This looks awful.
Why would they turn an ulta-violent hack-and-slash game into another shitty cinematic snore-fest?
This looks awful.
Why would they turn an ulta-violent hack-and-slash game into another shitty cinematic snore-fest?
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Gonna make these threads every day?
Because the fans who grew up with GoW are no longer immature and horny 12 year olds any more.
It's fucking 2016
Shut up chad, go play football games with your dudebros
>This looks awful.
Yes it does.
>Why would they turn an ulta-violent hack-and-slash game into another shitty cinematic snore-fest?
Naughty Dog tier cinematic movie games are the new cancer.
inb4 nu Sup Forums cocksuckers and sonyggers
I mean, they're making the right decision for the normie audience. Friends of mine who never gave a shit about GoW suddenly care about this one. Personally, this looks like Last Of Us with more enemy variety and slightly better combat, which I like, but they spent more than half of that footage focusing on some random kid I don't give a fuck about. At least TLOU had a cute girl.
I agree. Us fellow gamers are growing up, and are franchises are growing up with us :^)
I wonder if other franchises will end up being The Last of Us clones?
Im going off memory but were there even more than 2 enemies on the screen at once?
even if your post is ironic, you are correct
I think there was only two smaller enemies and then a larger 'boss'
because unfortunately, more people will talk about a Last of Us style game on twitter than if they made another kickin-rad "male power fantasy" like the first 3 games.
Wife of Son
It's sad how correct this shitpost is. It's sad because somehow it's mandatory for everything to 'mature' even if in some cases, it worked perfectly fine in its original, somewhat juvenile state.
south park tackled this whole thing recently and i really liked how they concluded with "we're politically incorrect but so what, we are all kinda shitty when you get down to it anyway, just be who you are even if it's stupid and immature"
Anyone who mentions The last of us in this thread is a literal redditor
The last of us
It's not like god of war ever had problems with sales or appealing to 'normies'. I doubt this new shitty direciton is gonna outsell gow3.
the bait is pretending God of War wasn't a "cinematic experience" before right?
Calm down youve only seen like 10 minutes of gameplay
If anything it is reminiscent of Dark Souls so the skill should be immense.
With any luck this shit will flop just as hard as The Order did.
Though I have a strong feeling that sony will definitely provide the big bucks for this one.
I guess normie was the wrong word. They're still gonna bring in a larger market share with this.
Shit IP get a shitty remake
Suddenly people here bandwagon pretending to be original GOW fans who are outraged. There was a time when admitting to liking GOW would get you shitposted to death (as you should, play NG or DMC instead you pleb)
Thats exactly the fucking point we dont need another dark souls game when Dark souls exist and we've had a million other clones coming to try to be the next dark souls.
I dont want another dark souls game I want a fucking God of war game you faggot.
with that logic Sup Forums must mature like its audience but stay like shit since the beginning
you should be used to this by now
It'll do better than this though
Dark Souls doesn't have any story or fixed camera shit though. The combat doesn't look similar either. I don't even understand how you came to the conclusion that it's like Souls at all.
Perhaps I l'm fan of Ninja Gaiden, Devil May Cry, and God of War at the same time, and I respect the differences between them.
Because it's the only thing Sony fans care about now
What's with the beard?
>watch the video above
>Stan Lee comes to God of War 3 dev team
>he says that he likes writing dialogues, he wants to make a game with toooons of dialogue
>sarcastically remarks yeah that would sell really well
>everyone laughs at his silly joke
>fast forward 8 years
>God of War: God of War is announced
>it's a game where you walk around slowly behind your son and talk to him
Yeah fuck you Stan Lee.
the bait is pretending this shitpost is what anyone actually thinks, right?
Should have paid more attention in those ESL classes Mr Patel
developers probably wanted to do a father and son story about Norse shit, maybe didn't even include Norse shit in the beginning who knows?
but Sony tells them to make it about GoW
they're only using the GoW name for marketing
>talk to friends who love TloU about this game
>they love it
lets be honest here: GoW is a dudebro franchise and turning it into a tlou clone will make money.
blame the cinematic game lovers
TLOU appeals to basic masculine traits (having a family/daughter to project, having a sweet beard, being tired of everyone's shit, getting too old for everyone's shit, shooting guns, being very violent)
I feel like they're trying to make games more "mature" in response to people who say you're too old to play video games. So they make games more artsy and cinematic, and well, less fun. In my opinion, if you feel like you need to proove that you're mature by playing "mature" games, then that kind of just proves the opposite.
It's probably going to still be ultra-violent.
I'll be getting it regardless, I enjoyed GoW 1-3 and am interested to see what else they will do with Kratos. Though if I'm being honest I wish they would have just done a completely new protag/story and fully reboot the franchise.
