Xenoverse 2 Hype Thread

New Anime Expo Information:

>Charged Ki Attacks: Charge your standard ki blast for character-specific attacks
>Jump Vanishing: Snap vanishing in all directions, expanded from the first game
>Third Ultimate Attack slot specifically for transformations
>Multiple transformations become usable in-battle as you build up your ki (SSJ -> SSJ2 -> SSJ3)
>Spam being mitigated, 'Ki Spam' confirmed removed

New Features:
>SSJ3 for Saiyan CaCs
>New HUD, health and time limit increased
>Names for character variations
>Less invincibility frames
>Improved hit detection
>Easier, more natural combos

Confirmed New Characters:
>Super Janemba
>Super Gogeta

Video: Anime Expo Trailer:

Video: In-Depth Demo Breakdown (Rhymestyle):


Other urls found in this thread:


>new characters
>just a SUPER variant
uh huh

Older Info:

>Burst Dash: Allows you to pursue an opponent to combat "runners"
>Stamina Break: Drain opponent's stamina so they cannot avoid a combo

New Features:
>RNG toned down significantly
>Network stability improved
>The main hub is 7 times bigger than Toki Toki City, flying/hoverboards confirmed
>300 players per server
>Training mode
>New local multiplayer stages
>Import your character from XV1, plays a role in the story
>New CaC parts, costumes, attacks, and features
>Clothing either no longer impacts your stats or there are cosmetic slots
>No new races, but the existing five are being expanded
>60fps across all platforms
>Improved graphics, fluid animations

Confirmed New Characters:
>Future Gohan (Base, SSJ)
>Cooler (Base, Final Form)
>Lord Slug

Video: Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Trailer:

Video: Turles vs Future Gohan Gameplay:


Fat Janemba is too big and there is no base form Gogeta


Who /namek/ here?

So, will we get any characters from Super in this game? Like Black Goku and the Universe 6 characters?

Since planning ended before Super began airing they said it's likely that there will only be one or two on launch with more probably coming as DLC

I imagine it's going to be Champa or Hit or something, Black Goku is too recent for launch

They said they were working before Super ever began, so it's possible to see Super stuff on DLC

>Fat Janemba is too big
But I want to fight giant things that aren't Oozarus

The base game will cover everything up to Resurrection F, since that was in the first game and is shown in the latest trailer.
Anything afterwards is up in the air at the moment, because XV2's planning was finished before Super even began airing so it'll have to be post-game stuff tacked on at the end like the Bardock/Broly saga in XV1 or DLC.

I just finished the Buu Saga.

What the FUCK were those last episodes?
Goku flies away with some brown fucker to an island and everybody is left alone?

You'll probably be able to in the story mode/parallel quests


It didn't stop Tenkaichi 3 to have Fat Janemba in the game.

The great apes weren't playable. They might have fat Janemba as something you can just fight.
Same with the head Meta Cooler, Giant Slug, Hirudegarn, and Wheelo

Super/Kid Buu transformations for Buu race when? If not i'm making a fucking Saiyan again.

>No cenario destruction

Yeah and they along with the great apes were small as fuck and totally ruined

Hoping for
>Dr Gero
>Android 20
>Android 16
>Android 13 (and Super A13)
>Imperfect Cell and Semi-Perfect Cell
>Freeza's 2 skipped forms
>Garlic Jr.

Reminder that more information will be coming in the next few weeks, supposedly the most exciting information has not been dropped yet

Also release date is October 25th

And pathetically weak.

>Dr Gero
>Android 20
You mean 19?

Yeah, I meant 19

Give me:

>Transformations for the Buu and Freeza races
>hair changes for SS1 and SS2
>a clothing system in Terrarias style that lets you wear whatever you want with the effect of another clothing
>everything clothing is colorable and the same goes for accessoires
>Beam clashes
>SS4 and SSG/Cyan transformations

I really want Roshi but he can't fly so I don't think they'll do it

At least Hercule has his jetpack and Jaco has his rocket boots. Maybe he could use pic related? I don't know.

What exactly is wrong with it? Besides Goku saying fuck you to his whole family it was all around as happy an ending as possible based on Goku's character. Either way, those last episodes are non canon/alternate universe or whatever now that Super has come out.

>a clothing system in Terrarias style that lets you wear whatever you want with the effect of another clothing
Pretty much already confirmed

Also SSJ4/SSG/SSGSS transformations would be cool but I think that's really pushing it

Yeah, the "no-fliers" thing sucks since it means a bunch of original Dragon Ball characters can't make it, like Demon King Piccolo, Mercenary Tao, Android 8 etc.
It would be fun if we got a Pilaf mecha Boss fight too.

good, i can't imagine having a dirty Indian kid as the last bastion of hope for Earth.

