Post overrated games
Post overrated games
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nah for its influence on the industy.sure some side of it aged like milk but the game is still fine.
OP here
sorry i meant to post witcher 3
>best game in it's genre
lmao teh b8
and the witcher sucks btw
Arin pls
>inb4 hl2 tech demo meme
(You) first OP.
>physically can't be over rated it's that good
>Pic unrelated
Im honestly starting to think its underrated with how many people.are coming out of the woodwork to shit on it just cause it was highly regarded at some point.
Every paper mario,except for that one on wii
I really really liked souls, I used to do nothing but fuck around in it and get the combat down to a science. However the way it's been treated since it came out on pc killed it for me. I'm not talking shit about pc players nor am I saying they are at fault, I can't identify who it was that caused the shift so I won't place blame on anyone, I own a pc and played this on it for sotfs and 3 while owning des Das and das2 for the ps3 so do know I'm not being a shitter here. The series "soul" just died for me when that change in the community and reception happened.
lots of kids born in the late 90s are just starting to play it these past few years, and they shit on it because of its dated combat, and its puzzles that take more than 30 seconds to figure out.
Post games that came out before OP was born
Got this in 5th grade and my friends played OOT till 2005
What genre is that? I only asks because Nintendo likes to make up their own unique snowflake genres for so many of their games.
>"""""open air"""""
It is certainly superior to neo nintendo zeldas
Then again, there are also kids who worship it blindly just because you are "supposed to do so". I guess that it has kind of died down during the last years, but it was annoying at one point.
>dated combat
The combat is just as smooth as it was 18 years ago. Honestly I have absolutely no idea how anyone could say Ocarina of Time's combat is dated, especially when every other 3D Zelda to come after it (barring Skyward Sword) has nearly the exact same combat mechanics. The only thing about Ocarina of Time that aged poorly are the graphics, and the same is true for any early 3D game.
No one worshiped it because they were supposed to.
When it FIRST came out it was loved
If there is games that are worshipped because they have to be is new games that came out recently especially with OVER WATCH
OVERWATCH and all the shit aaa shill threads
Name me one game whose re-play value was simply because it was good
i say dated because it's so dependent on the z-targeting mechanic, since the only way to control the camera is to center it. most third person games these days, or perhaps all of them, allow you to move the camera at will.
Overrated, AND shit
your favorite
Metal Gear Solid 5
>dated combat
It was revolutionary when it first came out
and it is better then modern zeldas
only thing out there that is better is games like blade symphony and in a 2d sense binding of isaac
Metal gear rising revengeance
This is a personal opinion though, I played it for months after release nonstop.
Fuck, no replies...
No one disagrees
Yeah, I Agree, Zelda is overrated, but it was godlike when it came out, now if you compare it to a modern game is bad.
So if yoy say is overrated and bad, you are probably a millenian kid who didnt play it in the 90's as you should
I agree that the love for OOT was genuine when it came out and for many years after that, then afterwards its "best game ever" status sort of became a holy cow that no-one dared to question for years. I love the game too, but no game ever deserves the kind of "IT'S THE BEST GAME EVER ITS FLAWLESS HOW YOU EVEN DARE TO SAY OTHERWISE" -style of fanboyism that OOT gotin many, many communities.
The most incredible game ever forged by the hand of man or the gods that is Ocarina Of Time just became better.
When done right Zelda is not simply a videogame but akin to having a religious experience.
Well like its predecessor Link To The Past before it all it seems that Ocarina ever does is the right things to move the Zelda series forward.
If only Eiji Aonuma had never been born, then Zelda's progress would not of taken 200 steps back from this epic acheivement in gaming and human history that was and is The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time.
As a hero character Link has so much untapped potential and marketability it is ridiculous and yet as a character he is horrifically and pathetically mismanaged by Aonuma and underutilized by Nintendo.
Link and the Zelda series deserves far better than this clown Eiji Aonuma and I hope to either a loving god/s or even an uncaring universe that one day justice is served and Eiji Aonuma FINALLY is removed from the Zelda series development along with the entire Zelda team which he assembled after OOT which he selected who share the same sick ideas he has about what the series is supposed to be.
Well moving on to the rest of my review...
Ocarina Of Time has become better with this edition to re-iterate a previous point.
And NO its betterment is not owed to Nintendo's atrociously horrible 3D idea but rather because of the beautiful graphical reworking the company has done to an already good looking game that really held up in appearance quite respectably since it's original 1998 release on the Nintendo 64 home game console.
Also owing to its superiority when compared to it's previous incarnations is how much more functional and fluid the game has become due to the accompaniment of the 3DS's dual screen feature which allows you to access items such as the iron boots much quicker than could be done in the past on the home console versions of the game.
In anycase though this greatest game of all time is often criticized by fools and traitors ie Aonuma Zelda fans and related Nintendo damage controllists for having a mostly empty Hyrule field, yet the fact of the matter is the Hyrule field in this game is the greatest ever created since the series conception only rivalled by The Legend Of Zelda: A Link To The Past's version of Hyrule.
