Does Sup Forums have a fightstick?

Does Sup Forums have a fightstick?

Indeed I do

yes, i have 3

I got a HRAP4. Changed the buttons to gray sanwa buttons. And switched the plate to the Hayabusa Octopus.

Art is from a manga called New Game, I want to change the pcb to a Brooks Universal board or what ever it's called and add LEDs to the buttons.

Where do you get your decals from?


Yes, my gf got me the SFV TES+ for my birthday. My first stick.

Working on getting replacement plexi so I can put my custom art in, pic related

Yes, but Hori are faggots and don't have drivers for PC for it.

I swapped some Kuro buttons with Sanwa today and I don't see a difference. Am I missing something?

Yes, but it's a poorfag Qanba Q1.
>order fightstick for $80
>it's taking unusually long to ship out
>cancel the transaction and get money back
>spend $80 on Steam
>fightstick is still shipped out to me
>message Qanba about it to be a good boi
>"keep it"

can't you just use input mapper or something?

good shit

No, because I've never really enjoyed fighting games.

That sucks. How many have you tried?

No I have to use a gamepad with my big fat hands
gonna either buy one or try to find a place that builds them

Pic related. Using the Brooks 360 to PS4 converter now. I'm planning on getting Seimitsu buttons too
>tfw didn't buy plexi so now the art is going bad, and I'm gonna have to get new art

This baby got me back into Fighters


I tried many of them back in the day.
Mortal Kombat, Tekken, Street Fighter, and the old Clayfighter.
I remember trying to play them all the time in the local arcade, but I was never good at it and ran out of quarters before I could git gud.
The latest I tried was Street Fighter 4, though it was a friend trying to get me into the genre before pummeling the shit out of me.

Did you shave your pubes on that stick?


Art's Hobbies Tek Innovations.

Took 2 weeks to get it.


Meant for

Noice. I'm still using my sfxt te

More or less

I have a Hori RAP4K and I don't like how loose the stick is. Other than that, I like it.

holy shit that murata art.


I used to have one for my Dreamcast. Only caused problems when I would play MvC with someone else.

This one is really nice

replace it with a seimitsu stick
fuck sanwa desu, no clue how they became the "standard"

Hori RAP4K has a Hayabusa stick, not Sanwa.

oh, just assumed it was a sanwa based on the description :^)

TE round 2, been perfectly fine since.

I have thought of getting a full faceplate and custom art with Seimitsu buttons.

Can someone explain the difference to Sanwa?

Yeah I get it, so are seimitsu sticks really that good? Is there a way to make the stick not loose other than getting a better stick?

for buttons I actually prefer sanwa. If I remember right Seimitsu have less travel and require more force.

You should be able to fiddle with replacing parts in the stick, but that's probably not really worth it. Really it's down to preferences, a new stick is ~$20, if you think you prefer stiffer sticks it is worth a try.

I'm btw.
Seimitsu sticks are "currently unavailable" on Amazon. Should I just replace it with Sanwa parts, then? Will I need to use a soldering iron?

I sold my 360 fightstick recently, and I need one for my PS4 since I'm not a part of the master race. I've heard some bad things about the TE2 and onward, and I was looking for something that's easily moddable (for artwork and buttons) and officially supported by the Nogame Station. Please help. I asked /fgg/ since I frequent, but I was ignored.

Just put a stronger spring in it.

what are some good non-fighting games to use fightsticks with?

Try FocusAttack website or ParadiseArcade

Literally every NeoGeo game (Metal Slug, Neo Drift Out, some schmups)
Super Puzzle Fighter 2

I have a TE1, and a very nice wooden one I made with a Hyabusa stick, HBFS-30 buttons, and a Brook universal PCB. Just got my LED controller in and am going to install it. Also I'm building a hitbox, unfortunately it's impossible to find gamerfinger buttons anymore. They were nice, but not vastly superior to sanwa so i'm not too heartbroken.

Well I never replaced a stick before so I don't think soldering is required. All I've changed are buttons and that took no soldering. I have a Hori RAP4 but I don't think its any different from the Kai model.

Okay, but what if I prefer stiff sticks? Are Seimitsu or Sanwa sticks even like that? Is there any real difference?

I have one of these, and it's great. Recently had to change the buttons, but so far it´s been great.

So I'm shit at fighting games and sometimes when I can actually remember a combo I mess up with the inputs. Would a fightstick help with that? I don't think It's gonna turn me into a pro, but I'd like to be able to do cancels on GG without having to mash Triangle, Square and, X and hope it works. I still don't know why I gravitate towards the more complex fghters. I think I just like the flashy looking combos.

I've personally only used a Hayabusa stick. From what that other user said Seimitsu sticks are apparently stiff. You don't really need a new stick you could just get a spring with more tension and springs are cheap.

how do you stop sweating and getting grime to accumulate and dry up after using a stick? I'm not fat and run regularly every week

some people just have sweatier hands, I feel your pain user. I just play with a cloth next to me and wipe it down after a few matches

Just use a macro on pad bro, you got like 3 extra buttons for that shit. There are a fair amount of good GG players in my region who use macros for RC.

That's called stress, user. You get used to the pressure in time.

Beat em ups like Battletoads arcade and The Simpsons

Yeah, I got this one.

Modded Qanba Q4 RAF with oversized actuator

metal slugu

The Real Arcade Pro doesn't use Sanwa parts. They all use Hori developed Hayabusa parts. Personally, I like the Hayabusa sticks.

My Hori fs3 works fine on pc.


Works for me, just had to do some digging for drivers that ended up making it get recognized as an Xinput controller.

this is my current stick I use the most but I don't usually play on stick



nope, i use a hitbox. its just more comfortable than a stick.



Pretty cool

fuck your weeb shit, american motherfucker hell yeah


Just finished making this one

Pretty much any 2d game.

I got a Qanba Q4. Only really use it for TTT2 and USF4 though.

Too lazy to actually take a picture.

>spending over $100 for a peripheral that only works for a specific game genre that's dying anyways

Yeah, I could, but I'm not stupid or autistic.

>inb4 "you can get a fight stick for under $100"

Yeah but they're all shit. I've fucking looked, because my friend tried to get me into fighting games. This is the only market of peripherals where 'you get what you pay for' is painfully true.

Yeah I have a DualShock™ 4

get out edgelord

>fighting games are dying



the only genre that's dying is RTS

and I'm really glad for that too because DotA 2 is infinitely more fun to watch at a professional level than StarCraft ever was

I've had mine modded into Gundam Sentinel.
BTW how's your gate? my upper left one gets shot sometimes.

Meant upper right one.

No, I'm not a virgin.

yes, a te2+

Two actually: one for PS3 (the Chun-li one) and the other for 360 (Hori) and use a Brook Converter PS3 to PS4.

I have that one in black, it's a cheap pos

Where did your uncle touch you?

What buttons are those? Surely not sanwa or seimetsu.