Is this game harder than Dark Souls? I'd like to have the opinion of people who've played both games to completion

Is this game harder than Dark Souls? I'd like to have the opinion of people who've played both games to completion.

shameless self-bump

It's a lot harder than dark souls

Haven't played any DS, but Ninja Gaiden is aka Izuna Drop: the game.

yes but i had more fun playing this than I did Dark Souls

Yeah, it's harder. There are some moves that can be spammed (Izuna Drop, Flying Swallow), but on a sequence-by-sequence basis, I think the game asks a lot more of its player.

ok thanks for the replies guys, I never played DS but finished NG back in the day. Just wanted to know why people were raving about DS's difficulty, cos I would've found it hard to believe there's something worse than this... I remember dying over 18 or 20 times to one of the bosses (I think she was in a church).

I've beaten all the Soulsbornes multiple times but I've never beat Ninja Gaiden, despite many dozens, possible even hundreds, of hours trying. I'd say it's harder.

Literally the only problem the combat has is a couple of spammable moves. Otherwise it's fucking perfect, I have no idea how thye managed that.

You can't really spam Flying Swallow in NGB, a bunch of enemies are resistant to it.
Dunno if they changed that in Sigma.

Unlike soulsborne games its actually challenging and rewarding. Not to mention the gameplay is much better.

it's already (arguably) harder on normal, and you have 3 more difficulty settings to pick
higher difficulties have different enemies, changing item placement, new boss attacks etc
it's a 10/10 game man

What it comes down to is Dark Souls will kill you if you planned poorly or aren't paying attention, but otherwise it's not that difficult. Ninja Gaiden expects so much from players during every fight and it moves much faster, there is no way to plan around enemies, you just need to execute your moves as close to perfectly as you can to survive.

you called?


>side note: I think you triggered my gaiden PTSD

>I think the game asks a lot more of its player

In Dark Souls you may be fragile, but at least almost all enemy attacks are somewhat slow and there's usually not that many enemies to keep track of. If you just memorize enemy attack tells and patterns, you can beat the games even if your reflexes suck. But in Ninja Gaiden? Nope, it's just so much faster that you have to be fast too.


fuck this bitch.
first and only time i ever through my controller was when i was 13 and lost when she was one hit away after 6 months worth of tries


>tfw I dropped the game just to finally beat this about 7 months later

sorry guys

I played this when I was literally 12.
It kicked my ass. I had to put it down to ninja dog difficulty, abuse magic and farm for upgrades and portions.
I did beat it though.
Dark Souls I played recently so I have no way to compare the two.

>ninja dog
>I did beat it though

>It kicked my ass.
>I had to put it down to ninja dog difficulty, abuse magic and farm for upgrades and portions.
These two sentences do not mesh correctly.

Whatever dude. 12 year old me was ecstatic. Maybe I'll beat it properly if they ever release a ps4 remake.

youre weak i beat it on normal and i was in middle school too.
Took me like a year, but i did it. Same with DMC 3.

>throwing away your pride and playing on Ninja Dog

That's fucking shameful, dude. You are not redeemed until you beat it on Master Ninja.

Ninja Gaiden Black was the only game I ever dropped and came back to a month later.

I would have been about 11 at the time, and the ghost fish were just cunts.

That said, these kinds of games are the reason I laughed at people complaining about the "damn train" from San Andreas like that was hard, at all.

only harder game is black edition

Ghost fish are super easy. You can kill them without getting hit once. Jump and press X to do a spin attack. All the fish around you die. Then when you land, jump again. They can't hit you while you're in the air but they follow you. Just keep jumping and slashing and they all die.

Pfft, by then I had already beat black on master ninja.

Thanks for the advice, only a decade too late.

Wat holy shit yes

No doubt about it

Black Edition is another level of bullshit + git gud

Now that I think about it, makes no sense people praising DaS2 solely by its difficulty when it's not really that hard mid game. On the other side, Ninja Gaiden wants you to quit. Really quit. Yet, no one mentions this.

You've never beat a ninja gaiden? How? You aren't even playing on master ninja.


Better late than never right? haha
I figured it out on that one mission in which you fight like a million of them. I beat that thing on grand master or whatever the max difficulty was. What a game, man.

I wish they would bring Ninja Gaiden to Steam, my 360 is broken and I can't bother buying another one just for a game.

You can just use the phoenix ninpo. One of them is bound to drop a red orb to make it free

I switched to vigoorian flails.

My dad always watched me play games back then instead of watching tv and would help me figure shit out.

I always refused to use them for some reason.

They worked.

Well, I was 16 when black came out and had nothing better to do.

Fuck it has been that long, hasn't it.

I really don't understand the Alma complaints, unless she is just way more difficult on MN, in which case I have no say. But I've beaten Black and Sigma several times on normal and hard, and she was never that troublesome. Just finished a playthrough a couple weeks ago and beat her on the first try. I had more issues with Doku, among others.

Dark souls is only hard if you're too retarded to figure out weapon upgrading.

Alma was certainly easier in RE's crystal skulls, and I don't think her church form was that bad.

>tfw can only play sigma because no xbox consoles and no xbox emulation yet


Dark Souls is only considered the paragon of difficulty because almost every game released these days is easy as fuck.

Doku was easy for me, Alma was probably the hardest boss.

I think it has to do with playstyle more than anything.

