This is the best game I have ever played

This is the best game I have ever played.

Glad you like it, it is also my favorite game of all time.

I don't like how discussions for it go usually though.

Then you need to p!ay more games OP

How does discussion typically perspire?

>le ebin pcucks ruined da fanfabes
every thread

Also whenever difficulty comes up it turns into a shitstorm.

Yeah fuck this game. Literally Artificial Difficulty: The Game. Can't believe I spent $20 on this shitty ass game.

so you've played like 3 games


>Awful, I mean literal Aquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome tier PC port.

>best game

How can something be the best when the experience makes you seriously contemplate suicide.

It's fantastic.
I'd like to think that it is what, in an ideal world, a modern 3D Castlevania game would be. But the series has grown too much in stature to draw such a comparison today.

Really it's a testament to having fantastic design and gameplay. The game is hard, but it never feels unfair. Unforgiving? Absolutely. But whenever you die it is very clearly your own fault. No gimmicks, just you, your wits, and your reflexes.

The fact that the game demands you be patient and deliberate in your actions compliments the way you approach and take in the game world.

My favorite game too.

Enjoy the shitposting that comes with these threads.

My niggas.

I never got the same feeling from playing video games after Dark Souls.

was too easie for me.....nneded hard mode

what are you talking about? all you have to do is plug in your controller and install dsfix (literally dragging and dropping files) and you're good to go.

Great taste. Yes, it is the best by far.

works fine for me user

Works on my machine :D

nah DaS1 is top tier game design

How many games did you play in your life?
More than 5?

Dragon isn't instant death.

The fact that he doesn't 1 hit kill you at level 1 means that you have no reason to be killed by twice without having reached the shortcut.

Let me PM you the fix :)

>he didn't buy it when it was $5

It's a really fun game, I haven't finished it yet but I hope to before summer's over.

already got DS2 when it was on sale for $10. I don't have a graphics card good enough for 3 so I'll cross that bridge when I get to it in a year.

Would you say the same thing about megaman x?If you don't know how to do something its going to be difficult until you do know.

also I just got the Lordvessal and killed Nito, not sure where I'm going next. I think I need to go to New Londo though

for a new player that just fought taurus and didn't really upgrade his life pool?
anyway, the game isn't good because of its difficultty

oh, 5 then

found your alter ego

Go to the cave behind the hydra and do the fucking DLC. It's the best part of the game.