>Also SSJ4/SSG/SSGSS transformations would be cool but I think that's really pushing it
SS4 maybe but SSG and SSGSS are not that hard to make a thing.

Just make the hair shine in another color and buff-change the energy around the players.

King Piccolo could fly. No reason he can't be there.

They just need to be able to jump and slowly descend while having the option to quick fall.

Just started and i already love the stretchy arms

I know they're easy to make but it just seems over the top to have your ocdonutsteel be able to go god level

After seeing Gogeta vs Janemba I'm all set to buy this game. Xenoverse 1 was a proof of concept and 2 looks to be shaping up to be my perfect Dragon Ball game.

That isn't a bulma/videl/18 slave trainer.

>it just seems over the top to have your ocdonutsteel be able to go god level
Vegeta got god mode by doing training. He skipped the entire ritual thing that Goku needed to go through.

>No new races
No buy

will they give us non sword trunks? please? and super trunks 2 and 3? I miss them and what are the chances costumes are seperated from move sets

I don't see the problem.

Mah nigga.

Along with everything else I've seen so far if I could have these things as well this would be pretty much perfect.

Trunk's sword attacks are special moves so I'm pretty sure there are already variations in which he doesn't have/use his sword

>Implying Heroes isn't ridiculous

>we will add things in the sequel that we left out in the first game because we need to leave things out to make new sequels
>that is until we start all over again with a new engine and name series
Goku and Vegeta sons are failures as fighters, they don't care about the future of the world because "Goku will save us all". Goku says fuck them "I will have my own muslim kid that I asked to be reborn based on kid buu. train him for a bunch of years to be my new rival since Vegeta is useless and was pussyfied by Mah Bulma. Fuck Gohan, Goten and present Trunks. Pan your a woman, you will never be useful and will be annoying as shit. Muslim kid will be my successor. PS: I will give the muslim kid the nimbus, if you kids even remember the freaking cloud"

But don't worry, with Super things are being changed little by little, so that ending will not be exactly the same.

Why is Dragon Ball one of the only anime whose games include non-canon movie characters? Most anime franchises don't do that, after the movie comes out the villain is forgotten forever.

we did not get non sword trunks last time

>you can now make a qt loli Saiyan that goes SSJ3
>possible hair changes for other forms too

>we will add things in the sequel that we left out in the first game because we need to leave things out to make new sequels
>children think there is an infinite scope of things that can be done and time constraints don't exist

SS3 being confirmed made me really happy. Can't wait to see all the cute monkeys.

>Buu race gets big buu and little buu transformations
>everyone will go for loli buus

because most dbz movie villains are memorable, who could forget about Broly, Redneck Android, and Super Janemba

>Goten looks like a weed smoking College dropout
Where did everything go so wrong?

If only they'll let us select which transformation hair we want. My money's on them just having defaults for each form, with no option to change it to something like your pic.

>Where did everything go so wrong?
Around about the time Goku paired them up and taught them to be faggots.

Trainer when?

I do recall Naruto fans complaining that Toneri, the villain of The Last Naruto movie, wasn't playable in NSUNS4 even though The Last Naruto and Sasuke were.

can somebody make a webm of this?

I mean, your character is already pretty god damn powerful in Xenoverse. If you're a saiyan you take on Demigra in his transformed state at SSJ2 max and Goku goes SSJ3 to fight him. That's not even mentioning races that don't transform being at that same level to beat Demigra despite no particular transformations or powerups.

SSJ3 time patroller is probably at an equivalent level further than that.

I have a few desired transformations that might not happen.

>Ascended SSJ (ie: Super Vegeta/Super Trunks)
I'd love to go full on bulk while trading off speed.

>Super Roshi
Similar to ASSJ just for humans instead.

>Giant Namek/Oozaru
Some playable giants would be fucking dope, even better if our OCs can do it.

>Android "Engines" for Humans
Essentially transformations that are always active once slotted. Lets humans use android specific moves like Rocket Punch or Hell Flash. Comes in Drain and Infinity varieties that mimic Android 19/Gero and Android 16/17/18.

>Super or Evil forms for Majin
Could be handled like SSJ or like permanent once slotted additions. I just want to be a big ass buff Majin.

>Absorbtion for Majins
How dope would it be if you could absorb and then spit out an enemy for a SSJ-tier buff to your power? Maybe it copies one of their ultimates and their chest/accessory slots similar to how Super Buu absorbed Piccolo/Gotenks/Gohan. Imagine going into battle as a majin and absorbing some dickass Frieza and then firing their Supernova back at them after copying it.

