Better enemy placements

>Better enemy placements
>More armor, weapons and NPCs
>DLC included in the full package
>Literally everyone has moved to it, PvP is perfectly balanced
>Story is still speculated upon to this day, drawing upon it's own rich lore
>Best armor/wep designs in the entire series

Why does Sup Forums hate it again?

Other urls found in this thread:

Ds 2 is shit but not as shit as ds3 now shut up cuck also 5

Because they played up to FotFG and said "hey, there are more enemies in that one area (even though you all fight them 1v1), it's a worse game than vanilla" and stopped.

They couldn't get pass the first part. They want an easy mode like DS1 backstabs or DS3 infinite rolls.


I don't.

It has the best weapon variety:viability ratio in the entire series.

3 somehow has the lowest and it fucking irks the shit out of me.

I am not paying 40 euro to get the game a second time when i already have all the DLC. FROM can fuck off.


>>Better enemy placements

I don't want to believe this is the case, but Sup Forums is so full of shitters, and the complaints about SotFS are so retarded that it seems that there's little other explanation.

I was seriously sick of DS 3 pvp so i have moved back.I must say DS 2 is miles better gameplay wise and animations feel alot more natural in it.

>soul memory
>downgrade fiasco
>muh iron keep nonsensical placement
>weird controller deadzone

i actually quite enjoyed the game regardless, but those are the main reasons it's so shitted around here

>Story is still speculated upon to this day
Yeah, people still speculate if it even exists.

>Better enemy placements
it feels more like a remix version and not "better".
also sotfs on ps3/360/pc dx9 doesn't have the new enemy placements

Why was soul memory bad?

Once you get to 14m it doesnt matter anyway

the "new" enemy placement also downright sucks in some places I.E that path to smelder demon

>Why was soul memory bad?
If you are bad at the game and loose too much souls you will get invaded by people stronger then you build wise and raped.

I sure don't, its the best game in the series and requires thought to play.

And its not like twinks exist in every other souls game right?

to be frank, don't know and don't care, never gotten too much into souls PVP in general

you could also use some ring to counter soul memory i believe, so theres that

Not to mention:

>Better pyromancy
>Better dark magic
>More weapon types/movesets
>Sir Alonne

This happens with or without it though, doesn't it? Always seemed that way in DaS1 and 2. Twinks ruin your shit regardless of there being Soul Memory or not.

>the "new" enemy placement also downright sucks in some places I.E that path to smelder demon
I'm convinced the Alonne Knights have aggro issues, because one of the Alonne Knights that come from before the bridge is normally positioned on the metal bridge right before the turtle knight that smashes the ground and breaks it, so after the "zone" logically. It's like he aggroes from an entirely different zone.

I don't even precisely know what the zelda cycle is but I'm sure as fuck seeing something like it here.

Allone Knights in SotFS are scripted to come running to you once you reach a certain spot. It's clearly meant to punish people who aren't paying attention, or just want to run through the keep blindly.

also people greatly exaggerates, i suck at souls games dying dozens of times to every boss (even easy ones) and other than the seldom invader that fucks you up in 5 secs, never really had any trouble with twinks

well then thats just retaded and a shitty decision by the devs, considering the fact that they are on the path to arguably one of the most hated bosses in the game

the paths to blue smelder and lud/zullen also come to mind, these ruined an otherwise perfect DLC

>Dark Souls 2 is hard
Bitchin meme, dude.

Not paying for the same game twice.

it's the hardest souls game sans bloodborne

Yeah, maybe if you suck at games.

Changing little things like that doesn't fix the fact that the core gameplay is garbage and the level design is putrid.
>People actually think this game is better than any of the other Souls games
How? It doesn't even feel like it belongs in the same series. It feels like a bad fangame.

It IS an optional boss though. Once you've made the furnace secure, you can skip the rest of the area. I feel like they wanted to make that clearer in SotFS, but they would have to rework the area itself to make sure of it, so they took the lazy way.

It's adabtability, shithead. And you don't even need that many points to get the amount of iframes you had in 1, especially with attunement investmenet.

It really fucking isn't though.

Still playing PS3 DSII, on my fourth character, having a great time

Come at me

>>People actually think this game is better than any of the other Souls games
>How? It doesn't even feel like it belongs in the same series.

Smelter Demon is hated? I love that boss.

Also the Allone Knights only pull in multiples, if like I said, you run through the keep like a retard.

>the paths to blue smelder and lud/zullen also come to mind, these ruined an otherwise perfect DLC

Those are Co-op areas and bosses.

great argument
which one is harder?

because it's a shitty rushed out sequel made by monkeys that copied everything they could but had very little idea about game design

Too hard.

