Degenerates like you belong on the NEW VEGAS THREAD
Degenerates like you belong on the NEW VEGAS THREAD
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how can i repair my reputation with the ncr? i heard you can get a big rep boost in LR?
The more I think about it, the more I prefer Caesar's Legion over the other factions.
Anybody got a list of Must Have mods to just generally make the game better?
It's fun to be the bad guys.
It's not even that, but how they work is pretty great. Sure, they're brutal savages that enslave people, but in the end, the world is going to be better for it.
The horrible things they do is to instill fear into others. You see how people try fucking with the NCR? You can't pull that shit with the Legion or they'll put you on a cross.
Enslaving? Sure, it's horrible, but it's all in the name of progress in the end.
They're trying to build a society on brotherhood and loyalty. The Legion is going to try to conquer as much as it can before it inevitably falls. When it does fall, the remnants of the Legion will lead the wasteland into a better future. They learned that consumerism and reliance on technology is wrong, they'll stay away from drugs, they'll avoid conflict and greed because the Legion conditions you to not think for yourself, but for your community.
Im abou to repaly after a year, any advice to diversify my experience?
I think if you either bomb the legion, or at least don't bomb the NCR you get a big rep boost
>tfw Caesar still sends assassins after you yet you still rape each new group
how does The Legion economy works? I don't get it.
My ps3 will be repaired tomorrow and I can continue playing new vegas tomorrow.
>New Vegas on a PS3
Why would you put yourself through such a thing?
You can get that cut content mod that removes the barriers in freeside, adds in a ton more people including pickpockets to the strip/freeside, and adds in gamblers streaming into vegas like they wanted. Add in jsawyer with the wasteland economy mod and you got a winner
I haven't tried the cut content mod myself. I only learned about it after I started a new playthrough and you're only supposed to start a new game with it
Well that fully depends on what you've already done.
Trophies are worth having to play with less than 1 FPS at times for me.
Yeah, it's called Fallout 4
Hey lads. I decided to make a beginner's guide for New Vegas.
Opinions? Suggestions? Potential additions?
Every faction other than Yes Man is authoritarian, to be fair.
Go away Todd
Was the Legion the good guys?
>Enslaving? Sure, it's horrible
Playing devil's advocate here, why is enslavement horrible? Surely if a people aren't able to protect their rights, then they never truly had them to begin with?
This is the same reason I don't recognize Turkey as a state, it wouldn't have been able to protect itself from Russia if Britain hadn't put pressure to let it exist. Not a valid right of conquest, because they couldn't defend it, someone else had to step in for them.
Ultimately, in the real world, you don't possess that which you can't defend.
Suck my nuts, Toddler
Caesar sends frumentarii after Graham still.
He clearly has issues with people challenging his authority
We haven't really seen how it works, all we've ever seen of them was a forward military outpost and we've only heard bits and pieces.
PS3 version is objectively worst version
I've been thinking of having a play through as an unarmed, low-intelligence character and was wondering if I should go good or bad karma.
>beginners guide
>nothing but mods
we lad
this guy's role is paddling a raft and he's lecturing folks on usefulness
yet he invites you after fucking every one of his plans in New Vegas and still believes he can get you to give him the chip.
Of course they are.
>Reccomending DUST
Why would you try to trick people like this?
Is that even close to finished?
The Legion is a self sufficient army composed entirely of conquered, self sufficient tribals
Inside Legion land, traders accept Legion coin because it's all they're going to get. Outside Legion land, traders accept Legion coin because it's made of precious metals.
Yeah but how fucking long is that going to be? And the current society for them is that only like, two people really know Caesar's goal. The actual surviving faction will be slavers and fuckwits who continue based on a tradition made up on the spot, by Caesar, to facilitate the end to justify the shitty means.
>This is the same reason I don't recognize Turkey as a state, it wouldn't have been able to protect itself from Russia if Britain hadn't put pressure to let it exist
top fucking kek
where to fucking begin, even
That depends on your definition of good. You'd lead a better life under the Legion than the NCR but you don't have the freedom to act like a fucking retard.
Well, you might want to read the guide first. New Vegas isn't really a game that requires a guide for gameplay purposes. 99% of the time newbies want to know what mods to use.
DUST is a quest/new wasteland. I stated pretty clearly there that it's seperate from the base game. I could add a clarification that it replaces the normal game whilst installed?
As for Project Brazil, they're nearly there. Still worth a go on a following playthrough. Again, I stated it was seperate from the base game.
what weapons should I use for a ditzy girl with 10 luck run? what skills besides speech should I tag?
pistols with high crit chance.
lucky, that gun, lil devil etc.
>You'd lead a better life under the Legion than the NCR
By what fucking definition?
Well for one, there's about 0% chance of being stabbed by a Jet addict desperate for their next fix in Arizona
I'm assuming it's a freedom vs safety scenario
by not getting killed or raped by raiders or gangs.
Backbreaking slavery life is good, user. And being cannon fodder is great fun.
Fear and Loathing in New Vegas is the most in-depth and comprehensive guide atm, but there's a lot of worthless, bloated shit in it. I'd say get jsawyer, Project Nevada (turn the de-lootifier off; jsawyer has its own) and maybe True Wasteland Economy if you want to make the game really difficult.