I thought Kratos arc ended perfectly with 3, but I've only played 1-3 so I'm not sure what other nonsense happened in the others.
This overly-zoomed in 3rd person shit is a bit weird for melee focused combat though. Isn't the new Ninja Theory game almost exactly the same way? I haven't been following that just saw a vid someone posted here but I could see it going really poorly if they just try and ape the souls series but with a shittier camera.
the thing is, there are plenty of mature games one can point to, plenty of meaningful games 'pushing the industry forward' or giving new experiences. there is already loads of that. too much in fact. that implies that games from the 90s and early 2000s are now regarded as juvenile and childish, something to be moved-on from, like you can outgrow good visual design or something.
nah man it needs to be all washed out and touchyfeely to be engaging.
the GoW series always marketed itself as a "mature" series. It was groundbreaking at the time of it's original release for the brutality of of it's executions and the off-putting nature of it's anti-hero protagonist.
I suspect neither of you have the slightest understanding of this franchise.
this, what the hell are you talking about?
Insecure people and their money are soon parted.
too much style over substance over me
?? it's almost entirely substance
If it was on PC people would be jerking off to it nonstop
>GOW3 was six entire years ago
This happens in literally every fucking medium. Once the market is saturated with AAA movie-esque "cinematic experiences" studios will buck the trend and reflex back to more gameplay-focused releases.
What you and the user you've replaied to are experiencning is literally called "getting older". You like how video games were when you were in your young formative years. This is how every human feels about all entertainment ever and is a tired ass conversation.
I don't mean mature as in having an M rating, I mean mature as in having a deep thought provoking narrative.
cinematic DMC. In some case you are right but the way they stripped down combos to button mashing is awful.
God of War games always took themselves deadly serious
2006 was not my 'formative years', though. And things were fine then. It was 2007 when things really went to shit and you know damn well shit hasn't gotten better since then, it's only gotten worse. It's not a matter of growing up or cynicism, it's just looking at the deteriorating qualities of most forms of media. the old is still there and can be compared to the new, and the new does not measure up
oh shit is that Denzel Curry?
'06 was literally a decade ago user... How fucking old are you?
I'm nearly 29 ;_;
I'm not saying things have gotten better either, I don't think they have. I'm just saying that we are both experiencing a very real and observable human phenomenon of preferring what you grew up with.
Sup Forumsirgins 10 years from now will be pining for good old days of "cinematic experiences" and extolling Naughty Dog as one of the greatest devs ever. Don't think it'll happen? Look at what happened with Halo. I've sat on this board and watched that series go from a literal meme to nostalgia bait for the generation after me, it's surreal.
the 2010's sucks for most industries.They have been stripped down to a mere minimum so most innovating stuff come from underground or the people who actually have balls. For kids growing up now this is good since they dont know better but I have to admit that I don't like where gaming is going.
>Sup Forumsirgins 10 years from now will be pining for good old days of "cinematic experiences" and extolling Naughty Dog as one of the greatest devs ever.
But nobody likes this shit in the time it is currently happening. everyone loved the 90s. people in the 90s popculture scene were pretty happy, and they got a lot of cool games. in the modern era, most people are generally unhappy about the modern era. most things are identifiably shitty unless you're a fan of BBT and eating shit is your favorite pastime.
are you fucking trolling, you must be. you are talking about god of war, the game with the fish costume, god killing, and sex scenes, that god of war, that never took itself seriously at all and was heavily QA'd with feedback incorporated into each sequel?
it was intended to be completely serious
God of War was DmC before DmC
> nobody likes this shit in the time it is currently happening
>unless you're a fan of BBT and eating shit is your favorite pastime
These are simply not true. You've just become too far removed from the cancerous normies of the world man.
I work with an office full of people that talk about the new episode of BBT and are so hyped for the latest capshit movie and moviegame. It's fucking horrifying but absolutely the real.
Because the last game got fucking lambasted by fucking Sessler for not being feminist enough so now they are gonna try to turn it into TLoU for better reviews
Okay well the behind the scenes documentaries and bonuses included in every game for gitting gud tell a different story but you can believe what you want.
at least whoever is making capeshit for disney seems to know what the fuck they are doing, i can't say the same for DC though holy shit
Yeah, because maturity equals to raising other's kids
This and it's going to work too. Played like a damn fiddle.
God of War was always shit and Kratos is a shitty character
Nobody cares
What fucking kills me is how these pretentious assholes are really trying to convince people that the Kratos that has been in this series for a decade could ever become a father figure
He fucking destroys the world in 3 with his selfish quest to kill the gods for revenge, slaughters people who could vaguely be in his way and murders innocent bystanders for health
How the fuck do you expect me to take this plot seriously when I know this Kratos is full of shit