Hongyu Wu was a 20 year-old university student who passed away the day before Overwatch...

>Hongyu Wu was a 20 year-old university student who passed away the day before Overwatch, a game he was eagerly anticipating, came out. He was reportedly trying to catch a thief who stole his friend’s motorbike. As part of a recent Overwatch patch, Blizzard paid him tribute.
>On the Control Center portion of Lijang Tower, you’ll notice that the astronaut space suit display case has changed. The name Hongyu has been added to the red side. Behind it, you’ll find Mercy’s catchphrase,“Heroes never die.”
>Wu was a student at Guangzhou University, and he reportedly witnessed a thief snatch a classmate’s motorcycle. He chased after them on his own motorbike. The two eventually collided, and Wu’s injuries were so severe that he ultimately passed away. The thief was, however, apprehended as a result of Wu’s bravery.

Wow. I remember joking that you should watch out so you don't die before Overwatch comes out. Guess someone actually did.

Other urls found in this thread:


I guess that's nice of them but then everyone's going to bitch to get added in when a friend or loved one dies and bitch harder when Blizzard doesn't add them in the game.

>my mom died, add a tribute
>my friend died, add a tribute
>my lizard died, add a tribute

Are they going to acknowledge the other 10,000 Chinese who die everyday in that piece of shit country?

Nigger that's not bravery that's being a fucking retard

Except this guy was pretty young and died trying to catch a thief.

>letting some rando steal your friend's bike and not chasing them down in a high speed chase


how come he died the same way as the plot to akira starts?

Can you imagine the guilt the friend is feeling?
A motorbike is just a motorbike, I would never want anyone to put themselves in danger for my material shit. That's my job.

>pretty young

Please, he's Chinese. He'd have been

>eaten by an escalator
>trapped in an elevator until he died of dehydration or starved to death
>died in a random street or building collapse
>died from having his testicles squeezed by some crazy person until he collapsed from shock
>died from the height mechanism in his chair exploding
>blown to bits in a chemical explosion from improper storage

>actual heroism in China

color me surprised. I always knew they had it in them.

There's a few directions this thread will go
>china is terrible he was one of the thousands that die everyday lol nothing special
>dumbass trying to catch a thief on his own instead of letting authorities handle it

if you're lucky, overwatch lewds

Why do you shitpost with such passion in any thread even remotely chinese related? Did a chink rape your mom? It's okay user you're between friends, tell us what happened.

why are the chinese being pushed so hard

it's getting too obvious now

>Wow. I remember joking that you should watch out so you don't die before Overwatch comes out.
i don't get the joke

>giving fucking kotaku page views after what our saviour lord hogan has done to them

Fuck off Commie, loads of people despise little yellow savages aka Chinamen

>chinese that actually cares for other people

>Behind it, you’ll find Mercy’s catchphrase,“Heroes never die.”

>why are the chinese being pushed so hard

Huh? There's literally one (1) Chinese hero and one (1) map set in China.

Implying those non existing dicks can rape anything.

this is just another thing glorifying chinese, which has been a big trend these past few months

tons of people die everyday and lots of them die doing brave or honorable things.

>why are they catering to their fanbase?
>what do you mean people outside of the US play online games?

kotaku was hardly affected at all, they were simply bought from gawker by a different company, same shit, maybe different business cards

>any human feeling at all

True. But China single handedly made the Warcraft movie profitable. They're actually cool with Blizzard so Blizzard throws them a bone to maintain a decent relationship.

Oh no, I know you, every single china related thread, every single time.

>But China single handedly made the Warcraft movie profitable.

Yeah because it's not like China hasn't been caught falsifying their box office records in recent years, to make themselves seem like a more profitable market


Reminder that most of Warcraft's biggest turnout showings were at one company's line of theaters, and among them were very suspicious cases like a theater smack in the middle of a flooded district having record turnouts

>Nathan Grayson

Isn't he one of the 5 cucks of gamergate?

Sometimes I imagine these are the population control methods they use rather than freak accidents.

