So now that the dust has settled, Should we gather for whiskey and cigars tonight?

So now that the dust has settled, Should we gather for whiskey and cigars tonight?

She's back. Are you hyped Sup Forums?

I just want the second game. I'm pretty hyped. Some more gameplay would be nice too.

No, I don't fall for corporate engineered hype culture. I like dishonored but I'm not about to bust a nut because some shit got a sequel especially when I haven't played it yet.

who the fuck gives a shit about her. we all played the DLC for Dauds sweet sweet monologues

I don't remember who that is but I am looking forward to the new game

the domino thing seems a bit ridiculous desu

reminder if you never did a very hard no-kill no-detection non-lethal no-powers no-weapons playthrough you don't deserve to post here

Don't forget improved gameplay over the base game.

She's Delilah Copperspoon, another person marked by the Outsider. She appeared in the first game's DLC where she plotted to possess Emily Kaldwin's body to take the throne, but Daud stopped her.

It seems like she's up to her old shenanigans.

Another night, another patrol with you.

sounds boring

I'm sure you only start with being able to link two people and it probably costs a lot of mana to do. Then you have to upgrade it and it maxes out at 4 people I'm pretty sure.

I never could get into the game, and I normally love stealth games. The gameplay was fine, but I just got bored with the story and setting.

I got a legendary skin for roadhog that I love.
It's the mako skin.

It's more than just a skin.

I really really really really really really REALLY hope we can see our legs when we look down in the final game.

Me to.

I hate that i can't see my feet when I'm playing as roadhog

the OP as fuck outsider powers are the boring part, plen

like assassinating the lord regent is literally about 4 blinks in and out

not to mention you can just use possession to disable all the security devices and blinkity blink around never having to use stealth or timing

I asked Harvey Smith on Twitter and he said they have "partial" body awareness and that it's not like Crysis or the new Battlefield games. So I guess you'll just have your feet for like hopping over things and other things that require leg animations but they won't be there all the time.

Which doesn't make any sense to me as if you're already going to do that why not just have your legs visible all the time.

Yes I believe so

When the first one was being released I said "this looks neat, but these powers look OP and stupid as fuck" and I was right.

Now all I can think is how even more OP and stupid as fuck these powers look.

>now that the dust has settled

I know it doesn't really excuse it but you can opt out of the powers at the beginning and not even have them available to you for the rest of the game. It's better than just willfully not using the powers that are at your fingertips.

I hear the sequel will have a flesh & steel mode that lets you disable the powers'

they're really the worst part of the game

Replaying this game made me realize how incredibly short it is. Glad I didn't pay 60 bucks for it.

Should I get it now or wait another for sale that might pop out throughout the year with a 75% discount? I have no idea if Bethesda will lower the price until D2 is released.

Wow, you totally sound like a savvy consumer and not just like some jaded cunt.

it's 12 shekels on G2A right now, I would say it's worth at least 10 of that

I don't really get the complaints about it being short. I even started a new game and am playing aggressively and high chaos and it's still taking me a while to finish each level. I've only beaten the game and DLCs once and am a few missions into another playthrough of the base game (with probably some other short playing occasionally) and I have 40 hours in the game. I also only paid about $40 for it at release from GMG.

I mean I'm not as good at the game as a lot of the people you see on Youtube but I'm also not rushing through it which I feel makes up a lot of the people who say it's too short.

Sup? It was probably the dumbest thing I ever wasted my time doing. Took me like 8 weeks of playing it every chance I got and saving every 5 minutes. When the sequel comes out I Am Become Death.

it's as long or as short as you want it to be

low chaos + powers is the fastest way since it's like literally turning on cheat codes with god magic

there's a lot of things you will miss by just blinking right over everything, or just shooting everyone and rushing through an area. and some of the parts that can slog on like how you can skip the entire sokolov mansion by climbing a chain can be skipped in seconds if you took your time and really looked. and almost all of the non-lethal eliminations are better than their assassination versions while doubling the amount of stuff you get to do in the mission

You might be a retard.

I just bought and finished the game in 12 hours on the hardest difficulty.

That's including the Daud DLCs and doing every side quest.

You are so good.

Indeed I believe so.

Just let her fucking die, what the fuck.

Also if you never did an all-kill no-detection all-lethal only-rats no-weapons playthrough you don't deserve to post here.

If you haven't filled the city with literally billions of rats you don't understand this video game.

Nope. I died plenty.

You're just shit or lying


I still don't get this. We thwarted her in the DLC. Why wouldn't they have a new villain? Is it really that hard to come up with new villains?

It's really not any more overpowered than the ability to stop time and shoot 4 darts at 4 guys at the same time.

I'm actually glad they're not trying to come up with a new villain. I'm sure it'll be explained in the game but her escaping the painting and coming back to stir shit up again does make sense and eliminates the need for a potentially shitty new antagonist rather than an established one.

I'm pretty sure you can't. They want that space to not have your legs in it so you can actually see the ground.

>Dish on a Red came out in like 2012
>No major breakthroughs
Why is this a thread?

I spent 30 total hours on Dishonored plus the DLC.

I played the game on low chaos ghost playthrough where I fully explore everything and that took me like 26 hours

Then I played through it as a mass murderer abusing the fuck out of my powers to kill everyone on sight and it took me like 3.

I think it really depends on how you play the game.