A testament to the ridiculously pleasing design of the field is that despite all of these long years passing as videogames became increasingly sophisticated, powerful with awe inspiring graphics Zelda OOT's Hyrule field is still preferred over the newer "Aonuma Zelda" Hyrule field in Twilight Princess and thats despite the Aonuma Zelda title's field being filled with far more action and things to do in general.
This speaks to the superiority of Shigeru Miyamoto and others as Zelda directors and the utter inferiority of Eiji Aonuma in that same position over Zelda.
In anycase to touch on the dual screen functionality again I will say it really is quite incredible, it makes having to remember your Ocarina songs to trigger certain game actions such as warping to a new location or summoning your horse Epona into a thing of the past.
And I'd add that it's somewhat same situation with FF VII. Is it a great JRPG? Yes! Was it extremely impressive technically when it came out? Yes! Is it still good? Yes, it hasn't dated in any meaningful way (because character models aren't exactly that important after all).
But still, does it really deserve all that reputation as the best JRPG ever? That I'm not so sure about, and it sort of feels that it got that reputation by being the first JRPG that really reached out to the masses when it came out (and we all know that the first time is usually the best with vidya).
you're moms pussy
It's underrated tho
Waiting for remaster and hopefully sequel after that
Bottom line is this is a 5 star game.
Reason being?
Amazon's system won't allow me to rate it any higher.
Buy this game!
Especially so if you've grown up never having experienced it before.
You'll soon see how inferior Eiji Aonuma's so called "Zelda" games are in comparison.
The man is a hack that MUST be fired from Nintendo, he and his Zelda team for the series to ever produce a game at or beyond Ocarina Of Time's level ever again.
Literally fap material meets autism, the game
Should have gotten more praise, that way Ubi would have maybe gotten it through their thick heads that people enjoy seeing different things.
I'm still pissed off that I believed Sup Forums when it said that Splatoon would be good. Yeah, the core idea is sort of fun, but at the end of the day it was unbalanced as fuck, it had surprisingly little content and it lacked many options that an online shooter should have. You can't customize your loadout between round without leaving the mm lobby, really?
if you fap to this and your older then the characters themselves by 4-5 years you need to be locked up in a mental asylum.
Neo-nintendo is fucking shit though
Fuck off, SJW shitter.
overrated as opposed to what? Because the mainstream hates that game and NV
sjw's are pedophiles though
Go home Arin
SJW the darpa meme
Sjws litterally defend pedophiles
Have you been living under a rock?
>influence on the industy
care to elaborate with some facts on that buddy? If you had said SM64 I'd agree but not OoT.
Literally any Zelda game.
>now if you compare it to a modern game is bad.
I played OoT way after it was released and still enjoyed it a lot. It's only worse than modern games in graphics/ framerate.
nah everyone praises it to high heavens, while it's full of modern boring shit shooters have, shitty "ironic" humor, plus the last boss is a qte
How has nobody posted this yet?
OoT had an influence on the way open world RPG's were meant to be played. Up until that point, the vast majority of RPG's were instanced turn based or ATB, or some other variation of that. OoT brought more action to a genre where innovation had stagnated during the days of SNES.
I think everyone realises it's shit but it's addictive and apart from 1.6 it's the best we have
Fuck off nigger
What's the name of the girl that did the chaika cosplay.
The Zelda series is action/adventure it's not an RPG and never has been one. Anything else you'd like to cite that's actually factual information or are you still digging through your ass?
>things like MGS3 and TLoU revolutionized the industry
>Sup Forums calls them overrated anyway
>OoT revolutionized the industry back in the day
>Sup Forums for some reason it's not allowed to call it overrated too
This fucking board I swear
Never said it was an RPG, I was talking about the way it influenced the RPG genre.
I would say MGS1 was more revolutionary than MGS3
Tomb raider more then TLoU
OoT had no influence on anything open world as it didn't do anything truly original that hadn't been done before.
It already gets way too much praise for the shitty boat combat, you board 2-3 ships you've already seen everything that there is to it. Even if they stripped the game of the awful on foot content, the entire piracy/naval aspect of the game suffers of being shallow like many features of AssCreed, melee combat is nothing special, and so on.
The fuck you talking about idiot
in 1998 it was the game with the biggest overworld
>TLoU revolutionized the industry
How? Because some other Sony game is copying it?
>he's never heard of Elder Scrolls: Daggerfall which came out in 1996
>in 1998 it was the game with the biggest overworld
Were you born in 2005 or are you just retarded?
If you don't agree you don't know what you're talking about
But Daggerfall wasn't true 3D, whereas OoT was. and if you really want to get autistic about it, it was actually the 1986 release of The Legend of Zelda that first introduced open world environments.