>Better enemy placements
You fucked up right there.

>changed almost everything about the original
>copied everything they could
what did he mean by this?

Sounds like DaS3.

About to say "fuckit" and play DS2 for the first time.
What should I build for a first run?
>Inb4 Quality

RE4 still felt like an RE game. Yeah it was more action-oriented but it still had similar trappings
RE5 and 6 and 7, on the other hand...
Besides that's not even a good comparison. RE4 is a great game. DS2 is not.
I'd honestly say all of them. DS2 isn't really that hard. It tries its hardest to be, which is part of the reason why it sucks, but once you get used to the shitty ass combat it's actually pretty easy.
And boring.

turns out monkey patching didn't fix shit

>RE4 is a great game. DS2 is not.
Says you. 5 points of difference on metacritic.

My first playthrough of DaS2 I got an Ultra Greatsword off of one of the Old Knights and just went strength to use it. I kinda fumbled around and just threw points wherever and still did well.

Just use a build around whatever weapon you like is what I'm saying.

Just buy rapier and win the game until demon of song.
Pick up red iron twinblade before demon of song and win the rest of the game.
Trust me, you don't want to gimp yourself with a non-optimal weapon.

Literally anything is viable in das2

nah it's the same formula just much worse execution

are you high? re4 is literally the opposite of the previous games. I agree that the souls games get pretty trivial as you play them more and get familiar with the patterns, but 2 handed me my ass the most until I realized I was trying to play it like 1, then I figured it out.
>review scores matter
wew lad

>being this contrarian

you got rekt and got butthurt user, no shame admitting that

>Literally everyone has moved to it, PvP is perfectly balanced

I like DS2 but this is questionable.

If the game really is balanced than why do you only meet naked katana users in the arenas?

This is what I was planning to do.
I see. What options for respec/level loss do I have if any?

What are you talking about? They fixed binoboost, havylen, santiers, balanced daggers and hexes... what exactly didn't they fix?


Because releasing an unfinished mess and then expecting people to buy it again for the actually working version is bullshit.

Also many of the bosses and areas like Heide are still utter shit.

>Dark Souls 2
>Rich lore

Ahhh I see, you're mentally impaired. My apologies I thought I was speaking with an actual person.

Twinking isn't something that just happens with game progression though, you actually have to put effort into making a twink in Ds1 and a little in Ds3 unless you have some fuckbuddy who has all the endgame gear, in Ds2 soul memory was a big issue for new players or people not interested in pvp because unless you wanted to give up a ring slot you were always pumping souls to farm for things or whatnot and it just wasn't fair for players.
Ds2 was a travesty and will forever remain the favorite of Pcucks simply because it was the only fun thing for them to do for the longest time

you fucked up, stick to le honor bridge
anyway I never have a problem with katana users, unless they're actually competent at the game, in which case they could do as well with a multitude of other weapons

I did get rekt. Not by the game itself, but by the promises of an actually good sequel to Dark Souls. I tried my best to like it; I played through multiple times with different characters and builds, played all the DLC, beat NG+, got the new ending in Scholar, etc.
But the more I played it the more I realized how much worse it was, and it only took one playthrough of Dark Souls afterwards to really cement just how bad DS2 is in comparison. It really boggles my mind how people honestly defend this game so much.

just tell me another game that has got universally great reviews by both critics and users and that is at the very least not good

>perfectly balenced PVP

Yeah, and it only took a fucking year of utter bullshit to get there.

What about it? Practically nobody is playing through the game anymore, the only reason anyone still plays it is for the pvp, which is what it's best at, and SM doesn't make a lot of difference there. Just so we're clear, I'm not defending soul memory, in fact, I hate it. It's a fucking stupid ass mechanic, but it doesn't ruin the whole game or something.

If you don't want to do PvP in DaS2 you don't have to though, so I don't really see the problem in that regard.

You were invaded with or without humanity

>playing that much something you hate

so you're just an idiot then, i enjoyed the game and even i didn't put that much time on it

Not if you burned it. And it's human effigies.

>Why does Sup Forums hate it again?

because it's still Dark Souls 2.

It's why DmC Definitive Edition was shat on. Despite all the "fixes" it's still DmC

The game would be perfectly balanced if some hitboxes wouldn't be far too big.

>guy backstabs me from the front and hurts me with his spear without actually touching me because i am standing next to him and not infront him

ADP is an interesting mechanic and i don't get the hate for the mechanic itself but the way people abuse it is really annoying.