I was thinking explosives for that harley quinn vibe
Thanks for advice m8
>confusing "life under the Legion" for "life in the Legion"
>And the current society for them is that only like, two people really know Caesar's goal.
It's actually fairly straight-forward, restore order to the wastes.
>The actual surviving faction will be slavers and fuckwits who continue based on a tradition made up on the spot, by Caesar, to facilitate the end to justify the shitty means.
If the system works, what's wrong with that?
>where to fucking begin, even
You are aware that Russia was able to liberate plenty of the Balkan peoples while sustaining markedly lower proportional causalities, compared to the Ottoman Empire, which did lose more than a third of it's men and this was only against Russia and the Balkan resistance fighters. If there was a hypothetical Austro-Hungarian Empire and Russian Empire pact to slice the Turkey, there wouldn't be a kebab state in Anatolia and even without that, the Russian Empire had more and higher quality manpower compared to the Ottoman Empire, as evident by the force-to-casualty ratio of the Russo-Turkish war.
I don't even know why I'm even bothering posting a reply like this to some cuck on Sup Forums who doesn't even /his/.
>Playing devil's advocate here, why is enslavement horrible?
Stopped reading right there
>get the enclave Remnants to help out during Hoover Dam
>Cannibal Johnson mowing down enemies and saying "there's still bad guys left to fight"
Replace JSawyer with Project Nevada, you autist. PNV adds much more and is 10 times more interesting than jacking all the damage values to max.
I feel that C.A.G.E. would be a fairly good one to add to this.
>Backbreaking slavery life
Sawyer on the matter:
>the majority of people enjoy safe and productive lives (more than they had prior to the Legion's arrival)
>Water and power flow consistently, food is adequate, travel is safe
>Corruption within the Legion is rare and Caesar deals with it harshly (even by Legion standards)
>People who keep their mouths shut, go about their business, and nod at the rare requests the Legion makes of them -- they can live very well. Many of them don't care at all that they don't have a say in what happens around them (mostly because they felt they never had a say in it before the Legion came, anyway)
Basically what said. You give up your freedom to be robbed, kidnapped and raped in exchange for a safe and stable life, as long as you're willing to obey authority.
man, it's like no ever looks at the readme of jesawer
>Yeah but how fucking long is that going to be?
Either when The Legion crumbles or they've conquered North America.
In the end, you're going to have people who put their community above themselves. A community free of drugs and greed.
>And the current society for them is that only like, two people really know Caesar's goal. The actual surviving faction will be slavers and fuckwits who continue based on a tradition made up on the spot, by Caesar, to facilitate the end to justify the shitty means.
You don't have to know what Caesar's goal is to achieve it. Throughout the game, The Legion has shown that they're pretty intelligent. Caesar isn't the only brains in The Legion. Decanus, Centurions, and Frumentariis have orchestrated severals attacks and operations that had taken the NCR by surprise.
So no, it won't just be slavers and fuckwits.
That's not an argument user, if you're not able to think logically about both sides in a debate, then you clearly aren't 18 years old and should leave this website until you are.
>going through The Underground for the first time
>seemed neat but got bored so I just wanted to go back to the mojave
>literally surrounded by tech raiders everywhere
>with the expectation that you're...
No, it does not. It's already shit in the first fucking sentence.
Seriously, PNV is vastly more interesting, it's configurable, and makes them game function better both as a shooter and an RPG. JSawyer isn't automatically better because it was made by, well, Josh Sawyer.
bear in mind that freeside open has no mercy for toasters
Yeah but if you're not in the legion territory right now, tough shit for you. If you're in a faction opposing them purely by chance, tough shit for you. They buy slaves and take slaves, they don't give a shit and their army composes almost entirely of slaves and soldiers trained from birth.
Look, I'd rather live in the NCR that stand for freedom and liberty while in the Legion I'm going to have to comply by their shitty morals so I'm not a degenerate. The NCR might be corrupt but it's better than the alternative.
>replace JSawyer with Project Nevada
>replace the mod that's basically an official patch with a bloated mod that adds modern fps shit
Project Nevada's a good mod for a more fps-like run, but I would never recommend it for a first playthrough.
Plus, with jsawyer ultimate you can use both.
the appeal of JSawyer is that it's changes are simple and intuitive. It's not a massive overhaul mod that changes every facet of the game. It's small re-balances to perks, weapons, hardcore mode and leveling.
Reminder that buzz cut/saw is cannon
>Yeah but if you're not in the legion territory right now, tough shit for you.
What's stopping a local community leader from pledging to Caesar?
>If you're in a faction opposing them purely by chance, tough shit for you.
What's stopping you from pledging to Caesar?
>They buy slaves and take slaves
>their army composes almost entirely of slaves
That's completely wrong, slaves are used as laborers, not in the army, read a fucking history book like Caesar did, fucktard.
>and soldiers trained from birth
Not bad, maybe replace JSawyer with JSawyer ultimate, and maybe give a quick summary of each special attribute.
>What's stopping you from pledging to Caesar?
