit fest
>"Holy shit, you guys wanted an ENDING? What a bunch of entitled babies"
MGS5 apologists are fucking idiots
It was one of the best games of 2015. I know that isn't saying much though.
In many ways those who aren't normal often make it in creative pursuits simply because they can make things normal people can't.
So many good directors have reputations of being super strict, hard to work with and very demanding.
But GZ was released a year before Mad Max and Snake was completely silent in that game as well.
He spoke plenty in GZ.
It's alright Kojima, you have a legion of dick suckers that will praise you no matter the trash you put out.
People bitch about Schafer all the time.
Not nearly as much as any other game in the series.
Alright I know I'm going to piss people off but at this point I can't really defend Kojima any more. The errors he has made to the series post MGS3 has become far too numerous to be outweighed by the good.
Let's just start right off the bat with the tragedy that was MGS4.
First off 4 was not a fucking game, it was an interactive movie at best.
What little gameplay there was, was extremely shallow and easy as piss since almost nothing was actually fucking balanced in the game because the dev team was focused more on a cinematics and story than anything else. In other words they forgot they were making a fucking video game.
As far as the cinematics goes, while yes there were a lot of goods scenes, the explanation, story and plot surrounding this bumfuck of a game can only be described as an asspull on top of an asspull to try and haphazardly close out story and plot lines that didn't need to be closed.
Ocelot himself pulled the two biggest asspulls I have ever fucking seen in modern media and neither of them were in the least bit believable and to top it all off we get a fucking: "Big Boss is the exposition and wasn't really a bad guy guys." True ending scene which was basically a slap to the fucking face of anyone who played through MG2 and then MGS1 because those two games made it abundantly fucking clear that Big Boss was a borderline sociopath who was bent on turning the world into an eternal war field.
Ultimately the story was shit, the gameplay was literally non-existent and while there were a few memorable soundtracks it could no way in hell redeem the rest of the fucking game.
I feel like Kojima works best whenever he distances himself a bit from what he's doing and sticks to treating a game as a fucking game, not a high-brow, revolutionary work of art. Case in point: differences in quality and interesting themes between V and Peace Walker.
But I only played all of his games aside from Penguiun Adventure, what the fuck do I know.
This is spot on for sexual reproduction
>infinite budget
>insane amount of money
>$80 million
>infinite budget
>insane amount of money
>for a new engine AND an open world game
Now let's move onto fucking Peacewalker.
First off why the fuck did Kojima NEED to completely retconned PP as a whole? Oh yea because it's story was so fucking shit that absolutely no one, not even himself could work off of it.
Now going into the gameplay while it was fairly balanced between what kind of way you wanted to play the game it no way in hell felt like a MGS game especially near the fucking end when almost every level would end up turning into a fucking shoot out.
The story itself was decent if not a bit bizarre since the PeaceWalker and other mechs in the game are seemingly more advanced and deadly than the actual fucking Metal Gears in the future but I suppose that's because Kojima seems to have a habit of not controlling the escalation of the series and has trouble NOT retconning stuff with each new installment.
While the cutscenes were toned down for the appreciation of a much more casual or gameplay-oriented audience it was a fucking pain in the ass for those of us who wanted a fucking explanation as to why half of the shit that was happening of the game was happening because now we would have to sit and listen to sometimes 10+ minutes of nothing but dialogue.
Ultimately while Peace Walker was better than MGS4 by a mile it didn't feel, play or even act like it was a MGS game. And now let me take a few minutes to articulate how much MGS5 does wrong.
really, writing a game engine is long and hard work. it's why most devs only license engines now instead of dare to try to write their own (also all the much more competent programmers have moved on to doing shit like that instead of working for peanuts for giant shitass AAA publishers who only want to you squirt out a franchised-up IP like ASSCREED or CAWADOODY every 6 months)
Konami probably sent some yakuza to the office who saw that the Metal Gear game actually played, and asked why the fuck it isn't released yet?
>because we've only finally got the FOX Engine running, now we must maek game
and then MGS5 shipped only 1/3 done.
>And now let me take a few minutes to articulate how much MGS5 does wrong.
You'll need more than one post here.
user you replied to here. Autism spectrum is a hell of a drug. I can imagine people having similar thoughts about me.
I'm nitpicky about a lot of things (especially my own creative visions) and I do bust people's balls if I feel like they're holding me back (even though I always try to be kind and polite).
It's most noticeable when I just blurt something in Guitar Pro and somehow get music made with some re-arranging. My bassists face when.