RE4 was not literally the opposite of the previous games; that's RE6. RE4 still has a lot of things in common: slow ass enemies, locked doors everywhere that require lots of backtracking, limited inventory space and ammo, etc. Hell it even still has tank controls and you still have to stop to shoot.
It's more action oriented and rather than taking place in one central location it has multiple levels, but it really does have a lot in common with the old games still.
I really wanted to like it. I even thought it was a pretty decent game at first, that's why I played it a lot.
But no, I can't deny it any more. It sucks. I don't play a lot of AAA garbage so I don't get super disappointed at games that much, so when it happens it gets to me.

it's a shitty pvp game
unbalanced and with turd netcode

>Literally everyone has moved to it, PvP is perfectly balanced
>Story is still speculated upon to this day, drawing upon it's own rich lore
>Best armor/wep designs in the entire series
Great bait dude, dank memes for sure.

>still can be invaded
>only lasts brief amount of time
fuck off Pcuck play BB and then see what a good PvP game is

>>guy backstabs me from the front and hurts me with his spear without actually touching me because i am standing next to him and not infront him
That is not hitboxes related but lag related.The backstabbing in DS2 was actually reworked and you can even miss on your backstabs.

Every souls game is a shitty PvP game if you're playing just for PvP. The combat mechanics just aren't deep enough for multiplayer, the matches all turn into roll fests no matter what build you have. PvP is fine when you're playing the main game, it adds interesting moments to it, but I don't understand why people care about actual Souls PvP so much.

>go to the blood arena
>meet a katanafag
>on the bridge

Fucker suicided because he knows that he only has the advantage on the big open arena where he can easily evade everything.

>good PvP
You must be joking. PvP in Bloodborne was utter shit.

>Good PvP
Pick one.
NONE of the Souls games have notably good PvP either.

You can burn effigies at the bonfire to keep out invasions if you don't want to PvP.

Most of the complaints about DaS2 seem to be from people that haven't even played the game and just parroting random shit, or were oblivious to the way the game worked.

>good pvp game

you only get cucked by bellbongs and rat covenants, but nobody is in those anymore. also blueberries, but THE GUILTY PAY THE PRICE. red eye orbs can't invade you, which is the most common.
>waah I have to use more because it doesn't last forever like in 1
grow up

Because it's shit and the Lore is made for tin foil retards

>DLC added more weapons to be utilized
>any weapon can be used for a build and made good unlike Ds2 where it was katanas that were the only viable weapon
>no soul memory so you knew where to cap yourself and would be invaded by people of fairly similar or less skill
yea no

>BB pvp
Yeah. I really liked how they gave invaders and players a shitload of ways to heal themselves plus the speed to do it while fighting. You don't even need to run away.

Except all the complaints they parrot are true, even if they haven't played it.
The level design and enemy placements are just plain bad.
The combat mechanics are even worse.
Adaptability, while maybe an interesting idea on paper, was horribly implemented.
Boss and enemy variety is absolutely abysmal.
Etc, etc.

I played Dark Souls 2 and I thought it was utter shit. I never touched SotFS because it looked like it went to the extreme with the whole "THIS GAME IS HARD" bullshit.

At least DaS3 (only like 3 hours in) made it harder than DaS but not artificially difficult like in DaS2 (except for that one part with the spear chucker)

>the matches all turn into roll fests no matter what build you have.
Good thing you can actually catch rolls in ds2, then. Drakekeeper Greataxe is probably the best for that. If you played the game, you'd know what I'm talking about, but you probably don't.

You can parry heals, though.

Still an invasion which cements the fact that players would still be forced to play against other players who tailored their builds to fight rather than just do PvE

>katanas are the only viable weapon
stop posting about games you don't actually play

BB is my favorite From game but the PvP really wasn't good.

Just look at this shit.

>implying they werent
Not him but katanas are the king of pvp in Ds2 at least

then fucking play offline, you gigantic pussy
maybe dark souls isn't for you

'cause it's poopy

Only on the open field.

Nobody ever uses katanas on the bridges.

Just because you can catch rolls doesn't make the combat any more interesting. It's very clearly built for PvE, not PvP.
And I have played PvP, I just used caestus cause they were the only weapon I actually had fun with. And even then I just played it for a few days and got all I could out of the PvP. Souls PvP just isn't that interesting, and it's not the main focus of the games either. It's just a little extra on top.

wow that changes everything

It lasts a half-hour.

Why are you guys such shitters?

I'm now convinced that you never even played DaS2.

>perpetually punishing those who make mistakes/are bad
Only shit games do this. Ds2 was shit. Notice how no other souls game did this, only the one coded by a beta fag team of autists.

I won't deny katanas have more advantages than other weapons, counter damage, bleed (lol), great movesets, etc, but if you actually unironically think katanas are the only viable weapons then you probably don't actually play the game and just parrot what Sup Forums shitposts about