Idunno, maybe they'd sell me as slaves? Would you honest to fucking god give yourself up to the Legion? You'd be retarded to go for such an uncertain future, user. And imagine the people in the game being real people who are worried about their own safety and not reading 4chingchong and knowing all we know about legion territory.
Besides, as peaceful as legion territory is, it's bound to have downsides like dying to the simplest fucking disease. I'd rather live in the NCR.
>Besides, as peaceful as legion territory is, it's bound to have downsides like dying to the simplest fucking disease
this, Kaiser straight up tells you legionfags have zero medical knowledge
Yes man can be authoritarian too, depending on what you're roleplaying.
Dude, come on. If you'd never heard of Fallout before you'd be fairly lost upon starting the game.
>worst faction has best characters
who needs meds when you have healing powder and bitter drink?
Except PN adds lots of unnecessary shit that makes it a slightly better shooter (though I think it just bloats and clutters the game) but definitely not a better RPG.
JSawyer is essentially an update/patch by Obsidian. It's well within the intention/design of vanilla, which is why it's an "essential" mod on the guide.
>slaves are used as laborers, not in the army
No, Caesar's Legion is all slaves. There isn't a free man in it besides Caesar himself. Even the intro calls them "a vast army of slaves".
Being born and raised into the Legion ranks doesn't make the men and women any less slaves. They have no choice in how they live their lives.
New Canaanites?
you talking about the legion or the savages?
not that guy but new vegas was my first fallout and reading up on the lore was sufficient. I didn't really need to know that the ranger armour was based on Tycho or that you can have a F2 companion's daughter as your companion
He keeps the Legion ignorant on purpose but the towns in Legion territory are probably better off, so long as the doctors know to never treat a wounded Legionary
any time senpai
You're an actual retard if you think having PN on first playthrough is a good thing. Second playthroughs? Whatever, go wild. Install sexout and fuck a deathclaw in bullet-time.
But the first playthrough should simply be a patched version of the developer intention, i.e vanilla with DLC, bug patches and JSawyer with restored content. Which is exactly what that guide is saying.
You don't NEED to, which is why the guide says yes and no. Playing Fallout 1 and 2 first puts New Vegas into a hugely superior perspective and level of context, and generally makes the experience a lot richer. Hence why it's highly recommended, but not required.
>Idunno, maybe they'd sell me as slaves?
If you're weak and worthless maybe, unless you already have a farm or some other stake of value, in which case you'd just be a legion citizen. Why do you assume Caesar would take people willingly pledging themselves to him as slaves? Willing workers need not be treated badly. You're grasping at straws and going hurr durr slavery right now, without even stopping to think for a second.
>You'd be retarded to go for such an uncertain future
Can say the same to you regarding the NCR, at least with Caesar, you only have to worry about the Legion bossing you around, no rapist-murder gangs roaming about.
>And imagine the people in the game being real people who are worried about their own safety and not reading 4chingchong and knowing all we know about legion territory.
Most people are jaded to the point of saying that it doesn't matter who's in charge, however plenty do say that they've heard that Legion lands are incredibly safe.
>it's bound to have downsides like dying to the simplest fucking disease
You're assuming that the military not having medical specialists means that none of the communities have medical specialists
You're making the same retarded assumption.
>And imagine the people in the game being real people who are worried about their own safety and not reading 4chingchong and knowing all we know about legion territory.
that is actually a very good argument. just talk to some people in the game. most of them don't know much about the legion, just heard that they use slaves, burn towns and crucify people. no one gives a shit or even has heard of 'muh hegelian dialectics'
what's the difference?
>read NV threads
>think about exploring the Mojave
>decide to pick up New Vegas again
>realize the most recent save is right at the beginning of Dead Money
I keep telling myself I'll play through all the DLCs eventually, but every time I try to get through them all I want to do is trudge around the desert and listen to Radio New Vegas. I haven't even passed the point of letting Dog/God out of its cage.
Do you recognize Israel as a state?
>this libtard logic
>not realizing the same retarded bullshit applies to every single coherent faction in reality or fiction
Is this really the level of argumentation that anti-Legion cucks bring to the table? You belong on a cross, profligate.
You'll miss some of the history and backstory to some of the factions, but it's not entirely needed to enjoy the game. The only time where it's needed to be familiar with the original games is that guy next to the Mormon Fort who gives you the NCR History Quiz.
savages don't bother making up a reason for acting like savages
I made a Vanilla Plus modlist a couple weeks ago and updated it just now. Maybe you'll find something useful in it
>Do you recognize Israel as a state?
Not any more than Turkey, no. It was artificially created and it is artificially defended, while Turkey was artificially defended and neither of these two states were based on the existing native culture, so as far as self-determination of the natives to form large groups and organize into a government, no, neither Turkey nor Israel fit that bill.
*Or a state being set up by an invading force which has the capacity to defend it's statehood over time without outside influence, otherwise referred to as rightful conquest of a state.
I chose independent cos i had a massive addiction to psycho and didnt want the legion or ncr trying to stop me
Or you can do what I did and just read the various wikis for hours upon hours
what about Belgium and Poland?