And that's why, even though I can see why people see it as Kojima whining, know that feel.
What's the power ranking on seinfeld seasons? I was finally going to buckle down and watch it, but I feel like these sorts of shows have a really shit season 1. Is it even worth watching season 1?
The more I read this thread the more convinced I am that a lot of people here failed English class
How much money did he need to write a decent story/ending?
Big Boss is a Globalist
He would literally assassinate Trump
Of course they did. That's why Sup Forums is their main board and not /diy/ or /lit/.
The amount it would have taken to not have mission 51 cut.
The game did have a written ending and it would have been awesome in motion.
Cutting deep.
Alright, not gonna give a ranking because I haven't finished them all yet but definitely start from the beginning. They are 23 minute episodes and go by very fast, they don't require much focus so you can have them on in the background if you lose interest during certain "weak" episodes (just to establish the atmosphere)
thats the only interpretation you autistic fuckwit
you missed what actually made mgsv a bad game, which was terrible level design and lack of bosses to utilize the improved gameplay mechanics.
Fuck Kojima and all you faggots "supporting" him.
The only recognized downside is the finale. They blew it. Apart from that there's no harm in starting at season 1. It's strong for a first season of a sitcom finding its footing and only gets better from there.
And now onto MGS5 and oh dear god do I have something to say about this game.
Let me go off and say that I did actually have fun with the game. The soundtrack was a blast and there was a lot of things that I could do.
The balance of the game is completely fucking haywire to the point where going stealth is so fucking easy that it can actually put you to sleep. There is far too many mechanics and gimmicks in the game that you can inadvertently abuse to make it bumfuck easy to sneak into even the most occupied settlements and bases. Let's go off and list them shall we:
By the way I'm going to assume that you guys had reflex turned off like I did
1. More often than not the AI will glitch out in long distances and will either not see you because their code isn't loading properly and/or their model is facing the wrong direction. This is something that was bound to happen due to the draw distance and the very nature of open worlds.
2. Even during the daytime and none of the AI is glitching out, you'd need to be right in the fucking middle of the fucking base in the open while running with a god damn tarzan outfit on while screaming "FUCK THE PATRIOTS!" in order for more than one person to see you at a time due to how spread out they are.
3. Because of the above problem this leads to an interesting abused mechanic where a lot of players can simply just pop off the closest guy to them or the guy who's just walking towards them and just leave the body there with no consequence.
4. There are far too many ways to distract the AI.
6.D-Dog is just another form of easy mode.
7.The only thing keeping players from playing lethal is the reward and possibility of getting better men but the second you upgrade your scope to be able to scan at longer ranges there is no reason why you shouldn't just go full blown psychopath and start sniping the whole base dead.
Fuck I need more room.
Not to mention kojima is autistic as fuck.
He spent loads of money voicing snake in MGSV then suddenly got rid of all of it because he decided he didn't like it anymore.
I'd fire his faggot ass too, he's a god awful director and absolutely shit at managing teams and money.
not that user but the whole story was fucking idiotic. Also 80 million is a large budget for a jap game, and kojima has been in the industry long enough to know how much he could stretch it. Because of his ego he probably thought he could continue to squeeze konami for budget increases to pay for his adventurous excursions with his waifus and deliver a game whenever he felt like. konami was right for clamping down after kojima showed them what a fucking money sink video games are. you can probably thank him in part for konamis decision to go full jew
Please don't bully Hideo
Hideo Kojima is the best marketing team in video games. He could make a Bubsy game look potentially great.
The plot, gameplay mechanics being a really bad copy of the Peace Walker ones, cassette tapes, and countless other things didn't help.
I'd be hard-pressed to find five genuinely redeeming things in V.
I don't care. The idea pf evading traps in an apocalyptic eimaginging of the envionment full of dead bodies would have been cool
same budget with witcher 3. they also have a new engine and an open world which is much much bigger than mgs v. what are you trying to say?
Destiny had a 300 million dollar budget including marketing.
The Division around 150.
MGS5 had 80-twice the budget of MGS4.
It wasn't that bad.
Shafer hasn't made a good game in decades. Kojima shit out Metal Gear Solids that are better than every other developer ever did.
8. Playing at night time should add new and fun ways to infiltrate the base, not turn it into easy mode like D-Dog.
And note that these are only the inner game mechanics that a player will most likely not intentionally abuse at one point or another.
Now let's get into other stupid fucking mechanics that do not belong in a MGS game:
1. Mother Base as a whole was fucking stupid because of how unfinished it was and they might as well have just erased it.