When do you think the turning point came when most people thought it was shit. I mean for a mod, it was pretty good by early 2000 standards, but I feel that 1 day people just finally admitted it's garbage.
Was it around the time CS:GO was released?
>OoT had no influence on anything open world
Meanwhile Sqeenix has gone away from their traditional system to an action oriented system, and pretty much every RPG these days follow this Action-first/Open world-centric style.
Now take your hands off those goal posts buddy, you said "biggest overworld" without stating anything about 3D/2.5D etc. Daggerfall's map is 60k+ sq mi while OoT is probably at best guess I'd say 20sq mi hell I'll be generous and say 50 sq mi.
The first Zelda did not introduce open world enviroments either, it certainly was one of the first but Ultima and Elite came before it.
the only fps where the villain actually wins and kicks you and all your friends asses
>influence on the industy
If you honestly have no grasp on the influence of Ocarina of Time (which still permeates the industry to this day) you have no fucking business shitposting on a board for video game fans.
FFIX, FFX, FFXII, FFXIII none of these were "open world" in any true sense. Many games have since done action/open world and many did it before.
OoT is not special in this regard and other than targeting systems for 3D on consoles it had no influence.
>you said "biggest overworld"
No, that was a different user, I always try to have civilized discussions without abusing others.
>care to tell me in what way OoT influenced games?
>I don't have to explain it to you!
I didn't know Zeldafags were the fedoralords of vidya
Daggerfall's 3D use was questionably necessary.
It was pretty much an RPG version of Doom as far as 3D environments go.
You're completely ignorant to the groundbreaking leaps in game design, gameplay mechanics and player/controller amalgamation featured in Ocarina of Time.
The game literally redefined the expectations of interactive entertainment.
>Z-targeting is an ingenious and eloquent solution to real-time 3D combat. You could strafe, skip around your opponent, block, parry, backflip, use an item from your inventory - all without it ever becoming confusing. Go back and look at early Playstation games and realise how FUCKED 3D gaming was before ooT.
>The genius inclusion of the companion fairy, who would point things out, drop hints and offer comfort to the player (bearing in mind this was when playing in 3D was new and could have easily overwhelmed the player).
>Or what about the secluded forest opening portion of the game. A brilliant piece of game design which acts as a tutorial sectional making (at that time) a relatively complex control scheme as second nature as breathing by the time you step out into the full game world?
>What about the entire fucking control pad doubling as a musical instrument and weaved into the gameplay?
>Context sensitive controls. Every other game tried to include a button for EVERY action. Nintendo gave you ONE button to press - it's use changing depending on the situation. They even removed the need for a jump button. All of this is innovative design which frees the player's mind from doing the donkey work so they can concentrate on more complicated issues and just plain ENJOY the game.
>Even simple things like using the in-game graphics engine for cut scenes so that the player doesn't lose immersion.
And those are the tip of the iceberg of what OoT achieved.
All of this shit might seem obvious game design 101 now but thats only because devs have stood on the shoulders of giants for the past 20 years. It still doesn't excuse your complete fucking ignorance.
>Or what about the secluded forest opening portion of the game. A brilliant piece of game design which acts as a tutorial sectional making (at that time) a relatively complex control scheme as second nature as breathing by the time you step out into the full game world?
I can't remember a game pre-OoT that had a proper tutorial like that. Every game I remember just thrust you right into the game without knowing a thing.
>God-tier game design
Megaman X.
I don't see the appeal of Zelda games. They're all practically the same plot. A chosen hero fool wanderer ventures out into the unknown, finds a legendary sword and rescues the princess. Nothing about the deku trees, the sky castle, or the ancients, or whatever the gimmick was interested me long enough to complete a single game.
>inb4 you have to complete a game to know it's good
It was boring as fuck.
It had a tutorial level, but it didn't have prompts, explanations and instructions like OoT had. It was basically just throwing you straight in to the game but at a slightly easier difficulty.
>Nothing about the deku trees
To be fair the Zelda games first dungeons are mainly shit for children to get introduced into dungeoning, wind waker is an exception because the good dungeons where actually cut. I personally like the Zelda games but I'll never praise it for anything really. So technically speaking the criticism about completing the games making your opinion a lesser developed one is valid in this argument
>my opinion is bait
I'm literally just posting what I think and have always thought since I got that cartridge for the N64 all those years ago. I've never finished a Zelda game, but at least I can play the Triforce Heroes one with my little brothers.
Oh look at all that shit developers improved and made it better than OoT did yet never got the recognition they deserved also some of the "innovations" it did managed to turn into the cancer that it's killing vidya, press X to action, cutscenes that double as gameplay, if you think about it Zelda killed any hope modern games had for the future
Name 5 modern games with good dungeons.
Fuck off, Egoraptor.
What does that have to do with anything that I said? What I said was a fair amount of the game is litterally just means for introducing children to the game which can make the first half of the games very boring shit that would make a person quit much like the person I was responding too.