But why would they do that?

Unless they remit proceeds to the studios in the falsified high amount, the studios would know they're lying and disregard China.

Knowing chinks, he's probably pissed that his motorcycle got fucked up.

>Overwatch honors fan who passed away one day before the game came out
>fan who passed away one day before the game came out
>fan who passed away before the game came out
>passed away before the game came out
>before the game came out


doesn't seem to have affected his career one iota. suspicious, huh? meanwhile zoe quinn is still so far up her own anus that she had to get completely blown the fuck out by Nintendo confirming that joke in Paper Mario was referring to Watergate after all and as it turned out, the entire world did NOT revolve around her and who she fucked

You raise a good point, unfortunately I can't credit you for that because the next time someone else raises a good point I'll have to credit them for that too.


>anecdotal accidents
>population control


Because China rewards being an asshole. I have real skills that allow me any success in the real world, so not being an asshole is all I've got.

In China, being nice only ever gets you stabbed in the back. Made a very particular business deal? Yeah, cool. You'll get what we give you whenever we feel like it, haha! Helped a dying kid in the street? We might implicate you in his death.

It's a country that rewards selfishness, and it frustrates me to see people get away with having the faults I pride myself on avoiding.So, I find it easier just to blanket the whole country as non-people. That way everything still seems right with man, and I feel a little more secure.

Motherfucker basically lived Grand Theft Auto in his last moments.
Guy went out like a legend as opposed to dying in his own filth at like 80.

You have to understand just how mindbogglingly huge China is. And how hard they lie about damn near everything. And how hard it is to find proof that they're lying. The entire country is pretty much corrupt from top to bottom. But because 1/7th of the entire planet lives there, it's always profitable

What joke?



>that chinese thread a month ago discussing how shit chinese architecture is and how people kill off the ones they run over so they dont have to pay for medical care

... he was The Last of Them.

It must be fun to think life is actually a cartoon.

> Zoe Quinn is a victim of internet harassment
stopped reading there.
Im not a GooblyGoater since most of them a right wing bastards, but Zoe Quinn was hardly a victim

Probably died in the street because no wanted to help him.

I remember a year ago being genuinely fucking terrified at the notion that I might die before MGSV came out.

I guess the joke was on me.

>I always knew they had it in them.
I mean that dude who blocked three tanks at Tiananmen square may be one of the ballsiest mother fuckers ever.

Watch the video if you've never seen it. They try to go around him and he just moves in their way like "Where ya goin".

im white and my wife is chinese and we're going to have half-breed kids together. how does that make you feel?

well the article is clearly written by a quinn apologist but they still condemn her a little further down for being such an attention whore in this particular case, because she rustled the jimmies of a huge number of neogaf shitters and whiteknights only for the entire lot to be told "this was never about you in the first place", finally

>so not being an asshole is all I've got.
>So, I find it easier just to blanket the whole country as non-people

Everytime someone starts their posts with "I'm a good person", it's like a red flag for self-righteousness.

>Nathan Cuckson
>people actually read the shit these people write

Think that will stop them? They'll whine louder. "Waaah my mom died in her sleep put me-put her in the game". I respect Blizzard doing stuff like this, it shows they still care somewhat about the community.

im surprised you didnt off yourself after the disappointment lel

kojima numbah wan can do no wong

>I respect Blizzard

its fucking advertisement free publicity

Everyday life over there sounds like a real-life Paul Verhoeven movie in the absolute worst case scenario, most nightmarish sense possible.

Not the first time Blizzard is cashing in on corpses. They did a similar thing for Star Craft 2 back in the day.

>"Heroes never die"
>Kid is hailed as a hero
>Dies anyway
wew lad

I'd rather live in Detroit than China to be quite honest family.

he still protected Quinn and excused her 2-3 days of "NINTENDO IS LITTERALY RAPING ME" tweets
>Oh no this fair maiden cant be to blame!
>But these guys that have the same white knight armor as me, I can blame them! They aren't female!