2. >Putting in real time wait times to get upgrades
3. Unless you want to 100% the game you have no reason to care if your base gets invaded.
4. There is far too many ways to gimp the enemy even though the game is already too easy to begin with.
5. In order to make the later game harder they just add more people with big armor and sheilds instead of making better settlements with harder designs.
Now let's go into general game mechanics that are just outright piss poor.
1. Exactly what the fuck was the point of making it mission based when it was open world? This feels like artificially extending the game.
2. >Repeating missions to get to the second chapter's end.
3. >The side missions are just the same 7 different missions in different locations.
4. Despite being open world absolutely none of the world is fleshed out or atmospheric.
5. Why the fuck are you retarded enough to make an openworld game without any cities or settlements that are meant to help you this is basic fucking logic here.
So ultimately the game was decent and I'd go so far as to say even good for a game of it's own right but it was not a fucking MGS game. It was not built like one and it did not identify itself as one.
Now let's get into the story.
Kojima wanted out of MGS after 2. I'm excited to see what he makes now that he's finally out.
>very clearly a thank you
>never says thank you
Why doesn't he watch how games are made instead of movies?
>First off 4 was not a fucking game, it was an interactive movie at best.
how was it anymore of an interactive movie than any other MGS?
Because most videogame directors are retarded. Just look at Miyamoto.
Because 'making of' videos of game developers is a team of miserable people staring at a screen and then the project lead say EXPERIENCE a bunch of times.
Kojima fanboys are fucking reddit personified you idiot
Sup Forums is a global website. c'mon.
all of them are good, but season 4 and 7 are best
How about you read shit on your own instead of parroting shit someone else says?
80M for a new engine is not that far fetched.
Hell, 20 more million (for instance) would have secured Konami a lot more sales and earnings through a better game with better reception and less bad publicity surounding it.
MGS4 suffered a LOT from it's unfinished bad rap.
So is mpreg confirmed then?
The story (or what there is of it) was not MGS tier. Fuck it was barely even passable as a story and for the sake of everyone on this thread I'm only going to name the top ten things that the story fucks up on at a fundamental level.
1. Big Medic is a mute unless you listen to the tapes which by the way
2. consist of literally 3+ hours of fucking dialogue, nothing but fucking chatter. Who the fuck's idea was it to do this?
3. Half of the characters in the game are never explained who they are within the game, if someone new just came up and bought it they wouldn't know who the fuck Kaz or Ocelot were even though both of these people are extremely crucial to not only this game's plot but also to the series as a whole.
4. There was absolutely no reason to why Big Boss did what he did to Big Medic. Literally none, it was just a half assed explanation as to why there was two big bosses in the Metal Gear games.
5. Despite the fact that the parasites are a big plot point to the game, it was never actually explained how the fuck they were going to be used for world domination by Skull Face, even during his infamous WOAHOOOOO scene with the Big Boss he just talks in fucking circles and riddles.
6. Exactly why the fuck didn't Quiet fill out her mission the second she saw Big Boss? Because she fell in love? Oh...okay I guess.
7. Skull Face is a fundamentally broken and empty character.
9. Liquid Snake has no reason to do anything he was doing despite the tapes surrounding him trying desperately hard to do so.
Fuck MGS5. I wanted an open world MGS3-esque game. Not this fucking trash.
>People still praise Kojima after pic related
Kojima literally hasn't made a good game since MGS3 and he won't ever without Fukushima.
It's tough, because ideas generally sound crazy and shitty in written form no matter what you do. Someone like him that gets to make a visual representation of his idea, and STILL gets shit for it, has to be a pain in the ass to handle.
I like to write surreal and dream-inspired stories, so I get him on some levels. Sharing an idea means that you will sound crazy or out there no matter how you explain it.
i don't think you realize the amount of people who post on Sup Forums that have english as a second language
once again reminding everyone how he is a failed film director making movie games for the moviestation, the ONE time he focused on gameplay he mad an absolute turd game that everyone will forever remember as the "fuck you" but of course you retards will still think konami was the sole responsible for that trainwreck and that hideo dindunothin and silent hills I MEAN death stranding will be the most epic shit ever
You sound crazy when you are not able to make others understand aka you are a fucking hack.
Artists painted "obtuse shit" for years and they were always able to be understood by others, if you are not an artist stop posing as one, that's what kojima is doing essentially, he is a failed film director attempting to pioneer into a field nobody gives a shit about, just like those failed actresses that became porn stars, pathetic.