
NuDoom is the best FPS I have played since FEAR 1. Why does everyone on Sup Forums hate it so much? It has big open areas to explore with secrets, the action is fast paced and smooth, the graphics and aesthetics are great, it has a nice variety of enemies and the weapons and gunplay feel powerful. Music is good too. I really dont get it. Is it the Brutal Doom kills? I thought all of Sup Forums loved that mod.

Though I admit the multiplayer is really really bad.

Also greatest intro level ever. That elevator scene got me pumped as fuck.

cant pirate

Wasnt the game pirated recently?

The music doesn't seem to have a nice catchy melody to it like some of the levels of doom 1.
I can't imagine any of D44M's songs getting stuck in my head for days


yes it was

I dont know who to believe.

cant find anything on BCG, proof?


do they actually goats the sky


How the fuck mine doesn't get anywhere up there

Tons of people here like it, most of the haters are pissed it's not easy to pirate.
He's looking at the sky


>being a wage slave

I like NuDoom, probably the most I've enjoyed an FPS since ... I don't know, quite a while.

However there are some problems with it.

The shitty RPG upgrade systems make the start of the game really lame. Your ammo count is pathetically low (shotgun has less than half of it's original ammo count), you can't go over 100 health and 50 (for some reason) armor until you upgrade, and by that point you ALWAYS go up to whatever your current cap is. Not that you'd need to go searching for health though, since the game automatically gives you enough health to scrape by if you're really low.

The enemies are also a bit of a mixed bag. I mean the imps are ridiculously dangerous, more dangerous than Revenants, Mancubi and Cacodemons, which just feels wrong. Also that shielded shotgunner can go fuck itself, probably the worst new addition to the roster.

Another modern cancer which has sadly infected Doom is canned animations. Every time you land from a distance, every time you open a door, every time you pick up an argent cell or a preator token you get the same animation and it really started to annoy me when I played through it a second time. Even worse are those 3-5 minute long segments where you're locked in a room, forced to listen to shitty exposition that no one gives a shit about.

Also the music isn't really as memorable imo. When I entered a retro level I instantly recognized the tune that was playing, which I can't really say about new Doom. There are like 2 or 3 okay tunes, but on the whole it's a lot of wubs and noises.

Sorry I don't mean to bash the game, but these little things could have been so easily avoided and the game would have been much more enjoyable IMO.

i bought it though, im just saying that's the reason why v trashes it, also
>needing a job to earn money
lol cuck

>Why does everyone on Sup Forums hate it so much?

I don't see it getting shit on that much after release.

Marketing that reinforced everyone's fears about it before release didn't exactly help though.

>pre-release footage from console version
>multiplayer beta being shit
>finally release demo featuring weakest part of the game

I really like it to user, have you checked out NuShadow Warrior? Not as good as doom but sorta kinda the same take on making a modern version of these old FPS games.

To me it's just a mediocre FPS. I only actively shit on it because people who like it are extremely easy to rile up.

>Why does everyone on Sup Forums hate it so much?

Normies like it.

I liked it too. Beat the whole thing. Dont know what to think of the sequel because they went with the Diablo route with the builds and loot gameplay.

no reply uh, i kinda expected that

I'll give it a try when it comes out. They earned a benefit of a doubt with me

Another one for you guys

They're making slow progress but it's nowhere near playable yet.

main arguments against new DOOM
>it's not like the old doom
>you can't bhop or rocket jump


>Game is way too modern and casual
>Play Brutal Doom instead

iirc some guy managed to launch it, but all the menus were fucked and the actual game didn't accept control inputs or something like that

>shielded shotgunner appears
>noobtube the floor just past his feet to the left or to the right
>he blows up


And the imps are also easy. How are they more dangerous? They just stand there shooting slow projectiles you can move and dodge, and they do so little damage. The Reverants rain missiles so you can't circle in a spot but have to completely move away a small area instead of dodging left/right, the Mancubi have loads of health and shoot weird shit when they're not doing their normal predictable slow projectile shooting, and the cacodemons do fucking nearly all your health if a single shot hits, and they also chomp you which leaves you nearly dead too

But yea story is shit and pointless, just annoying to listen to, and there's only 2-5 great songs, the rest are generic. It almost feels like the creators only put effort into a couple of songs and no more.

I might get it after they implement Vulkan and when it's cheaper. I'm not too much of a fan of these kinds of games (the arena shooter-ish throwback fps games) and didn't really like the new Wolfenstein either. id seems better than most devs at making their games not run like shit though so that's commendable.

I have seen so many of these dipshit threads asking the same dipshit question.

>Why doesnt Sup Forums like D44M?

The majority does you fucking mongoloid. Nobody liked the beta, and the multiplayer is nothing special.

Also, Sup Forums is not one person. A lot of people did like it though.

Stop asking Sup Forums to validate your interests you simple minded cocksucker.

Wish the soundtrack was more memorable, I only remember BFG Division and the music that played when you're just exploring hell

you must play veeery little games, and also have super low standards. Duum is lukewarm shit, literally just a fancier looking Devil's Daggers clone with more padding between the fight areas.