Why didn't Goten keep his Goku hair?

Is it normal if I'm more hype for this than for DB Fusions right now?

>Ascended SSJ (ie: Super Vegeta/Super Trunks)
This is what Super Vegeta should've been. Super Vegeta 1 should've increased your muscle mass like Super Vegeta actually did and Super Vegeta 2 should've made you a fucking freak like what Trunks did (Technically the same type of transformation, Super Saiyan 2nd and 3rd grade, specifically)

Fusions looks cool but this really is a core DBZ game, so yes it is normal

Sounds normal to me.

>time limit increased
looking at all gameplay footage
its still 3min

>fusing with your mother
that's beyond Freud.

>Vegeta: If stay in my corner and do my coolpose, probably no one will know I am a father of one of these faggot kids.
What a great father figure.
Funny how best Trunks never had a dad.
Because his role model is Yamcha. In fact, Goku's kids always have one of the Yamcha's previous hair

This fucking game is going to be perfect. Everything they've shown so far is amazing.
All it needs now is customizable aura colors and changeable fighting styles.

I am struggling to understand SSJ transformations, though. Are they a temporary buff now, or do they stay until you decide to revert voluntarily?

>fuse with Videl
>has access to all her "fucking Gohan" memories

Bamco said they're working on it

In canon Goku wanted to fuse with Gohan

>Gokhan almost happened
wew lad

Did they fix the awful balance and put in a non CaC mode in the game yet? I want a dragon ball fighting game with online matchmaking, not whatever the fuck the first game was.

Why can't we just get budokai tenkaichi 3 remaster with online.

It's a floor demo; they're not going to want people standing around playing long matches.

Hopefully soon.

You can't make kids in Xenoverse. Only small adults.
Unless they've confirmed child CAC somewhere, which I doubt.

I'll be so mad if Gokhan isn't in Fusions.

>Start getting nostalgic for Dragon Ball
>Decide to go find the manga and read it from beginning to end
>Find out that the people with the manga license are faggots, and have never released an uncut version
>The only way to read it uncut is to read incomplete, weeb fan translations

God dammit.


That's not how it works.


but i want to stare at my fabulous ssj3 hair

GoGo Gadget


There was an option to tell your opponent to only use original characters, you know.

>I want a dragon ball fighting game with online matchmaking, not whatever the fuck the first game was.
Then leave.

>Why can't we just get budokai tenkaichi 3 remaster with online.
Go back to Gamefaqs with the other nostalgiafags, fag.

>>RNG toned down significantly
source please?

I didn't play the first one, you can still play as regular non-donut characters online right?


Yes but they're worthless compared to CaCs so online is deviantart world.

>Confirmed New Characters:
>Super Janemba
>Super Gogeta
You forgot Turles, Slug, and Cooler.


Literally the third post dork

>they're worthless compared to CaCs
>not getting gud with non CaC characters
casual shitter detected

Seems like Turles shows up to help Radditz against Goku and Piccolo. That seems like a drastic jump in power. Wasn't Turles on Base Form Freiza's level?

Goddamn this game sounds like its gonna be purely an upgrade over the first game, really hyped up for it. I thought the first game was ok, was sorta fun to play as a punching human machine until you met all those goddamn beam spamming faggots.
>Those moments where you stop giving a fuck and just use kaioken and charge in to them and somehow reach them and punch the shit out of them.

Speaking of the first game, the season pass is on sale for 6 euro right now. Is it worth it? Should I buy it?

Damn, I wanted to use Cell

oh well

Damn, with each transformation he was looking more stupid.

Stop shilling. I'm excited for this game too but you're fooling yourself if you think the balance will get fixed.

>There was an option to tell your opponent to only use original characters, you know.
Like anyone would fucking listen to that.
They just need a mode for CAC and one that doesn't allow them. No reason for not having two different online modes. UFC games and shit do it.

Power levels are bullshit nothing matters

It also seems like Turles and Lord Slug team up

>Literally the third post dork
>under "Older Info" even though Slug wasn't official until the new footage.

Listen shitter, I was ranked 3 in the online ladderboard, I know what I'm talking about.

CaC's where the only good characters due to broken z souls, non CaC characters where complete trash and only fun to use against shitters and complete retards, any half competent player would destroy you otherwise, it was gimping yourself.

That is not my idea of a balanced dragon ball game.

They mention the Movie villains being from other timelines. I wonder if that means Freeza won't recognize Cooler and will be skeptical of the latter's claims of being his brother from another universe.