>Friday night
>he isn't getting some 1ccs
God, you're pathetic.
Friday night
Other urls found in this thread:
But... i just like the fandom
Don't you want to laugh in their faces while flaunting your superiority to them?
Joke's on you, I just 1cced IN on Hard with the Netherworld team.
Is she autistic?
Also what the fuck happened with MoF
>continues leave you on the start of the stage
>bombs are power dependant
>there are also all the same
>the backgrounds are as epileptic as possible
Not everyone is a pompous jackass like MaZe.
>Also what the fuck happened with MoF
ZUN decided he should try making a game while sober
what does 1ccs even mean?
It means that you have become a man.
desu I'd rather become a little girl
>third easiest game in the series
What are the first and second? I'm desperate to beat one, closest I've gotten is in PCB
PCB is supposedly the easier
You're on the right track then, PCB is the second easiest. It's also the one I'd recommend people try first. But the easiest of them all is Lotus Land Story, shit was so easy I got a 1cc in my first try.
1 credit, no continues.
Letty confirmed for worst stage 1 boss.
Well, I was trying to 1cc UFO before that but I keep getting to Byakuren with no lives and losing almost immediately and I was starting to get really frustrated so I decided to replay something easier.
>but I keep getting to Byakuren with no lives
Let me guess.
reimu needs to be stopped
he was too good for this world
Pretty much but Minamitsu isn't any better either.
I'm having F U N tonight
>thank god i didn't have to see her horrible danmaku
Reimu saying it like is. Youkai should be purged.
I found a fix to play vertical ToHo!
Its called ResizeEnabler, used it for my porn hrpg games.
Sounds like pure shipperbait
>yfw Renko is part youkai
ZUN wouldn't do that, would he
Is it me or Marisa likes blondes way too much?
I can relate to Marisa then
>not scoring
I have a good reason.
Shu'm'ups aren't my cup of tea. I had a hard time with the shu'm'up DLC in SK2.
I would probably get fucking murdered in Touhou.
>friday night
>playing weeb games
>being an autist on purpose
>Reimu being a cunt
>Marisa trying to be sweet
>Sakuya trying to be precise and being mature
>Youmu being a dork and only talking about Yuyuko
Did I miss anything?
>Marisa trying to be sweet
>Sakuya trying to be precise and being mature
I really like this picture, just as much as I like bumping threads.
>OP image is pc-98
my nigga
favorite pc-98? mine is rika probably.[spoiler/]
Rika is the only good PC-98hu.
>not getting everything you can out of games
>completing once and moving on
Maybe you should go back to interactive movies.
Marisa isn't trying to be sweet, she's just showing off her danmaku boner.
And I guess Sakuya is "precise and being mature", but her gimmick is that she rates everything depending on its relation with the mansion or how useful it'd be for the mansion. Except for Chen. Sakuya confirmed for cat person.
>SHMUPs are still exactly the same they've been for the past 20 years
I wish someone would come along and innovate the genre. With savepoints, tons of crazy upgrades and less hard. Not every game in the genre has to be a memory exercise
I agree.Prepare for the MUH HARDCORE GAMES GIT GUD people.
>With savepoints, tons of crazy upgrades and less hard.
*clears throat*
Touhou 15
Easy game
Have fun user and salute best girl while you reach her
>Not 2hu Doctor Who
>best girl
Why is Reimu so based?
Yeah, no. PC-98 Reimu is best Reimu.
>Implying grumpy Reimu isn't the miracle of the universe
>hurr durr im not a youkai dont exterminate me
Anti-Reimu shitters GTFO
ZUN is at AX right now
Ask him about Mima
stupid sexy clown
Ask him about TH17
That's a big banana
its my "banana" if you know what im saying ;)
I don't. Please explain.
Im not even there
when i say "banana" i actually mean my penis
Actual cancer
No even worse, autistic cancer
Is your penis deformed?
I don't understand, how is that funny?
dif user here and i'm circumcised. hardly have any feeling in my donger
i'm really jealous of uncuts
a complete victim of parents falling for the "snip your baby's penis" meme
Goddamn, Reimu is fucking hilarious.
Girl literally has ran out of fucks to give.
>Youmu's scores are 7,8,7,8,7,8,7,8
I don't get it.
It means "Dork"
>1cc in the thread title
>shitposter never showed up
I wonder what that means?
She's childish.
Don't jinx us, please.
>oh look the "shitposter" is here
>oh I wonder where the "shitposter" is
End yourself
>continues leave you on the start of the stage
And that happened with SA and UFO too
I just got a box with something Touhou related in it.
Why is it that fans hate it when other fans give 2hus a voice in a fan project, I remember there was this fan anime that had good animation but no voices
Japs are really autistic about VAs
>broken keyboard
But the game isn't that hard.
Youmu isn't even that hard.
Plus I search that with every 2hu
It goes against what they imagine the Touhou character would sound like. Also what said, once a person voices a character in something official in Japan, then it's that characters voice until the person voicing them fucking dies and stops existing.
Not like it matters for someone like me, because as far as I'm concerned, I will always imagine Sakuya's voice being Miyuki Sawashiro.
Youmu was frustrating but she wasn't that bad. Also she's garbage to fap to, just go fap to Yuyuko or Yukari instead if you really wanted to rage fap.
Riddle me this
How come the games used to have the silluette of the extra boss but after in they just have the final boss?
Why the hell didn't he did this with PCB too
Yuyukofag here
I find it really hard, somehow.
The only touhous I have fapped to so far are CP and Doremy.
>rage fap
But she's easy
>extra boss
Same shit.
I am, just not in Touhou.
That's stupid, why is japan so stupid? They're like. the only country in the world that cares about voices and cast, Dr. Who literally changes actors every season and no one gives a shit, but if you dare replace uguu kawaii school girl VA with another uguu kawaii school girl VA you get the cross
You get infinite continues, that's why they send you back to the beginning of the stage.
shut your mouth youmu is beautiful
Youmu is the most boring fucking protagonist and it's why I don't like her.
shes a protagonist?
People call recurring playable-in-mainline-games characters "protagonists"
And since she's been playable in 3 mainline games (IN, PoFV and TD), she's a protagonist.
Every stage 5 boss becomes one aparently.
Today I reached stage 5 in MoF and fuck I didn't know Sanae used to be a bitch.
I'm hope for Clownpy-chan to be playable next tho
>Every stage 5 boss becomes one aparently.
Hey you guys got your new fumos, right?
Alright, only the good ones
>only the good ones
Screencaping this for use for whenever Clownpiece isn't playable in a mainline game.
Like it or not, only Sup Forums hates on Reisen, most people like her since IN
>screencapping this as well for when she does
>B-but LoLK was good, look at all these quality new "fans" it got