Author a shitter. A slightly smarter one but still a shitter.


Terminator 2

>He's never been to a Sup Forums rekt thread

Oh its real user, very real.

i was honestly just linking an article about the controversy that wasn't kotaku or whatever. i don't really give a single shit about who the author is or their beliefs.

Fucking I might move to China that sounds great.

He's not a "quinn apologist"
He is smacktalking her and calling her a horrible person in the comments of the damn article.

"victim" does not mean "innocense". It means something happens and it affects you negatively.
His wording implies he feels sympathy for her, but it is clearly not the case by reading a bit further.

She's a victim of harassment. The fact that she's deserving of it doesn't mean it's not harassment.
She's a victim of harassment just as much as I'm a victim of your shitposting

all of those happen all the time in china

>Implying you'd be a leader of anyone or in charge of anything
You'll spend your time there being under someone's boot, gwailo

Boku no "if you're going to use the internet, learn to use it to get what you want"-copinator 2

>he says that the whole internet shat on her unjustly
you forgot to read that part, it seems.

Holy fuck.

China is the worst

>Prosecute and throw people in jail for political crimes
>Harvest the organs of criminals for sale
>Government regulation is just being paid off, so escalators are so poorly done they actually turn people to hamburger regularly
>Don't help people because you may be blamed and sued
>If you hit someone with your car it's better to kill them than to maim because of their medical costs
>Work shit jobs with huge health hazards in the long term
>"Middle class" are classless peasants who shit and piss in the streets in countries they visit and deface monuments
>They will destroy buffets and take dozens of plates of food, only to eat one plate

Its literally in the filename, man.

The original Robocop movie.

pretty sure it was proven that she was doing most of the harassment/doxxing to herself though (with further fake self-doxxing from that dramamonger Phil Fish to try and give credence to her claims), not sure since i never followed the clusterfuck very closely like some insane people did.

All of these are actual things that happened in china m8.

>basing your world view on Sup Forums
Again, must be fun living in a fantasy world.

>pretty sure it was proven

Why am I seeing so many Kotaku threads?

It's the same format too. Snapshot of the article title, greentext summary. Are we being raided?

Robocop came out in 2014. That gif doesn't look like a 2014 movie...

Yeah the still photo, despite being pretty powerful on its own, doesn't do tankman as much justice as the video.


Fucker even climbs on the tank.

All of those things have happened in most countries with a large population and history longer than 100 years.

Basing your world view off news articles is a very stupid thing to do.

>Life is just like my cherrypicked Sup Forums threads!

Aye, and as soon as you enter the US you'll die in a mass shooting.

Completely indifferent. I hope your kids are beautiful m8.

Yeah, you ain't wrong.

oh. okay. well that's just what i heard. you haven't actually presented evidence to the contrary though so it's your word against any other random user's word.

>spamming photos of her with cum photoshopped in it
Come the fuck on man
The guy mostly just seems to criticise people for being massive asshats, not defending her.

Correct, she faked being a victim for muh sweet whiteknight attention.
But then after shit hit the fan she got actual harassment and continues to get it to this day.

oh stop, here's your (you) dear

China has a program that is trying to "teach" their tourists how to act in other countries.

>being american
>get shot
>not vidya with your name on it
must be sad

Mmmmm that's good bait

People' Democratic Party for Betterment of Glorious Nation must have just recently allowed it into their theaters

More people die from cartoon deaths in china than any deaths in US

Reminds me of the guy who was a big fan of Nisekoi that died in a cruise ship. He just wanted to see it end.

You must have difficulty reading bro. I said *original* robocop movie.

Spoken like a true teenage edge lord

And china also has more than twice the population of the US

>There are Berserk fans that died before Guts got off the god damn boat

when does it stop qualifying as harassment and start qualifying as a self-fulfilling prophecy though?

like she shouted and started the avalanche with all the attention whoring, but you can't blame the avalanche for burying her afterwards.

Not really
he's also right