Doku only took me a 3 tries or so first run through.

this game is an over looked classic. its a shame the sequels never felt quite the same.

I hear you, I wish they'd port it to the PS4

Yes, it's not even remotely a contest.

It's not that it's overlooked, people just can't git gud enough to even pass the first stage and refuse to learn.

People know about it, but won't talk about it because it shamed them.


Yes much harder. 2 is even harder then both. I couldn't even beat master ninja. I'm a nigga that beat super ghouls and ghosts on snes. So take that into account.

>RE above Sigma 2
S2 had problems but it was far above that QTE-fest, fuck Kunai climbs, raptor dives """""cinematic""""" bosses, and that shitty robot you fight on the first level, and then another 5 times throughout the game

I'd say so. I kinda fucked up Dark Souls by going to an endgame level before I'd even the first half but yeah.

Only played Ninja Gaiden 2 on Xbox360. Also the only game I couldnt beat on hard difficulty. Fucking exploding knifes and those jumping demons. And there is still one difficulty more if you beat it on hard. Still one of my favorite games. Is it better/harder than Ninja Gaiden Black? Should I check out Ninja Gaiden 2 Sigma on PS3? Only played 2 vanilla and the first on NES and feel like beating some difficult games.

NG3RE > NG2 > NGB > NG

Sometimes I feel like I stick to older games I've played rather than gitting gud at difficult newer games just to avoid the frustration of learning mechanics, map layouts, secrets, etc. Like I dropped DkS3 around a third of the way through after losing interest, but I can pick up NGB any time and still be nearly as good as I ever was at it.

It's a lot harder
I actually dropped it ; _;
Would try again but i sold my PS3

Yes that's the reverse order of how they came out user.

>tfw even the classics were challenging but rewarding

Why is NG so GOAT

>tfw the slow camera doesn't matter any more and you can now dodge and counter attack based purely on sound effects and the path of the projectiles
No other game captures that over the top ninja feeling.

I have a harder time with Dark Souls unless I summon for the tough bosses, but Ninja Gaiden is more fun

Are the differences between NG and NGB that big? I played the shit out of NG and just assumed NGB was only slightly changed.

fyi ngb was made for cookie face gitgud tournament

I'll take all that over 6 or less enemies on screen at max, moves that are clearly balanced for 10+ enemies from NG2, no blood, fading limbs/heads and that purple mist bullshit

I think Dark Souls is harder because you can screw yourself over by not making a good character build (or using a character build you suck at)

On Master Ninja difficulty there is no comparison. Normal is probably about equal to DS1.

>Dark Souls

Is this the first remotely difficult game people played or something? This meme has been getting on my nerves the past couple years.

they're 3rd person action combat but you can't really compare them.
if you're stuck in ninja gaiden, you need to get good.
if you're stuck in dark souls, just grind to improve or invite someone to beat the boss for you. (yes, its that gay)

that's not saying ninja gaiden doesn't have it's own share of easymode options.
the ut chain system and flying swallow can trivialize mob battles and some bosses. ng black cut down on flying swallow spam, however.

but also keep in mind ninja gaiden has difficulty options. master ninja mode is retarded.
and if we want to talk about a real hardmode game, try ninja gaiden 2 xbox. i honestly don't think the later difficulties were playtested in ng2.

>i honestly don't think the later difficulties were playtested in ng2.
I think Itagaki actually said they weren't. He ended up apologizing for the problems with Ninja Gaiden 2 and blamed Tecmo for rushing out the game and creating a hostile work environment. It's part of why he left the company

NG2's difficulty on higher levels wouldn't be so bad if the game didn't just dump explosive shurikens everywhere and call it done.

>if you're stuck in dark souls, just grind to improve or invite someone to beat the boss for you. (yes, its that gay)

Oh fuck you.
I like both series, but if I died to a boss in any Soulsgame, I just retry and get good.
I don't go and fucking grind, I don't go summon someone.
I retry and get good just like you say Ninja Gaiden is.
Maybe you're a scrub.

No. All souls games but DSII are harder. The only reason this debate exists is because you HAVE to block and dodge to win and most gamers nowadays have this ignorant ass "defense is gay" mentality

Dark Souls is not harder than Ninja Gaiden
But Demon's Souls is.
Dark Souls is still the better game though.

I'm 25 and have always said defense is gay.

fite me.

the point is that the easy cakewalk options are there.
and of course you can be good at dark souls. you could even beat the game naked and at level 1 if you wanted to put the time in

NG was the original artificial difficulty shitpost before even DeS' release.

And you can grind in Ninja Gaiden.
Get more orbs to buy more items and upgrades.
It's possible.

I seriously doubt theres anything in the whole souls franchise that is as hard is ninja gaiden Black. Doku 1 is pretty much a frame perfect and last I checked no souls boss is that hard

and never mind black, even in II there's a subway segment and on VH and MN you're fighting literally a dozen greater fiends and you have to play PERFECTLY otherwise you wont have enough elixirs to keep going

Upgrading weapons just gives you more moves though. And there's a pretty small limit on how many potions you can buy

Yes. Harder. And better. By a lot.

Upgrades are capped based on how far you are in the game. You can't really get anything OP besides the fully upgraded wooden sword and even then you'd have to grind for hours.

A proper reissue of NG/NGB or NG2 more than likely won't ever happen, since TN somehow managed to lose the source code to both of them.

yfw this fucker on MN